Remote-access Guide

remote access postgresql windows

by Name Mraz Published 1 year ago Updated 1 year ago

How To Enable Network Remote Access To PostgreSQL Database Server

  1. Configuring postgresql.conf. – Edit this line in your postgresql.conf file as shown below.
  2. Configuring pg_hba.conf
  3. Restart PostgreSQL Server
  4. Adjusting Firewall
  5. Test the Remote Connection To PostgreSQL Server. – Now, login to the client machine, and perform the psql remote connection to the PostgreSQL database server as shown below.

Full Answer

How to enable remote access to PostgreSQL database?

How do I enable remote access to PostgreSQL?

  • Open your postgresql. conf file in your editor:
  • In this step, you need to allow remote connections to actually reach your PostgreSQL server. Open pg_hba.
  • To allow connections from absolutely any address with password authentication add this line at the end of pg_hba.
  • You can also use your network/mask instead just 0.0.

How to connect to PostgreSQL remotely?

Use the fields in the Connection tab to configure a connection:

  • Enter the IP address or server hostname you wish to connect to. ...
  • Enter the listener port number of the server host in the Port field. ...
  • Use the Maintenance database field to specify the name of the database to which you want to connect.
  • Use the Username field to specify the username assigned to the database to which you’re connecting.

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How to configure PostgreSQL to allow remote connections?

To allow the Recon Server to connect to the PostGreSQL Server remotely, the following steps are required: First edit the postgresql.conf file Click on Start -> Programs -> PostgreSQL 8.2 -> Configuration -> Edit postgresql.conf. (Users can also find this file under the Program FilesPostgreSQL 8.2data directory).

How to remotely check PostgreSQL version?

Check Version with Login. Once you login to the PostgreSQL server via terminal, The post login screen displays the PostgreSQL version you have connected to. psql. Output: psql (13.3 (Ubuntu 13.3-1.pgdg20.04+1)) Type "help" for help. The above output displays, that you are running version 13.3 of PostgreSQL server.


How do I allow remote access to PostgreSQL database in Windows?

13.4 Connecting to a Remote PostgreSQL DatabaseChange the listening address in the postgresql. conf file. By default, PostgreSQL allows to listen for the localhost connection. ... Add a client authentication entry to the pg_hba. conf file. ... Test the remote connection. Restart the remote PostgreSQL server.

How do I enable remote access to PostgreSQL?

How Do I Enable remote access to PostgreSQL database server?Step # 1: Login over ssh if server is outside your IDC. ... Step # 2: Enable client authentication. ... Step # 2: Enable networking for PostgreSQL. ... Step # 3: Allow TCP/IP socket. ... Step # 4: Restart PostgreSQL Server. ... Step # 5: Iptables firewall rules.More items...•

How do I open port 5432 on Windows?

As an alternative you can go to Control Panel -> Systems and Security -> Windows Firewall -> Allow a program or feature through Windows Firewall -> Advanced Settings -> New Rule: Rule Type: Port. TCP or UDP: TCP. Specific local ports: 5432.

How do I connect to postgres pgAdmin remotely?

Follow these steps:Launch pgAdmin 4.Go to the “Dashboard” tab. ... Select the “Connection” tab in the “Create-Server” window.Then, configure the connection as follows:Enter your server's IP address in the “Hostname/Address” field.Specify the “Port” as “5432”.More items...

How do I connect to a Postgres database?

Connecting to a Database In order to connect to a database you need to know the name of your target database, the host name and port number of the server, and what user name you want to connect as. psql can be told about those parameters via command line options, namely -d , -h , -p , and -U respectively.

How do I connect to a Postgres server?

Connect to a PostgreSQL Database ServerStep1: Launch the pgAdmin application. ... Step2: Create a server. ... Step3: Provide the server name. ... Step4: Provide the host and password. ... Step5: Expanding the server. ... Step6: Open the Query tool. ... Step7: Enter the command in the Query editor. ... Step1: Open the psql.More items...

How do I enable port 5432?

Open PostgreSQL up to the worldEdit this file: C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\9.1\data\pg_hba.conf. ... Restart the postgres service. In my case it was called “postgresql-x64-9.1″.Add a rule in the Windows Firewall to allow incoming connections on port 5432.

Can't connect to Postgres server Windows?

First, double check that the Postgres process is running where you expect it to be. If you are trying to connect to a Postgres instance on the same host as your terminal, you can run lsof -p :5432 which will show which, if any, processes are listening on that port. The postgres process should be connected there.

What ports need to be open for PostgreSQL?

Enter 5432 and click Next. That is the default port for PostgreSQL, which we accepted as the port to use during our work in the Install PostgreSQL topic.

How do I run pgAdmin on Windows?

pgAdmin starts on the random port, so bookmark will not work, To start a new session just right click on the taskbar icon (right bottom corner elephant icon) and click on Start.

