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malicious packages caught remote access

by Anita Pollich Published 1 year ago Updated 1 year ago

Malicious npm packages caught installing remote access trojans December 1, 2020 Cyber Security Review The security team behind the “npm” repository for JavaScript libraries removed two npm packages this Monday for containing malicious code that installed a remote access trojan (RAT) on the computers of developers working on JavaScript projects.

Full Answer

Was a remote access Trojan installed in two npm packages?

The security team behind the " npm " repository for JavaScript libraries removed two npm packages this Monday for containing malicious code that installed a remote access trojan (RAT) on the computers of developers working on JavaScript projects.

What is the njRAT remote access trojan?

New malicious NPM packages have been discovered that install the njRAT remote access trojan that allows hackers to gain control over a computer. NPM is a JavaScript package manager that allows developers and users to download packages and integrate them into their projects.

Is malicious NPM stealing your saved passwords?

Malicious NPM Package Caught Stealing Users' Saved Passwords From Browsers  July 21, 2021  Ravie Lakshmanan A software package available from the official NPM repository has been revealed to be actually a front for a tool that's designed to steal saved passwords from the Chrome web browser.

Is your npm package a malware?

Over the past year, it has become increasingly common to find NPM packages that install malware or perform malicious behavior. Recently, NPM removed malicious packages called 'fallguy' and 'discord.dll' after discovering that they were used to steal Discord tokens and browser information from Google Chrome, Brave Browser, Opera, and Yandex Browser.


What is a malicious package?

A malicious package which steals users' credentials as part of its installation script (interestingly while based on its description it's a 'package to exploit windows RPC Vulnerability', the reality is it just steals the installer credentials).

Can NPM packages be malicious?

Researchers Uncover Malicious NPM Packages Stealing Data from Apps and Web Forms. A widespread software supply chain attack has targeted the NPM package manager at least since December 2021 with rogue modules designed to steal data entered in forms by users on websites that include them.

Can NPM packages contain viruses?

Researchers have found another 17 malicious packages in an open source repository, as the use of such repositories to spread malware continues to flourish. This time, the malicious code was found in NPM, where 11 million developers trade more than 1 million packages among each other.

How do I know if a node package is safe?

How to run npm auditGo to the terminal, and on the directory of your installed package, type the following: cd path/to/name-of-package. ... Confirm that the selected package directory has a package-lock. ... Type the following command: ... Review the generated vulnerability report and take action, as appropriate.

Is it safe to install NodeJS?

(So it's just the same as with any other environment in general - it's all safe until you explicitly install/execute some virii tool/script).

Are npm packages open source?

The npm Registry is a public collection of packages of open-source code for Node. js, front-end web apps, mobile apps, robots, routers, and countless other needs of the JavaScript community. npm is the command line client that allows developers to install and publish those packages.

What does the G flag do when running npm install?

the -g flag is a shorthand for the global configuration which sets the package install location to the folder where you installed NodeJS. This is useful when you need to run the package from the command line instead of using require() and import it to your code.

How can you make sure your dependencies are safe?

There are number of aspects you need to get right.Automate your build and deployment processes. ... Deploy known-good versions of software. ... Be careful of private dependencies. ... Use dedicated tools to scan your dependency tree for security risks. ... Keep on top of security bulletins.More items...

Which is better yarn or npm?

As previously stated, Yarn installs dependency packages in parallel, whereas NPM installs them sequentially. As a result, Yarn outperforms NPM when installing bigger files. Both tools can save dependent files to the offline cache.

What does the G flag do when running npm install?

the -g flag is a shorthand for the global configuration which sets the package install location to the folder where you installed NodeJS. This is useful when you need to run the package from the command line instead of using require() and import it to your code.

What is Flag in npm?

defineString - Takes the raw input from the command line. flags.defineBoolean - Usually doesn't take a value, passing --flag will set the corresponding flag to true. Also supported are --noflag to set it to false and --flag=true or --flag=false or --flag=0 or --flag=1 or --flag=f or --flag=t.

What is npm D?

The -D flag is the shortcut for: --save-dev . Source: -D, --save-dev: Package will appear in your devDependencies. Follow this answer to receive notifications.

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