Remote-access Guide

remote access disclaimer sample

by Ada Jenkins Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Which remote access implementations are covered by this policy?

Remote access implementations that are covered by this policy include, but are not limited to, dial-in modems, Internet, ISDN, ADSL, VPN, and SSH etc. This policy covers all methods of access, wired and wireless data communication.

What is an example disclaimer clause in a website?

This example disclaimer clause allows you to lay claim to your site’s creative assets. However, notifying users of your copyright as soon as they access your site is also important. One effective way to do this is to place a copyright notice in your site’s footer. It should comprise three parts:

What is the best remote access policy for your business?

Regardless, all remote access policies should adhere to the following: Virtual Private Networks (VPNs). It sounds obvious, but it must be said: all access to company data when outside of company-affiliated locations needs to be facilitated through a secure VPN connection.

What is an authorised use disclaimer?

Basically a disclaimer that says that the computer and all resources are for authorised use only and there will be consequences if these terms are not followed.

What is the purpose of remote access policy?

What is the Organization Group policy?

Can two factor authentication be shared?

Does IT Security recommend remote support?


What is remote disclaimer?

version 1.0. By requesting and accepting a remote session from a LogicalDOC Srl representative to remotely assist you with a technical related issue, you accept responsibility for any changes made to the desktop content or system settings.

What should be in a remote access policy?

A remote access policy should cover everything—from the types of users who can be given network access from outside the office to device types that can be used when connecting to the network. Once written, employees must sign a remote access policy acceptance form.

What is the purpose of a remote access policy?

A remote access policy aims to keep corporate data safe from exposure to hackers, malware, and other cybersecurity risks while allowing employees the flexibility to work from remote locations.

What is a remote access standard?

PURPOSE. Remote Access refers to the ability to access UMW network resources while off campus. Security measures for remote access should be implemented based on sensitivity and risk to University systems and data.

What is an access policy?

n. Principles or procedures that control the conditions under which individuals have permission and ability to consult a repository's holdings.

What constraints are available for use in a remote access policy?

Once a remote access policy has authorized a connection, it can also set connection restrictions (called constraints) based on the following: Encryption strength. Idle timeout. IP packet filters.

What does a network policy include?

Network policies are sets of conditions, constraints, and settings that allow you to designate who is authorized to connect to the network and the circumstances under which they can or cannot connect.

Do I Need a Disclaimer?

Yes, you need a disclaimer to protect your website against legal liability. Disclaimers inform users that your site will not be held responsible fo...

Where Do I Put My Disclaimer?

Put your disclaimer where users can easily find it. You can put your disclaimer or disclaimers on a separate page, then link to that page in your...

What Types of Disclaimers Are There?

There are many types of disclaimers that address liabilities for different industries, activities, and content. The most common types of disclaimer...

How Do I Write a Disclaimer?

You can write a disclaimer by modifying a disclaimer template to address any liabilities you have on your site. Using a disclaimer template will ma...

What are confidentiality disclaimers used for?

Confidentiality disclaimers are commonly used in law, education, and healthcare — industries that rely on the transfer of sensitive information. For example, they’re useful in situations where a business needs to ensure attorney–client privilege, safeguard sensitive personal data, or protect private health records.

Where to put disclaimer on website?

Put your disclaimer where users can easily find it. You can put your disclaimer or disclaimers on a separate page, then link to that page in your website menu, website footer, or impressum page if you have one. You should also put your disclaimers on relevant content.

Why do you need a fair use disclaimer?

If your site or app uses content from other sources, you need to include a fair use disclaimer to prevent your business from being accused of copyright infringement. Under the principle of fair use, copyrighted works can be used in certain circumstances without the permission of the copyright owner.

What is a copyright disclaimer?

A copyright disclaimer protects original content against user theft. It explains that you own your website and everything on it — and that there are legal repercussions for using your work without permission.

What is investment disclaimer?

