Remote-access Guide

qwinsta remote access denied

by Mr. Sofia Stroman IV Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Access a command prompt and enter the command ‘qwinsta /server:remoteipaddress’ for example: # qwinsta /server: You may receive an access denied message like the following:

Full Answer

What if I don't specify a session in qwinsta?

If you don't specify a session using the < username >, < sessionname >, or sessionID parameters, this query will display information about all active sessions in the system. When qwinsta returns information, a greater than (>) symbol is displayed before the current session. For example: SESSIONNAME specifies the name assigned to the session.

What ports are required to run qwinsta?

Commands qwinsta and quser described further also require the port 445/TCP to be open, otherwise you get the following error: C :\>qwinsta / server : {ADDRESS} Error 1722 getting sessionnames Error [1722]:The RPC server is unavailable .

What is the greater than (>) symbol in qwinsta?

When qwinsta returns information, a greater than (>) symbol is displayed before the current session. For example: SESSIONNAME specifies the name assigned to the session. USERNAME indicates the user name of the user connected to the session. STATE provides information about the current state of the session. TYPE indicates the session type.


How do you fix the requested session access is denied?

SolutionCheck the target server's event logs for any clear signs of the error root cause.Ensure that the user you are connecting with is a member of the “Remote Desktop Users” security group on the target server. ... Ensure that the Remote Desktop protocol is enabled on the target server.More items...•

What is Qwinsta command?

Displays information about sessions on a Remote Desktop Session Host server. The list includes information not only about active sessions but also about other sessions that the server runs. This command is the same as the query session command.

How do I run Qwinsta?

Here's the procedure:Type “Psexec \\servername –u username –p password –c cmd”Type “qwinsta”Choose a session to kill and note its id.Type “rwinsta id”

How do I use Qwinsta?

3:105:24How to Use Qwinsta & Rwinsta Commands to See Who Is Logged ...YouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipStuff slash question mark to get the command syntax. And your session name is the RDP - tcp numberMoreStuff slash question mark to get the command syntax. And your session name is the RDP - tcp number zero.

How do I see who is logged into my remote desktop?

Here are a few common methods you can use from a remote computer or logged into the local computer you are querying....Task ManagerRight-click the taskbar, then select “Task Manager“.Select the “Users” tab.Details on the users logged into the machine are displayed.

How do I remotely log off server?

SOLVED: How To Remotely Log Someone OffRight click on the START button of any machine on the same LAN, and select CMD (ADMIN), or POWER SHELL (ADMIN) or WINDOWS TERMINAL (ADMIN)Type user /server: and press ENTER.Notice the number in the ID column.Type logoff <#> /server:More items...

Where can I find unified session ID?

Using Process Explorer on the computer you can use the Users menu to determine the session ID. The number at the beginning of each entry in the menu is the session ID.

How do I log someone out of another server?

Select the other user's session and right-click, then choose Disconnect or Logoff (or, you can select the session and use the buttons at the bottom to do either of these.)

What is the quser command?

Reference article for the quser command, which displays information about user sessions on a Remote Desktop Session Host server.

What does the username mean in a session?

USERNAME indicates the user name of the user connected to the session.

Does QWinsta show disabled?

Any sessions in which the initial state is configured as DISABLED won't show up in the qwinsta list until they're enabled.

Can a user query a session?

A user can always query the session to which the user is currently logged on. To query other sessions, the user must have special access permission.


Hi there, At work we've got a network that contains just over 100 computers and 6 servers, most of the computers have Windows XP Professional SP3 installed whereas less than 10 of them have Windows 7 Professional SP1 installed apart from one which is a x64 system, all servers have Windows Server 2003 SP2 installed, one with web server edition whereas the rest have the standard edition installed, however when running the qwinsta command qwinsta /server:<server_name> using Command Prompt on my computers to 4 of the servers, it says that no sessions exist for these servers which I know isn't true.


A user can always query the session to which the user is currently logged on. To query other sessions, the user must have Query Information special access permission.

All replies

A user can always query the session to which the user is currently logged on. To query other sessions, the user must have Query Information special access permission.

How to find user in a line?

First thing to do is to determine which lines actually contain a user. We can count characters and find that the USERNAME value starts at the 19th character (the first character is actually the space, look carefully). So if the 19th character is not empty, we have a user.

What happens if $tmp is active?

If it is ‘Active’, the $tmp variable will have different amounts of values.

What version of RDP is needed for a server?

It must be 8.1 or higher. The following versions of Microsoft Windows can be used on a server side and as a client as they have RDP 8.1 out of the box:

How to shadow a session without user permission?

It is located at Local Computer Policy → Computer Configuration → Administrative Templates → Windows Components → Remote Desktop Services → Remote Desktop Session Host → Connections.

Is Shadowing incompatible with Remote Desktop Services?

There are two versions of the feature. Since the legacy version of Remote Desktop Services Shadowing is incompatible with the latest one and there are several articles on system administrator’s websites and forums about it, I’m not going to describe the former one widely, just a few words as a historical note.

Can RDS Shadowing work on multiple monitors?

It should also be noted that the latest version of RDS Shadowing supports multi-monitor setup on a remote host pretty well even with a different resolution on each monitor out of the box.

Can Remote Desktop Services be stopped?

No matter how the Remote Desktop Services ( TermService) service is started, it cannot be stopped while one of the following is true:

Do remote hosts need RDP?

The next but not less important thing is that a remote host must have RDP services running.

Is TeamViewer a third party software?

There is a number of third-party software such as VNC, radmin, TeamViewer, etc. on the market to achieve it, but it involves additional actions such as binary delivery, its installation and so on. Moreover, these actions are too noisy and leave a lot of garbage on a remote host.

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