Remote-access Guide

debian 10 mariadb remote access

by Prof. Katrine Satterfield MD Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

MariaDB enable remote access tutorial After opening the file mariadb-server.cnf, change the bind-address from to otherwise leave it as default. MariaDB enable remote access example Now save and close the file using the command CTRL+O followed by CTRL+X. Run the below command to restart the MariaDB server.

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How to securely install MariaDB in Debian 10?

Secure MariaDB in Debian 10. Once you have secured your MariaDB installation, you can connect to mysql shell using the root user password. # mysql -u root -p. To create a database named "my_test_db" and a user named "test_user" with full privileges to manage the database run the following SQL commands.

How to enable remote MySQL access on Debian?

How to enable remote MySQL access on Debian. How to allow remote connections from any host to your MySQL server. This walkthrough is designed for any Debian-based distribution. Step 1: open /etc/mysql/my.cnf. Step 2: comment out the bind-address line, which tells MySQL where to listen. If you remove it, MySQL will accept any connection.

How do I grant remote access to my MariaDB server?

If your MariaDB server is configured with the UFW firewall (which it is by default on all Webdock servers) then you will need to allow traffic on port 3306 from the remote system. You can grant access to the remote system with IP to connect the port 3306 with the following command:


How do I access my MariaDB remotely?

How to enable Remote access to your MariaDB/MySQL database on Ubuntu Bionic or MariaDB < v10. 6Enabling Remote Access in the Webdock Dashboard. ... Manual configuration using the command line. ... Verify MariaDB Server. ... Configure MariaDB. ... Grant Access to a User from a Remote System. ... Configure Firewall.More items...•

How do I access MariaDB on Debian?

If MariaDB isn't running, you can start it with the command sudo systemctl start mariadb . For an additional check, you can try connecting to the database using the mysqladmin tool, which is a client that lets you run administrative commands.

How do I allow remote root access in MariaDB?

grant all privileges on *. * to 'root'@'remotehost' identified by password 'secrets' with grant option; Replace remotehost with the hostname or IP address of the SVM application server. Replace secrets with the password for your MariaDB root account.

How do I access MariaDB on Linux?

Login to the MariaDb server and edit the file /etc/my.cnf. Add or edit the row bind-address=YOUR_SERVER_IP. ... Restart the server using '/etc/init.d/mariadb restart'Login on the server using 'mariadb -u root -p mariadb' and execute the statements below replacing the user, ip and password : For a new database:

How do I connect to a MariaDB instance?

Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon RDS console at .In the navigation pane, choose Databases to display a list of your DB instances.Choose the name of the MariaDB DB instance to display its details.On the Connectivity & security tab, copy the endpoint.More items...

Can't connect to MySQL server on MariaDB?

Here are some reasons the Can't connect to local MariaDB server error might occur: mysqld is not running on the local host. Check your operating system's process list to ensure the mysqld process is present. You're running a MariaDB server on Windows with many TCP/IP connections to it.

How do I enable remote access in MySQL?

How to Allow Remote Connections to MySQLStep 1: Edit MySQL Config File.Step 2: Set up Firewall to Allow Remote MySQL Connection. Option 1: UFW (Uncomplicated Firewall) Option 2: FirewallD. Option 3: Open Port 3306 with iptables.Step 3: Connect to Remote MySQL Server.

How do I give MySQL remote access to root?

To allow remote connections to the root account in MySQL, you should execute the mysql_secure_installation command. Normally you run this command when first setting up MySQL, but it can be run again at any point if you need to reset the root account password or allow remote connections to the account.

How do I grant all privileges to user in MariaDB?

Table privileges type: This type uses db_name. specified table name to grant the privileges or we can just use table name to specify table name in the default database to grant the table privileges. In this type table keyword is optional.

How do I view database in MariaDB?

How To List Databases in MariaDBmysql -u -p.SHOW DATABASES;USE ;Database changed MariaDB []>SHOW tables;SELECT * FROM DESCRIBE ;

Are MariaDB and MySQL same?

MariaDB meets the same standard enterprise requirements as MySQL, often with additional features, capabilities and options, and by implementing the MySQL protocol and maintaining compatibility with common MySQL data types and SQL syntax, it's easy to migrate from MySQL to MariaDB without modifying applications and/or ...

How do I get data from MariaDB?

The simplest way to retrieve data from MariaDB is to use the SELECT statement. Since the SELECT statement is an essential SQL statement, it has many options available with it. It's not necessary to know or use them all—you could execute very basic SELECT statements if that satisfies your needs.

How do I start MariaDB in Linux terminal?

Start the MariaDB shellAt the command prompt, run the following command to launch the shell and enter it as the root user: /usr/bin/mysql -u root -p.When you're prompted for a password, enter the one that you set at installation, or if you haven't set one, press Enter to submit no password.

What is the default port for MariaDB?

3306The default port for MariaDB is 3306.

What is default root password for MariaDB?

If you've just installed MariaDB, and you haven't set the root password yet, the password will be blank, so you should just press enter here.

How do I list database in MariaDB?

How To List Databases in MariaDBmysql -u -p.SHOW DATABASES;USE ;Database changed MariaDB []>SHOW tables;SELECT * FROM DESCRIBE ;

What is MariaDB used for?

MariaDB is an open-source database management system, commonly used as an alternative for the MySQL portion of the popular LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP/Python/Perl) stack. It is intended to be a drop-in replacement for MySQL and Debian now only ships with MariaDB packages. If you attempt to install MySQL server related packages, ...

