Remote-access Guide

scammer get remote access to my computer

by Antonio Hahn I Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

In a remote access scam, a scammer attempts to persuade you into giving them remote control over your personal computer, which allows the scammer to con money out of you and steal your private information. Remote access scams are often related to tech support scams, (example: Dell Computer tech support) and typically starts on the phone with either a cold call from a fake tech support specialist telling you your computer is infected with malware, or a scary-looking pop-up ad that says there’s a problem with your computer and gives you a phone number to call for help. Scammers may also try to convince you to give them remote access by telling you they have money to give you that they can only deliver by connecting to your computer, as seen in the recent FTC refund scam that’s been making the rounds. Another very recent refund scam includes asking you to display your online bank account, and putting a fake deposit on your account statement. The scammers then lead you to believe that they made a typo on the fake refund issued and ask for a gift card as a refund to them.

Full Answer

How do scammers try to get into your computer?

So if you gave the caller access, you've exposed your PC security to them. A more clever way the scammers may try to reach you is by tricking you into downloading malware onto your PC, which then flashes a warning that you have a virus and need to contact "tech support" to have it removed.

How do you spot a tech support scam?

It's simple. If someone phoned you claiming to be from Tech Support or claiming they've detected a virus on your PC and they need access, it was a scam. Tech companies just don't operate that way. But tech support scammers do.

Is “logmeinrescue” a scam?

It was a classic scam. My son was working on his computer last night – writing a Google Doc on Chrome – when a window popped up that said he had a virus and he needed to call a Microsoft technician to fix it (855-281-5548). He called… the guy, “Rick”, told him to go to and start a session, so he did.

What should I do if my computer has been hacked?

Besides their getting money from you for doing nothing of any value, if you let them into your computer, who knows what damage they did there or what confidential information they stole. 1. Do a clean reinstallation of Windows. 2. Change all of your passwords, especially any for banks or other financial sites. Was this reply helpful?


What can a scammer do with remote access to your computer?

In a remote access scam, a scammer attempts to persuade you into giving them remote control over your personal computer, which allows the scammer to con money out of you and steal your private information.

What happens when a hacker gets remote access to my computer?

Hackers use RDP to gain access to the host computer or network and then install ransomware on the system. Once installed, regular users lose access to their devices, data, and the larger network until payment is made.

Can someone remotely access your computer?

Hackers could use remote desktop protocol (RDP) to remotely access Windows computers in particular. Remote desktop servers connect directly to the Internet when you forward ports on your router. Hackers and malware may be able to attack a weakness in those routers.

How do I stop someone from accessing my computer remotely?

Windows 10 InstructionsClick the Windows Start button and type "Allow Remote Access to your computer". ... Make sure "Allow Remote Assistance connections to this computer" is unchecked.Select "Don't allow remove connections to this computer" under the Remote Desktop section and then click OK.

Will resetting PC remove hackers?

Does reset PC remove hackers? No, in general resetting your PC does not remove hackers. Resetting your PC is all about what's on the computer. If the hackers have left malware on your machine, this will be removed.

Can someone remotely access my computer without internet?

Can an Offline Computer be Hacked? Technically — as of right now — the answer is no. If you never connect your computer, you are 100 percent safe from hackers on the internet. There is no way someone can hack and retrieve, alter or monitor information without physical access.

How can I tell who is remoted into my computer?

To view remote desktop history for individual computers, follow the steps given below:Click the Tools tab.In the Windows Tools section, click Remote Control.Click. against the name of a computer to view its remote-control history.

Who can see my computer remotely without me knowing?

There are two ways someone can access your computer without your consent. Either a family member or work college is physically logging in to your computer or phone when you are not around, or someone is accessing your computer remotely.

How do you know if your PC is being monitored?

How to Check If Your Computer Is Being MonitoredLook for Suspicious Processes. Suspicious processes may indicate that your computer is being monitored. ... Run Antivirus Software. Antivirus software can reveal whether or not your computer is being monitored. ... Evaluate Ports. Another tip is to evaluate your network's ports.

Can a hacker remotely turn on my computer?

Generally speaking, hacking a turned-off computer is not possible in a home environment. However, it may happen in shared networks such as an office environment. There are features that allow you to remotely turn on and boot a computer.

What can hackers do remotely?

Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) Hacks Remote hackers use online scanning tools to find unsecured RDP endpoints. They then use stolen credentials to exploit such ports, access the network, and lock systems or data that they then use as leverage for ransom payments.

How do hackers hack remotely?

Remote hackers use various malware deployment methods; the most common (and probably the easiest) way for hackers to reach unsuspecting victims is through phishing campaigns. In this scenario, hackers will send emails with links or files, which unsuspecting recipients may click on.

How to scan for rootkits?

Click the Settings tab at the top, and then in the left column, select Detections and Protections, and if not already checked place a checkmark in the selection box for Scan for rootkits. Click the Scan tab at the top of the program window, select Threat Scan and click the Scan Now button.

How to run JRT as administrator?

Run the tool by double-clicking it. If you are using Windows Vista, 7, or 8; instead of double-clicking, right-mouse click JRT.exe and select "Run as Administrator". The tool will open and start scanning your system. Please be patient as this can take a while to complete depending on your system's specifications.

What is a BleepingComputer?

Welcome to BleepingComputer, a free community where people like yourself come together to discuss and learn how to use their computers. Using the site is easy and fun. As a guest, you can browse and view the various discussions in the forums, but can not create a new topic or reply to an existing one unless you are logged in. Other benefits of registering an account are subscribing to topics and forums, creating a blog, and having no ads shown anywhere on the site.

How to deal with identity theft scam?

Here's our 10-point plan to deal with it: 1. Shut down and disconnect your device from the Internet.

How many people fall victim to Microsoft scams?

According to Microsoft's Digital Crime Unit, some 3.3 million people fall victim to the tech support scam every year, costing victims around $1.5 billion.

What happens if a virus is detected?

Once you realize what's happened, you need to take immediate action to minimize the potential damage.

Is Tech Support a scam?

If someone phoned you claiming to be from Tech Support or claiming they've detected a virus on your PC and they need access, it was a scam. Tech companies just don't operate that way.

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