Remote-access Guide

ubuntu 18.04 mariadb remote access

by Miss Claudie Rice DVM Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

As we mentioned above, all remote access to the server is denied by default. To enable remote access, you’ll need to set the bind-address to allow for remote access. For example, to allow all IPv4 addresses, set the bind-address to: This will allow MariaDB server accepts connections on all host IPv4 interfaces.

Full Answer

How do I set up a MariaDB server on Ubuntu 18?

One Ubuntu 18.04 server set up by following this initial server setup guide, including a non- root user with sudo privileges and a firewall. On Ubuntu 18.04, MariaDB version 10.1 is included in the APT package repositories by default. To install it, update the package index on your server with apt:

How can I access MariaDB from another server?

After enabling the MariaDB for remote connection, its database or information can be accessed from anywhere in the world from any database server. By default, MariaDB is accessible only to the local system (localhost) or on the machine where the MariaDB server is installed.

How do I disable remote access to MariaDB on a firewall?

If your system is running a software firewall (or behind a hardware firewall or NAT) you must allow connections destined to TCP port that MariaDB runs on (by default and almost always 3306). To undo this change and not allow remote access anymore, simply remove the skip-bind-address line or uncomment the bind-address line in your defaults file.

What is MariaDB on cloud Raya?

In short, MariaDB is an open-source, community-developed, forever free relational database management system (RDBMS) forked from MySQL. However, it is highly compatible with MySQL as it works as a drop-in replacement. So, check the steps below to install and secure MariaDB 10.5 for Ubuntu 18.04 and Ubuntu 20.04 instances on Cloud Raya.


How do I enable MariaDB remote access in Ubuntu?

How to enable Remote access to your MariaDB/MySQL database on Ubuntu Bionic or MariaDB < v10. 6Enabling Remote Access in the Webdock Dashboard. ... Manual configuration using the command line. ... Verify MariaDB Server. ... Configure MariaDB. ... Grant Access to a User from a Remote System. ... Configure Firewall.More items...•

How do I access MariaDB on Ubuntu?

How to Manage Databases in MariaDB on Ubuntu 18.04Prerequisites. ... Step 1 – Create an Atlantic.Net Cloud Server. ... Step 2 – Install MariaDB. ... Step 3 – Create a New Database. ... Step 4 – Create a New User Account. ... Step 5 – Grant Privileges to User Account. ... Step 6 – Deleting Databases and Users. ... Step 7 – Reset MariaDB Root Password.More items...•

How do I allow remote root access in MariaDB?

grant all privileges on *. * to 'root'@'remotehost' identified by password 'secrets' with grant option; Replace remotehost with the hostname or IP address of the SVM application server. Replace secrets with the password for your MariaDB root account.

How do I enable remote access to MySQL in ubuntu?

I did these steps:Installed MySQL Server + adding a new user.Activated the firewall: sudo ufw enable.Allowed the MySQL port: sudo ufw allow 3306.Reloaded the Firewall: sudo ufw reload.

How do I connect to a MariaDB database?

WindowsOpen the command prompt by following this steps: Start -> run -> cmd -> press enter.Navigate to your MariaDb installation folder (Default: C:\Program Files\MariaDb\MariaDb Server 12\bin)Type in: mysql -u root -p.GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *. ... Run this last command: FLUSH PRIVILEGES;To exit type: quit.

How do I connect to a MariaDB instance?

Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon RDS console at .In the navigation pane, choose Databases to display a list of your DB instances.Choose the name of the MariaDB DB instance to display its details.On the Connectivity & security tab, copy the endpoint.More items...

How do I give MySQL remote access to root?

To allow remote connections to the root account in MySQL, you should execute the mysql_secure_installation command. Normally you run this command when first setting up MySQL, but it can be run again at any point if you need to reset the root account password or allow remote connections to the account.

How do I enable remote access in MySQL?

How to Allow Remote Connections to MySQLStep 1: Edit MySQL Config File.Step 2: Set up Firewall to Allow Remote MySQL Connection. Option 1: UFW (Uncomplicated Firewall) Option 2: FirewallD. Option 3: Open Port 3306 with iptables.Step 3: Connect to Remote MySQL Server.

How do I grant all privileges to user in MariaDB?

