Remote-access Guide

rat for tracing remote access tool

by Hailee Keeling Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

A RAT or remote administration tool, is software that gives a person full control a tech device, remotely. The RAT gives the user access to your system, just as if they had physical access to your device. With this access, the person can access your files, use your camera, and even turn on/off your device.Nov 1, 2018

What is remote access Tool (RAT)?

Remote Access Tool is a piece of software used to remotely access or control a computer. This tool can be used legitimately by system administrators for accessing the client computers. Remote Access tools, when used for malicious purposes, are known as a Remote Access Trojan (RAT).

What is the difference between a remote access trojan and rat?

RAT v. RAT Once an adversary gets their hands on it, a remote administration tool can become a remote access trojan. The primary difference between a “trojan” and a “tool” is whether or not your organization still has control over the software, but determining that can be tricky.

What is rat and how does it work?

What Is RAT? Best Remote Access Trojan Detect Tools Remote access technology is an incredibly useful tool, enabling IT support staff to quickly access and control workstations and devices across vast physical distances.

Can a rat be used to spy on your computer?

Unfortunately, this is very possible using a RAT. What is RAT Malware? A Remote Access Trojan, more popularly known as RAT, is a type of malware that can conduct covert surveillance to a victim’s computer. Its behavior is very similar to keyloggers.


What is RAT remote administration tool?

A remote administration tool (RAT) is a software program that gives you the ability to control another device remotely. You then have access to the device's system as if you had physical access to the device itself.

What are RAT Windows?

What is a RAT (remote access Trojan)? A remote access Trojan (RAT) is a malware program that includes a back door for administrative control over the target computer. RATs are usually downloaded invisibly with a user-requested program -- such as a game -- or sent as an email attachment.

What is orcus RAT?

Orcus RAT is a remote access trojan discovered by Cisco Talos researchers using both this RAT and Revenge RAT as malware distribution campaigns targeting organizations including government entities, financial services organizations, information technology service providers and consultancies.

Which connection is most commonly used in RATs?

RAT infections are typically carried out via spear phishing and social engineering attacks. Most are hidden inside heavily packed binaries that are dropped in the later stages of the malware's payload execution.

Is TeamViewer a RAT?

The JS script then launches the malware, which installs a version of TeamViewer, a remote administration tool (RAT), modified by the attackers. As in earlier attacks, the attackers use a malicious DLL library to hide the graphical user interface in order to control the infected system without the user's knowledge.

Can someone RAT an Iphone?

So someone would need direct physical access to your iOS device and a computer to install a RAT exploit into it. Even if you accessed a web site or email with a RAT package hidden in it, it cannot execute or do anything on a normal iOS installation.

Who made orcus rat?

Speaking of Orcus RAT malware authors, we know that the virus was developed by a 36-year-old John Revesz, also known as “Armada" on the underground forums. In 2019, Canadian authorities accused Revesz of operating an international malware distribution scheme.

Who is Orcus?

Orcus (Latin: Orcus) was a god of the underworld, punisher of broken oaths in Etruscan and Roman mythology. As with Hades, the name of the god was also used for the underworld itself.

What is orcus client?

What is Orcus? Orcus is a Remote Access Trojan (RAT). Programs of this type are used to remotely access or control computers. Generally, these tools can be used by anyone legitimately, however, in many cases, cyber criminals use them for malicious purposes.

Can a RAT spread through WiFi?

Replies (6)  Hi Ajay, RAT or remote access Trojan cannot attack other devices across the same WiFi network and as long as your devices are secured and have proper encryption, we believe that it will not affect your devices.

What is RAT and how it works?

Remote access trojans (RATs) are malware designed to allow an attacker to remotely control an infected computer. Once the RAT is running on a compromised system, the attacker can send commands to it and receive data back in response. 2022 Security Report Demo Endpoint RAT Protection.

Are remote access Trojans illegal?

Law enforcement officials say that simply possessing a remote-access tool isn't illegal. In fact, remote-access tools are often used for IT support purposes in corporate environments.