How do I access pgAdmin in my browser?

To open pgAdmin, select pgAdmin4 from the EDB Postgres menu. The client opens in your default browser. To connect to the Advanced Server database server, expand the Servers node of the Browser tree control, and right click on the EDB Postgres Advanced Server node.

How do I connect to an RDS postgres instance?

Open the RDS console and then choose Databases to display a list of your DB instances. Choose the PostgreSQL DB instance name to display its details. On the Connectivity & security tab, copy the endpoint. Also, note the port number.

How do I enable remote access to PostgreSQL database in Ubuntu?

1- Remote connection to PostgresOpen Terminal on Linux (Ubuntu, etc) and go to to the folder where the postgresql. ... sudo nano postgresql.conf. ... #listen_addresses = "localhost" ... listen_addresses = '*' ... sudo nano pg_hba.conf. ... # IPv4 local connections: host all all md5.More items...

How do I enable remote access to Postgres server Ubuntu?

AnswerConnect to the PostgreSQL server via SSH.Get location of postgresql.conf file by executing the command (it should be something like /var/lib/pgsql/data/postgresql.conf ): ... Open postgresql.conf file and add the following line to the end: ... Get the location of pg_hba.conf file:More items...•

Can't connect to Postgres server?

PostgreSQL psql: could not connect to server: Connection refusedStep # 1: Allow remote IP address to access PostgreSQL. You need to open file called /var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf. ... Step # 2: Allow communication over TCP/IP. ... Step # 3: Restart PostgreSQL server. ... Step # 4: Test your setup. ... See also:

Can't connect to Postgres server Windows?

If the connection is still failing, then there might be a permission issue in the pg_hba. conf access configuration file. Make sure this is set up correctly to accept connections from your IP. Finally, ensure there are no firewalls or iptables on the Postgres server that are blocking connections.

What is the port number before localhost?

The number before localhost is the port number at the local end of the tunnel. The number after localhost is the port number at the remote (server) end of the tunnel. If you are running a PostgreSQL server on your local computer, you might have to change the first 5432 to another port number (for example, to 5433) to avoid port conflicts.

What port is used to forward PostgreSQL to a remote server?

Direct connection: You can set up a direct connection between your local computer and the remote PostgreSQL server on port 5432.

How to set up SSH tunnel?

To set up an SSH tunnel on a computer running Microsoft Windows: Start PuTTY. In the Category pane, expand Connection, expand SSH, and then click Tunnels. In the Source port text box of the Port Forwarding section, type 5432 . This is the local port to forward.

How to set up a direct connection to PostgreSQL?

To set up a direct connection between your local site and the PostgreSQL server, you must configure a client application. There are several PostgreSQL client applications available, but for all of them, you must provide the following information to establish a remote connection:

How to check if a port is forwarding correctly?

To verify that PuTTY is forwarding ports correctly, you can click the icon in the top-left corner of the PuTTY session window, and then click Event Log. If port forwarding is working correctly, you see a line similar to: Local port 5432 forwarding to localhost:5432.


This article assumes that you already have running a PostgreSQL server on your system. If not, use one of the below links to install the PostgreSQL database server on your system.

Find Configuration File

In order to install PostgreSQL on our system we need to update our repository and for that execute the below command:

Configure PostgreSQL to Allow Remote Connections

In order to allow all the IP addresses to connect to the PostgreSQL server, we need to configure the file and make some changes, for that you have located the configuration file in the previous step.


PostgreSQL database is default set to bond with localhost which restricts the other IP address and host to connect or have the access to the PostgreSQL server. In this article, we guided you through the configuration of PostgreSQL to allow remote connection so that other ips can bond to the server.

What is PostgreSQL?

PostgreSQL is a powerful, open-source object-relational database system that utilizes and adds to the SQL language. It offers numerous impressive capabilities to take the safe storage and scaling of complex data workloads in its stride.

How Does PostgreSQL Integrate with Plesk?

Remote access to PostgresSQL raises questions for Plesk users. Plesk is database-driven by nature so it requires a database server that can facilitate the variety of database services used by its components. For instance, some databases assist with hosting Plesk webmail.

Plesk PostgreSQL Remote Access

In lots of cases, users need to facilitate connections to databases via another developer’s software tools that are not operating on the server the database is operating on. You can set up Plesk PostgreSQL remote access in order to let remote servers and hosts look at your Plesk account’s PostgreSQL databases.

How to connect to the PostgreSQL Database through Windows 10 Command Line Interface (CLI)?

For connecting to any desired PostgreSQL database through Windows 10 CLI, you will have to perform the following five steps, whereas the sixth one is optional.


This article gave the users a good head start on connecting to the PostgreSQL databases while using the Windows 10 command prompt. We are hoping that after going through this guide, you will not face any issues, at least while connecting to your PostgreSQL databases in Windows 10, especially if you intend to use the command prompt for this purpose.

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