Investment disclaimers state that you take no responsibility for how others act on your advice. No guarantee disclaimers explain the limits of your products or services. The benefit of all disclaimers, no matter the industry, is to safeguard your business interests.

What is a no liability disclaimer?

No responsibility disclaimers address both tangible and intangible damages — for example, physical harm caused by using a product, loss of profits or loss of data, and defamatory comments.

What is a model of views expressed disclaimer?

A model example of a views expressed disclaimer is the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) podcast disclaimer: The FCC’s disclaimer clearly explains to users that the podcast exists to offer guidance, not provide a strict interpretation of FCC policy.

How long do remote users have to log in?

Remote access must be logged in a central database and kept for a period of at least 30 days. Access logs must be reviewed regularly.

What is remote access in a company name?

Remote access is defined as any connection to [COMPANY NAME]’s internal network from a location outside of any affiliated company offices.

What is the purpose of the Company Name policy?

The intent of this policy is to establish guidelines specifically pertaining to remote access to [COMPANY NAME]’s internal network. Preventing unauthorized access to company data from insecure networks is of utmost importance to [COMPANY NAME]. This policy is designed to ensure remote and/or traveling employees have the ability to securely connect to the corporate network without fear of threat and to provide the Company with an additional means of monitoring and controlling access to the internal network.

Is VPN good for remote employees?

The home networks of most remote employees lack the security provided by a large corporate network, making them sitting ducks for hackers. A VPN puts a strong hedge of protection around their connection, keeping the interactions they have with your internal network – from emails to confidential data access – secure.

Is multifactor authentication required for VPN?

And to make it even stronger, we recommend multi-factor authentication as a requirement for VPN access. Restricted use. Remote access privileges shouldn’t be given out in the office like candy, but rather on an as-needed basis.

Can I use a VPN with another VPN?

Users shall not connect to the [COMPANY NAME] VPN while also using another VPN.

Do authorized users share login credentials?

Authorized users must protect their login credentials and must not share them with anyone for any reason. All inbound connections to [COMPANY NAME] internal networks must pass through an access control point before the user can reach a login banner.

What is a logon disclaimer?

Logon disclaimers are really just a warning, or a scare tactic. To truly protect the company from user actions not within the realm of computer crimes laws the company is under you'll need a SIGNED Acceptable Use Policy. It's possible to circumvent rules and regulations without signed cover your a$$ documentation.

What is an unauthorized attempt to circumvent security features?

Unauthorized attempts to defeat or circumvent security features, to use the system for other than intended purposes, to deny service to authorized users, to access, obtain, alter, damage, or destroy information, or otherwise to interfere with the system or its operation are prohibited.

Do you have to have privacy on a hard drive?

Users should have no expectation of privacy as to any communication on or information stored within the system, including information stored locally on the hard drive or other media in use with this unit (e.g., floppy disks, PDAs and other hand-held peripherals, CD-ROMs, etc.)

What is the purpose of remote access policy?

Hence, the purpose of this policy is to define standards for connecting to the group’s network from any host. These standards are designed to minimize the potential exposure to the group from damages, which may result from unauthorized use of the group resources. Damages include the loss of sensitive or company confidential data, intellectual property, damage to public image, damage to critical group internal systems, etc.

What is the Organization Group policy?

This policy applies to all Organization Group employees, contractors and vendors with corporate owned computers or workstations used to connect to the Group’s network. This policy applies to remote access connections used to do work on behalf of the Group, including reading or sending email, viewing intranet web resources and network/system/application support.

Can two factor authentication be shared?

Two factor authentication devices (e.g. hardware tokens or smart cards) must not be shared under any circumstances. Users with remote access privileges must ensure that all authentication devices (e.g. hardware tokens or smart cards) must return to IT Security once task completed or the privileges has been revoked.

Does IT Security recommend remote support?

IT Security does not recommend remote support services for such applications to reduce the Groups’ exposure to unnecessary outside threats. However, such application may be allowed remote support services on an ad-hoc basis for a limited time period and approved by the Organization IT Management.

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