Table privileges type: This type uses db_name. specified table name to grant the privileges or we can just use table name to specify table name in the default database to grant the table privileges. In this type table keyword is optional.

How do I access a MySQL database from another computer ubuntu?

Step two: Granting access to the userLog in to the MySQL server.Log in to MySQL with the command mysql -u root -p.Type the MySQL root user password.Issue the MySQL command: GRANT ALL ON wordpressdb. ... Flush the MySQL privileges with the command FLUSH PRIVILEGES;Exit out of the MySQL prompt with the command exit;

How do I check if port 3306 is open Linux?

The correct way is using: sudo lsof -i :3306 .

How do I connect to a MySQL database using IP address?

Adding an IP address to allow a remote MySQL connectionLog into cPanel.Click the Remote MySQL button in the Databases section.Enter the remote IP address in the Add Access Host section.Click the Add Host button. You will then see a message stating the host IP address was added to the access list.

How do I access MariaDB on Linux?

Start the MariaDB shellAt the command prompt, run the following command to launch the shell and enter it as the root user: /usr/bin/mysql -u root -p.When you're prompted for a password, enter the one that you set at installation, or if you haven't set one, press Enter to submit no password.

Where is MariaDB installed Linux?

As you can see, the default data directory for the MariaDB database server is /var/lib/mysql. The configuration file of MariaDB database server is /etc/mysql/mariadb.

What is the default root password for MariaDB?

If you've just installed MariaDB, and you haven't set the root password yet, the password will be blank, so you should just press enter here.

How do I find MariaDB version in Linux?

Here are six ways to check what version of MariaDB you're currently running.Option 1: The @@version Variable. ... Option 2: The VERSION() Function. ... Option 3: The SHOW VARIABLES Statement. ... Option 4: The STATUS Command. ... Option 5: Login to MariaDB. ... Option 6: The --version Option.

Before You Begin

Ensure that you have followed the Getting Started, the Securing Your Server guides, and the Linode’s hostname is set.

Using MariaDB

Login to the database again. This time, if you set a password above, enter it at the prompt.

More Information

You may wish to consult the following resources for additional information on this topic. While these are provided in the hope that they will be useful, please note that we cannot vouch for the accuracy or timeliness of externally hosted materials.

What version of MariaDB is Ubuntu 18.04?

On Ubuntu 18.04, MariaDB version 10.1 is included in the APT package repositories by default.

How to install MariaDB?

The short version of this installation guide consists of these three steps: 1 Update your package index using apt 2 Install the mariadb-server package using apt. The package also pulls in related tools to interact with MariaDB 3 Run the included mysql_secure_installation security script to restrict access to the server

What is MariaDB used for?

MariaDB is an open-source database management system, commonly used as an alternative for the MySQL portion of the popular LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP/Python/Perl) stack. It is intended to be a drop-in replacement for MySQL.

How to start MariaDB if it isn't running?

If MariaDB isn’t running, you can start it with the command sudo systemctl start mariadb.

Is MariaDB a SQL Server?

In this guide you installed MariaDB to act as an SQL server. During the installation process you also secured the server. Optionally, you also created a separate password-authenticated administrative user.

Does MariaDB use a password?

On Ubuntu systems running MariaDB 10.1, the root MariaDB user is set to authenticate using the unix_socket plugin by default rather than with a password. This allows for some greater security and usability in many cases, but it can also complicate things when you need to allow an external program (e.g., phpMyAdmin) administrative rights.

What socket does MySQL listen to?

Run the netstat command and make sure that mysql server listen on socket 0

How to create a user that is only allowed to login from a specific host?

If you want to create a user that is only allowed to login from a specific host, replace '%' with host IP or domain name when creating the user.

Does UFW block MySQL?

But if have enabled UFW then it will block the mysql remote access, so you need to add firewall rule to open the port 3306. Click the following link to learn more about UFW Ubuntu Firewall. From a another Linux machine, you can run nmap against your server IP to check whether port 3306 is open or not.

Can you remotely connect to MySQL?

Note that, enabling remote connections to MySQL server is not good practice from a security standpoint. So don't expose your database server to outside unless you must, especially in a production environment.

Can MySQL connect to a server from outside the localhost?

