Remote-access Guide

poison ivy remote access tool

by Dr. Kiara Feeney MD Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Poison Ivy might also be termed a 'remote access trojan'. This tool has already been used to attack government organizations and people who visited US government websites, human rights groups, and other institutions. This RAT can be used to monitor victims' computing activities, steal various credentials and files.

Full Answer

What is Poison Ivy remote access trojan?

Poison Ivy – Remote Access Trojan that has been used frequently in many high profile intrusion cases. The tool has a Graphical User Interface, or GUI, that allows the hacker to perform malicious tasks against a victim machine over an encrypted connection. Poison Ivy consists of two components, the server and the client.

What is poison ivy and how does it work?

Poison Ivy might also be termed a 'remote access trojan'. This tool has already been used to attack government organizations and people who visited US government websites, human rights groups, and other institutions.

What is poison ivy and is it legal?

Poison Ivy is software that can access and control connected computers remotely. Programs of this type are called remote access or administration tools (RATs), however, not all are legitimate and some people use them illegally.

What port is Poison Ivy listening on?

After you click OK, Poison Ivy will return to the screen that indicates it is listening on port 443. Lab 4: Poison Ivy - Remote Access Trojan 17 This work by the National Information Security and Geospatial Technologies Consortium (NISGTC), and except where otherwise noted, is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.


What is PoisonIvy in cyber security?

The Poison Ivy trojan is a remote access trojan (RAT) that was first identified in 2005 and has continued to make headlines throughout the years. In 2011, it was used in the "Nitro" campaign that targeted government organizations, chemical manufacturers, human rights groups, and defense contractors.

How does PoisonIvy malware work?

PoisonIvy creates a backdoor through which remote attackers can steal system information. PoisonIvy stages collected data in a text file. PoisonIvy uses the Camellia cipher to encrypt communications. PoisonIvy creates a backdoor through which remote attackers can upload files.

What are the common backdoor?

7 most common application backdoorsShadowPad. ... Back Orifice. ... Android APK backdoor. ... Borland/Inprise InterBase backdoor. ... Malicious chrome and Edge extension backdoor. ... Backdoors in outdated WordPress plugins. ... Bootstrap-Sass Ruby library backdoor.

What is the ZeuS virus?

Some variants of ZeuS also affect mobile devices that run Android, Symbian, and Blackberry. ZeuS is the first information stealing malware that steals Mobile Transaction Authentication Numbers (mTANs), a type of two-factor authentication (2FA) method that banks use when you want to perform transactions.

What is Poisonivy EXE?

Poisonivy is a backdoor trojan that allows unauthorized access and control of an affected machine. It attempts to hide by injecting itself into other processes.

What happened Poisonivy?

Flashpoint. In the alternate timeline of the Flashpoint event, Poison Ivy is one of the many villains subsequently killed by Batman.

What is RAT application?

Remote access trojans (RATs) are malware designed to allow an attacker to remotely control an infected computer. Once the RAT is running on a compromised system, the attacker can send commands to it and receive data back in response.

Is Poisonivy a rash?

Brushing against a poison ivy plant can cause a red, itchy rash. Frequently, the rash takes a linear form (as in the top-left corner of the photo) due to the way the plant sweeps across the skin.

How does poison ivy work?

Poison Ivy uses TCP for communication and it is encrypted using Camellia cipher using a 256 key. The key is made from a password created by the attacker while the PIVY server is built. Many hacker groups used PoisonIvy to attack different category of targets across the world.

What is remote access tool?

Remote Access Tool is a piece of software used to remotely access or control a computer. This tool can be used legitimately by system administrators for accessing the client computers. Remote Access tools, when used for malicious purposes, are known as a Remote Access Trojan (RAT). They can be used by a malicious user to control the system without the knowledge of the victim. Most of the popular RATs are capable of performing key logging, screen and camera capture, file access, code execution, registry management, password sniffing etc.

What is Bandook RAT?

Bandook RAT has the ability of process injection, API unhooking, bypass the Windows firewall etc. In this, the client has the ability to extend the functionality of the server by sending plugin code to it. The server has capability to hide it by creating a process using the default browser settings.

Where is the malware stored?

The malware stores keystrokes in a .tmp file and connects to a control server over port 1177 registered to an IP address in Gaza City, Palestine. A copy of the malware is stored in a second directory built by the attacker in order for it to execute again upon reboots. Once it connects to the command and control server, it sends system information including the computer name, attacker identifier, system location, operating system information, whether the computer contains a built-in camera, and which windows are open.

What is B02K client interface?

B02K client interface has a list of servers that displays the list of compromised servers and this server has its name, IP address, and connection information. Several commands can be used to gather data from victim machine and this command can be executed using the attacker machine by giving the intended parameters. The responses can be seen using the Server Response window.

How can an attacker remotely control a system?

An attacker can remotely control the system by gaining the key logs, webcam feeds, audio footage, screen captures, etc . RATs normally obfuscate their presence by changing the name, size, and often their behavior or encryption methods. By doing this they evade from AV, firewalls, IDS, IPS and security defense systems.

How is malware delivered?

The malware is delivered via spear phishing emails, or drive-by downloads. The attackers are also embedding the malware in other applications such as the L517 Word List Generator; the malware is compressed and obfuscated by a number of tools in order to avoid detection by security software.

What is poison ivy server?

Poison Ivy Server– A server executable, or payload, is created and then distributed to one or more victims. Once the victim executes the payload, the malware will infect their machine and they will connect to the computer running the Poison Ivy software.

What is poison ivy?

Poison Ivy – Remote Access Trojan that has been used frequently in many high profile intrusion cases. The tool has a Graphical User Interface, or GUI, that allows the hacker to perform malicious tasks against a victim machine over an encrypted connection. Poison Ivy consists of two components, the server and the client.

What is a remote access Trojan?

Remote Access Trojan – A program that will allow a remote user, likely an attacker, to connect to a victim’s machine and perform harmful actions to the computer’s operating system. A Remote Access Trojan, or RAT, may allow the attacker to perform such tasks as uploading or downloading files and stealing a user’s credentials.

Is poison ivy malware?

Poison Ivy is an extremely dangerous piece of malware that will allow attackers to maintain a persistent connection on a victim’s machine through an encrypted connection. There have been several high profile cases where Poison Ivy was used as an attack tool during an intrusion, including the attack against RSA’s (a division of EMC Corporation) network in 2011.

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