What can NanoCore do?

NanoCore can provide the threat actor with information such as computer name and OS of the affected system. It also opens a backdoor that allows the threat actors to access the webcam and microphone, view the desktop, create internet message windows and offers other options.

What does the acronym RATs stand for?

Slang / Jargon (1) Acronym. Definition. RATS. Rage against the System.

What does RAT mean in slang?

Slang. a person who abandons or betrays his or her party or associates, especially in a time of trouble. an informer.

How does a RAT tool work?

A RAT or remote administration tool, is software that gives a person full control a tech device, remotely. The RAT gives the user access to your system, just as if they had physical access to your device. With this access, the person can access your files, use your camera, and even turn on/off your device.

Can a Remote Access Trojan be installed to BIOS?

Access to the BIOS has been known to the world’s hackers since 2015. Many believe that the NSA was planting RATs and trackers on BIOS even earlier.

How is a Remote Access Trojan RAT different from a regular Trojan horse?

A Trojan is a virus that gets onto a victim computer by passing itself off as a legitimate piece of software. A RAT is a Trojan that the hacker can...

What is the Sakula Remote Access Trojan RAT?

Sakula is a RAT that is used to intrude on IT systems serving government departments and agencies, healthcare facilities, and other large organizat...

What Is RAT Software?

One malicious example of remote access technology is a Remote Access Trojan (RAT), a form of malware allowing a hacker to control your device remotely. Once a RAT program is connected to your computer, the hacker can examine the local files, acquire login credentials and other personal information, or use the connection to download viruses you could unwittingly spread along to others.

What is remote access trojan?

Like most other forms of malware, Remote Access Trojans are often attached to files appearing to be legitimate, like emails or software bundles. However, what makes Remote Access Trojans particularly insidious is they can often mimic above-board remote access programs.

How does Snort intrusion detection work?

The intrusion detection mode operates by applying threat intelligence policies to the data it collects, and Snort has predefined rules available on their website, where you can also download policies generated by the Snort user community. You can also create your own policies or tweak the ones Snort provides. These include both anomaly- and signature-based policies, making the application’s scope fairly broad and inclusive. Snort’s base policies can flag several potential security threats, including OS fingerprinting, SMB probes, and stealth port scanning.

What is the best way to detect malware?

The best option, especially for larger organizations, is to employ an intrusion detection system, which can be host-based or network-based. Host-based intrusion detection systems (HIDSs), which are installed on a specific device, monitor log files and application data for signs of malicious activity; network-based intrusion detection systems (NIDSs), on the other hand, track network traffic in real time, on the lookout for suspicious behavior. When used together, HIDSs and NIDSs create a security information and event management (SIEM) system. SIEM is an incredibly beneficial part of a strong security regimen and can help to block software intrusions which have slipped past firewalls, antivirus software, and other security countermeasures.

How do remote access Trojans evade live data analysis?

One way in which Remote Access Trojans can evade the live data analysis NIDSs provide is by dividing the command messaging sent through the malware across multiple data packets. NIDSs like Zeek, which focus more on application layers, are better able to detect split command messaging by running analyses across multiple data packets. This is one advantage Zeek has over Snort.

What happens if you install remote access Trojans?

If hackers manage to install Remote Access Trojans in important infrastructural areas—such as power stations, traffic control systems, or telephone networks—they can wreak havoc across neighborhoods, cities, and even entire nations.

What is APT in computer security?

The practice of stealthy, ongoing hacking seeking to accumulate data over time, as opposed to causing damage to information or systems, is known as an advanced persistent threat (APT ). Remote Access Trojans are a powerful tool in this type of attack, because they do not slow down a computer’s performance or automatically begin deleting files once installed—and because they’re so adaptable.

How to install a RAT?

