What remote access options does Vava support?
VA supports remote access with two different applications 1. Citrix Access Gateway (CAG) and 2. CISCO RESCUE VPN Client. The Citrix Access Gateway is designed for users that do not have VA Government Furnished Equipment (GFE) – CAG is a good option to allow users access to general applications such as email and chat.
What is i-vu® building automation?
Carrier’s i-Vu® building automation and control products help optimize the use of HVAC systems to deliver healthier, safer, more efficient, and more productive indoor environments.
How do I get help with Vu identity?
Vanderbilt University users can go to VU Identity. Submit a ticket if you are experiencing an issue. Submit a request if you need access or an IT service performed.
Why Choose i-vu®?
Finally, a building automation system that plays well with others. Greater building control means increased operating efficiency and reduced energy costs. How does up to a 70% cost reduction sound? i-Vu®...the future of building control. Installation by trained, tested and certified Carrier Controls Experts of your choosing.

Why is Vanderbilt using VPN?
Security Operations has implemented an SSL VPN solution to help meet the remote access needs of Vanderbilt faculty and staff. This service is used to help preserve data confidentiality and integrity when transmitted across the Internet. The solution allows you to connect to the Vanderbilt network via a VPN client software or web browser capable of using SSL encryption. The SSL VPN allows access to Vanderbilt systems and computing resources with an internet connection in a safe and secure fashion.
Does Vanderbilt have a VPN?
The SSL VPN allows access to Vanderbilt systems and computing resources with an internet connection in a safe and secure fashion. The Pulse Secure VPN client is now available to all Vanderbilt faculty and staff.
What is a VAV zone 2?
Description: The VAV Zone II Single Duct controller provides zone level temperature and air quality control for a variety of pressure-independent VAV applications.
What is VVT bypass?
Description: The VVT Bypass II controller is used to regulate the supply duct static pressure for a variety of pressure-dependent VVT applications and allows constant volume HVAC equipment to provide zone level temperature control.
What is a VAV zone 2 fan terminal?
Description: The VAV Zone II Fan Terminal controller provides zone level temperature and air quality control for a variety of pressure-independent VAV applications.
What is remote work?
Telecommuting or remote work is a work arrangement in which the employee works outside the office, often working from home. Rather than traveling to the office, the employee works through telecommunication links, keeping in touch with the the VU community via telephone, email, instant messaging, and video conferencing services.
Does Vanderbilt have a VPN?
A headset is recommended, however, it is optional. Access to Vanderbilt's Virtual Private Network (VPN) if you use a shared drive functionality or certain specialized applications. NOTE: The VPN is not required for most applications and resources accessed over the Internet.
What is the number to contact if you forgot your VUMC password?
If you have forgotten your password and need assistance, contact the VUMC IT/NTT Help Desk at 615-343-HELP/3-4357 to begin the re-authentication process.
Do you need a VUMC ID to change password?
A VUMC ID and password are required by anyone who wants to login to the VUMC network and use Medical Center resources.
How to request remote access VA?
You may request remote access by visiting the Remote Access Self Service Portal ( only available while on VA's internal network).
What is a rescue GFE?
RESCUE GFE provides a security posture check and ensures VA data is encrypted from the end device into the VA trusted network. Prior to the device connecting and being allowed onto the VA trusted network the system is checked for multiple security baselines.
How to disable automatic server selection in VPN?
In the VPN tab of the setting screen, uncheck Enable automatic server selection. Close the settings.
Is PIV card reader site specific?
Today, the distribution of PIV card readers is site-specific. We are discussing the possibility of alternative distribution methods. If distribution processes or procedures change, we will provide updated instructions.
Is VA responsible for non-VA websites?
This page includes links to other websites outside our control and jurisdiction. VA is not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of non-VA Web sites. We encourage you to review the privacy policy or terms and conditions of those sites to fully understand what information is collected and how it is used.
Does RESCUE GFE support Windows 10?
This software is installed on all GFE laptops prior to being provided to the user. Currently RESCUE GFE supports Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10 and MAC OSX.
What is i-vu open?
i-Vu Open is set by default to automatically obtain all the necessary IP addresses using DHCP. Once initial start-up of i-Vu Open is complete, you can connect it to the building LAN, if one exists. Use the
Why is it important to verify that every router has a unique address?
Verify that every router has a unique address because duplicates will not be discovered correctly.

What Equipment Will I Need to Work from Home?
- There are some prerequisites to work remotely. You should have: 1. A consistent electricity supply and connection to the Internet 2. A computer or tablet capable of connecting to the Internet (Having trouble? Please see: Common Fixes for Home Networking Issues) 2.1. Use work issued equipment and avoid the use of personal devices 2.2. If you have to use personal devices, do no…
Collaboration Basics
Where Can I Get Help?
- VUIT offers several avenues to obtain help with telecommuting and remote work: Help Desk(615-343-9999) Submit an online request for help
Vuit's Recommended Applications For Telecommuting
- Instructions to obtain items below can be found by clicking the Service/Tool name and reviewing the directions under the Requesting Service section.