Is MariaDB a SQL Server?

In this guide you installed MariaDB to act as an SQL server. During the installation process you also secured the server. Optionally, you also created a separate user to ensure administrative access to MariaDB across package updates.

Installing MariaDB Server in Debian 10

You can install the MariaDB server package from the Debian official repositories by running the following command, which will install the MariaDB server, client and all its dependencies.

Securing MariaDB Server in Debian 10

The MariaDB installation process involves securing the default installation and it can be done by running the mysql_secure_installation shell script, which will allows you to add a bit of extra security to your MariaDB instance by:

How to connect to remote desktop?

To connect to your remote desktop search for the Remote Desktop Connection app and run it. In the app window, under Computer, fill in the IP or hostname of your remote machine and click Connect. You should then be presented with the login screen from the remote desktop, where you can fill in your username and password.

What operating system can I use to control a remote desktop?

You also control the remote machine from operating systems that support RDP, which includes Windows, Mac, Linux, Android and iOS. xRDP allows non-Microsoft operating systems such as Linux and BSD to provide a fully-functional RDP-compliant remote desktop environment.

What is XRDP in Windows?

xRDP is a free and open-source implementation of Windows Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP), that started in 2004. With RDP you can connect to a another computer over a network and control it through its graphical user interface, and use it almost as if you were sitting right in front of it. You also control the remote machine from operating systems ...

What port is MariaDB on?

If your MariaDB server is configured with the UFW firewall (which it is by default on all Webdock servers) then you will need to allow traffic on port 3306 from the remote system.

Is MariaDB a database?

MariaDB is a free, open-source and one of the most popular relational database system around the globe. It is a drop-in replacement for MySQL database system. However, the structure and indexes of both database systems are same, this will allow you to switch your database from MySQL to MariaDB without having to alter your applications.

Step 1. Locate the correct .cnf file

Ok, first go to /etc/mysql/ directory and look for mariadb.conf.d directory you should see the following configuration files listed there.

Step 3. Restart MySQL Server service

Done. Now we can try to connect to our MariaDB Server from other computer. It should works by now.


Editing The Defaults File

  • Once you have located the defaults file, use a text editor to open the file andtry to find lines like this under the [mysqld] section: (The lines may not be in this order, and the order doesn't matter.) If you are able to locate these lines, make sure they are both commented out(prefaced with has…
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Granting User Connections from Remote Hosts

  • Now that your MariaDB server installation is setup to accept connections fromremote hosts, we have to add a user that is allowed to connect from somethingother than 'localhost' (Users in MariaDB are defined as 'user'@'host', so'chadmaynard'@'localhost' and 'chadmaynard'@'' (or'chadmaynard'@'server.domain.local') are different users that can havecompletely different pe…
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Port 3306 Is configured in Firewall

  • One more point to consider whether the firwall is configured to allow incoming request from remote clients: On RHEL and CentOS 7, it may be necessary to configure the firewall to allow TCP access to MySQL from remote hosts. To do so, execute both of these commands:
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  1. If your system is running a software firewall (or behind a hardware firewall or NAT) you must allow connections destined to TCP port that MariaDB runs on (by default and almost always 3306).
  2. To undo this change and not allow remote access anymore, simply remove the skip-bind-address line or uncomment the bind-address line in your defaults file. The end result should …
  1. If your system is running a software firewall (or behind a hardware firewall or NAT) you must allow connections destined to TCP port that MariaDB runs on (by default and almost always 3306).
  2. To undo this change and not allow remote access anymore, simply remove the skip-bind-address line or uncomment the bind-address line in your defaults file. The end result should be that you should...


  • To complete this tutorial, you will need one Debian 10 server set up with a non-root user with sudo privileges and a firewall. You can set this up by following our initial server setup guide.
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Step 1 — Installing MariaDB

  • On Debian 10, MariaDB version 10.3 is included in the APT package repositories by default. It is marked as the default MySQL variant by the Debian MySQL/MariaDB packaging team. To install it, update the package index on your server with apt: Then install the package: These commands will install MariaDB, but will not prompt you to set a password or ...
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Step 2 — Configuring MariaDB

  • For new MariaDB installations, the next step is to run the included security script. This script changes some of the less secure default options. We will use it to block remote rootlogins and to remove unused database users. Run the following security script: This will take you through a series of prompts where you can make some changes to your MariaDB installation’s security opt…
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Step 3 — (Optional) Adjusting User Authentication and Privileges

  • In Debian systems running MariaDB 10.3, the root MariaDB user is set to authenticate using the unix_socketplugin by default rather than with a password. This allows for some greater security and usability in many cases, but it can also complicate things when you need to allow an external program (e.g., phpMyAdmin) administrative rights. Because the server uses the root account fo…
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Step 4 — Testing MariaDB

  • When installed from the default repositories, MariaDB should start running automatically. To test this, check its status: You’ll receive output that is similar to the following: If MariaDB isn’t running, you can start it with the command sudo systemctl start mariadb. For an additional check, you can try connecting to the database using the mysqladmin tool, which is a client that lets you run adm…
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  • In this guide, you installed MariaDB to act as a SQL server. During the installation process, you also secured the server. Optionally, you also created a separate user to ensure administrative access to MariaDB across package updates. Now that you have a running and secure MariaDB server, here are some examples of the next steps that you can take to work with the server: 1. Im…
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