An attacker must convince the user to install a RAT either by downloading malicious software from the web or running an executable from a malicious email attachment or message. RATs can also be installed using macros in Microsoft Word or Excel documents. When a user allows the macro to run on a device, the macro silently downloads RAT malware and installs it. With the RAT installed, an attacker can now remotely control the desktop, including mouse movement, mouse clicks, camera controls, keyboard actions, and any configured peripherals.

How do RATs work?

To discover the way RATs work, users can remotely access a device in their home or on a work-related network. RATs work just like standard remote-control software, but a RAT is programmed to stay hidden to avoid detection either from anti-malware software or the device owner.

How are Remote Access Trojans Useful to Hackers?

Attackers using remote control malware cut power to 80,000 people by remotely accessing a computer authenticated into SCADA (supervisor y control and data acquisition) machines that controlled the country’s utility infrastructure. RAT software made it possible for the attacker to access sensitive resources through bypassing the authenticated user's elevated privileges on the network. Having access to critical machines that control city resources and infrastructure is one of the biggest dangers of RAT malware.

Why do attackers use RATs?

RATs have the same remote-control functionality as RDPs, but are used for malicious purposes. Attackers always code software to avoid detection, but attackers who use a RAT risk being caught when the user is in front of the device and the mouse moves across the screen. Therefore, RAT authors must create a hidden program and use it when the user is not in front of the device. To avoid detection, a RAT author will hide the program from view in Task Manager, a Windows tool that lists all the programs and processes running in memory. Attackers aim to stay hidden from detection because it gives them more time to extract data and explore network resources for critical components that could be used in future attacks.

What is remote control software?

Legitimate remote-control software exists to enable an administrator to control a device remotely. For example, administrators use Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) configured on a Windows server to remotely manage a system physically located at another site such as a data center. Physical access to the data center isn’t available to administrators, so RDP gives them access to configure the server and manage it for corporate productivity.

Why do attackers use remote devices?

Instead of storing the content on their own servers and cloud devices, attackers use targeted stolen devices so that they can avoid having accounts and servers shut down for illegal content.

What is remote access tool?

Remote Access Tool is a piece of software used to remotely access or control a computer. This tool can be used legitimately by system administrators for accessing the client computers. Remote Access tools, when used for malicious purposes, are known as a Remote Access Trojan (RAT). They can be used by a malicious user to control the system without the knowledge of the victim. Most of the popular RATs are capable of performing key logging, screen and camera capture, file access, code execution, registry management, password sniffing etc.

How to avoid RATs?

RATs can be avoided by verifying each piece of software before installation by using authorized program signatures. This programs signature may be available from the vendors of the products; however, it may become difficult to correlate this procedure in an organizational level.

What is Bandook RAT?

Bandook RAT has the ability of process injection, API unhooking, bypass the Windows firewall etc. In this, the client has the ability to extend the functionality of the server by sending plugin code to it. The server has capability to hide it by creating a process using the default browser settings.

How can an attacker remotely control a system?

An attacker can remotely control the system by gaining the key logs, webcam feeds, audio footage, screen captures, etc . RATs normally obfuscate their presence by changing the name, size, and often their behavior or encryption methods. By doing this they evade from AV, firewalls, IDS, IPS and security defense systems.

What is a RAT?

The server or the stub program, if installed in the compromised system unknowingly by the owner of that system, then it is called as a Remote Access Trojan. Remote Administration Trojans (RATs) are malicious pieces of software and infect ...

What is network based detection?

In network based detection method, the network communication protocols can be monitored to check whether if any deviation is there in the behavior of network usage. Ports can be monitored for exceptional behavior, and can analyze protocol headers of packet among the systems. The network traffic can be analyzed and the RAT behavior patterns can distinguished among other legitimate traffic.

Do remote access tools require multifactor authentication?

All remote access tools that allow communication to and from the Internet must require multi-factor authentication.

How do RATs gain access to a computer?

It can gain remote access to the victim’s computer through specially configured communication protocols that allow the malware to go unnoticed. The backdoor access provides virtually complete access to the machine such as change settings, monitor the user’s behavior, use the computer’s Internet connection, browse and copy files, and even access to other computers in the victim’s network.