Now that our MySQL server allows remote connections, we still need to have a mysql user that is allowed to access the server from outside the localhost. To create a mysql user that is allowed to connect from any host, login in the MySQL console and run:

What port does MariaDB run on?

If your system is running a software firewall (or behind a hardware firewall or NAT) you must allow connections destined to TCP port that MariaDB runs on (by default and almost always 3306).

What is MariaDB bind address?

Some MariaDB packages bind MariaDB to (the loopback IP address) by default as a security measure using the bind-address configuration directive. Old MySQL packages sometimes disabled TCP/IP networking altogether using the skip-networking directive. Before going in to how to configure these, let's explain what each of them actually does:

Why is MariaDB bound to loopback?

MariaDB is bound to the loopback interface by default because it makes it impossible to connect to the TCP port on the server from a remote host (the bind-address must refer to a local IP address, or you will receive a fatal error and MariaDB will not start). This of course is not desirable if you want to use the TCP port from a remote host, ...

Does RHEL need a firewall?

On RHEL and CentOS 7, it may be necessary to configure the firewall to allow TCP access to MySQL from remote hosts. To do so, execute both of these commands:

Can MariaDB connect to other hosts?

If bind-address is bound to (localhost), one can't connect to the MariaDB server from other hosts or from the same host over TCP/IP on a different interface than the loopback ( This for example will not work (connecting with a hostname that points to a local IP of the host):

What is the default setting for a fresh MariaDB installation?

The default setting for a fresh MariaDB installation is to allow only local connections. So, you can verify it via the below syntax:

Do you have to update the repository for a script?

You don’t have to update the repository as the script has done it for you. So, just proceed to install:

Is MariaDB compatible with MySQL?

However, it is highly compatible with MySQL as it works as a drop-in replacement. So, check the steps below to install and secure MariaDB 10.5 for Ubuntu 18.04 and Ubuntu 20.04 instances on Cloud Raya.

Is MariaDB available on Ubuntu 18.04?

MariaDB hasn’t been shipped to Ubuntu 18.04 / 20.04 official repository yet. So you will have to download it directly from after that, you can either do:

Step 1: Install MySQL Database Server

If you haven’t installed MySQL server and you’re looking for a truly open source database server, then MySQL is a great place to start… To install MySQL, simply run the commands below:

Step 2: Configure MySQL Remote Access

As we mentioned above, all remote access to the server is denied by default. To enable remote access, you’ll need to set the bind-address to allow for remote access.

Step 3: Access from Remote Clients

Now that the server is configured. use the steps below to allow remote clients to access the database.

Ubuntu Firewall

If your Ubuntu server has firewall enabled, then you will want to open connection to the database server. Simply run the commands below to open the firewall to client from from the IP address to the port only.



Step 1 — Installing MariaDB

  • On Ubuntu 18.04, MariaDB version 10.1 is included in the APT package repositories by default. To install it, update the package index on your server with apt: Then install the package: Ensure that MariaDB is running with the systemctl startcommand: These commands will install and start MariaDB, but will not prompt you to set a password or make any ...
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Step 2 — Configuring MariaDB

  • For new MariaDB installations, the next step is to run the included security script. This script changes some of the less secure default options. We will use it to block remote rootlogins and to remove unused database users. Run the security script: This will take you through a series of prompts where you can make some changes to your MariaDB installation’s security options. Th…
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Step 3 — (Optional) Adjusting User Authentication and Privileges

  • On Ubuntu systems running MariaDB 10.1, the root MariaDB user is set to authenticate using the unix_socketplugin by default rather than with a password. This allows for some greater security and usability in many cases, but it can also complicate things when you need to allow an external program (e.g., phpMyAdmin) administrative rights. Because the server uses the root account fo…
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Step 4 — Testing MariaDB

  • When installed from the default repositories, MariaDB should start running automatically. To test this, check its status. You’ll receive output that is similar to the following: If MariaDB isn’t running, you can start it with the command sudo systemctl start mariadb. For an additional check, you can try connecting to the database using the mysqladmin tool, which is a client that lets you run adm…
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  • In this guide you installed MariaDB to act as an SQL server. During the installation process you also secured the server. Optionally, you also created a separate password-authenticated administrative user. Now that you have a running and secure MariaDB server, here some examples of next steps that you can take to work with the server: 1. Import and export database…
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