How to avoid RAT malware?

Fortunately, it is quite easy to avoid RAT malware. Avoid downloading files from untrustworthy sources. A good indicator of a legitimate website is the HTTPS in the URL. Moreover, do not download attachments from emails with unfamiliar sources. Do not torrent files unless you are certain that the source is clean as well.

What is RAT Malware?

A Remote Access Trojan, more popularly known as RAT, is a type of malware that can conduct covert surveillance to a victim’s computer. Its behavior is very similar to keyloggers. However, RATs can do much more than collect data from keystrokes, usernames, and passwords. Other modern keyloggers can also capture screenshots, emails, browser, chat logs, and more.

How to tell if a RAT is hiding in your computer?

Determining if a RAT is hiding in your computer is difficult as it does not exhibit the usual symptoms of a malware infection. However, ensuring that you only access legitimate and trustworthy websites is an excellent first step. Make sure that you have proper layers of protection especially if you regularly download files online or use torrent.

How do RATs spy on people?

Moreover, RATs can spy on victims by discreetly activating a computer’s webcam or microphone . It is especially dangerous when a computer is connected to various home gadgets such as home security systems, CCTV cameras, and more. It can escalate to a dangerous situation when the victim’s computer is used to conduct illegal activities, download illicit files, and conduct criminal transactions using your identity.

What is the best way to protect against RATs?

While Windows Defender is a fantastic security software, modern RATs can easily slip past its protection especially when it is not updated. Install a specialized anti-malware program, such as MalwareFox. It allows you to have peace of mind with its real-time protection. Additionally, if you suspect that your machine is infected, its deep scanning function will root out anything hiding in your computer.`

What is remote access?

Remote access is a common tool of any IT professionals. If you ever had your computer fixed, you probably had a technician access your machine from a remote location. They can take control of your PC using software created for this specific function.

What is the difference between a remote administration tool and a remote access trojan?

The only difference between a remote administration tool and a remote access trojan (RAT) is who’s controlling it.

What is remote utilities?

Remote Utilities is a remote desktop suite known to the security community as “RURAT” when used in a malicious context. Execution from folders outside of “program files”—such as appdata or programdata —often indicates malicious use of Remote Utilities. If you do not use Remote Utilities within your environment, alert on the execution of rutserv.exe or rfusclient.exe on all hosts within your environment. In the wild, it has been abused by various ransomware groups such as Epsilon Red, TA505, and even some suspected state-sponsored adversaries.

What is Anydesk used for?

Anydesk is a popular tool for controlling victim machines and deploying ransomware payloads , more commonly seen with the following ransomware families: Blackheart, Sodinokibi/REvil, Netwalker, and Darkside. Attackers will typically drop instances of Anydesk to conspicuous paths not normally observed. Detecting abnormal Anydesk behavior can be fairly simple in most instances, since it has fairly predictable behavior when executed.

What is ScreenConnect software?

The ScreenConnect software (aka ConnectWise Control) has been leveraged in various cyber attacks since at least 2016. The application is feature-rich, allowing for remote management of hosts typically used for help desk support. Some notable features include drag-and-drop file transfers, screen recording, and access to the command line to execute custom commands.

Can ScreenConnect write executable files to disk?

Based on our own telemetry and intelligence gained from past incident response engagements, we’ve found that it is highly unusual for ScreenConnect or its child processes to write executable files to disk.

Is RMM software new?

Adversarial abuse of remote monitoring & management (RMM) software is not new, but—given the rash of costly and destructive ransomware attacks in recent months and years—it’s particularly important that security teams develop robust security controls for detecting malicious use of RMM tooling. In fact, just last week AdvIntel reported on adversaries who—after gaining initial access—had installed an RMM tool called Atera and used it as a functional backdoor in the lead up to a Conti ransomware outbreak.

Can Task Manager see ctfmon?

And if a user runs a tool like Task Manager, all they’ll see is ctfmon without the path.

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