Remote-access Guide

phpmyadmin remote access forbidden

by Layla McCullough Published 1 year ago Updated 1 year ago

The forbidden error means one doesn’t have the permission to access /phpMyAdmin/ on the server. This error often occurs if customers install phpMyAdmin using or by apt-get. The default path of phpMyAdmin is /usr/share/phpmyadmin.

Full Answer

Why am I getting a phpMyAdmin installation error in Ubuntu?

This error often occurs if customers install phpMyAdmin using or by apt-get. The default path of phpMyAdmin is /usr/share/phpmyadmin. And etc/httpd/conf.d/phpmyadmin.conf is the apache configuration file path.

Where is phpMyAdmin config file located?

By default phpmyadmin installed path is /usr/share/phpmyadmin and the apache configuration file is located in /etc/httpd/conf.d/phpmyadmin.conf. You don't have permission to access /phpmyadmin/ on this server.

How to prevent mod_security at phpMyAdmin directories?

Centos 7 php install comes with the ModSecurity package installed and enabled which prevents web access to phpMyAdmin. At the end of phpMyAdmin.conf, you should find # This configuration prevents mod_security at phpMyAdmin directories from # filtering SQL etc.

Where do I put The phpMyAdmin Index in the directory?

You need to have it under /usr/share/phpMyAdmin directory and can contain something similar: Aditionally you also need have the line DirectoryIndex index.php in you directory block. <Directory /usr/share/phpMyAdmin> Options FollowSymLinks DirectoryIndex index.php AllowOverride All [...]


How do I fix access forbidden in xampp?

Although XAMPP error 403 can be annoying, it's easy to solve whether you're using Windows, macOS, or Linux. All you have to do is edit the XAMPP httpd-xampp. conf file to ensure that everyone has access to phpMyAdmin. Then the 403 error should disappear right away.

How do I fix 403 access forbidden?

How to Fix the 403 Forbidden ErrorCheck the . htaccess File. ... Reset File and Directory Permissions. ... Disable WordPress Plugins. ... Upload an Index Page. ... Edit File Ownership. ... Verify the A Record. ... Scan for Malware. ... Clear Your Web History/Cache.

How do you solve You don't have permission to access PhpMyAdmin on this server?

Change the file content of c:\wamp\alias\phpmyadmin. conf to the following. You should remember to set the Allow Directive to allow it from your local machine for security purposes. The directive Allow from all is insecure and should be limited to your local machine.

How do I fix request forbidden by administrative rules?

How To Fix The Error '403 Forbidden Request Forbidden By Administrative Rules'Disable your .htaccess file.Disable your plugins.Check your WordPress file permissions.

What causes 403 Forbidden?

The 403 Forbidden error appears when your server denies you permission to access a page on your site. This is mainly caused by a faulty security plugin, a corrupt . htaccess file, or incorrect file permissions on your server.

What does 403 Forbidden mean?

The HTTP 403 Forbidden response status code indicates that the server understands the request but refuses to authorize it. This status is similar to 401 , but for the 403 Forbidden status code re-authenticating makes no difference.

How do you solve You don't have permission to access on this server?

Access Denied, You don't have permission to accessClear Everything about the website.Turn off VPN or VPN Extensions.Disable Proxy.Use a Premium VPN Service.Clear all data for a specific website in Firefox.Reset Browser.

How do I know if phpMyAdmin is working?

Check if phpMyAdmin is Working. Finally, we can open phpMyAdmin utility by entering in your server's IP address in a browser's address bar with the addition /phpmyadmin string like so – 127.0. 0.1/phpmyadmin. There you should see the login screen.

Where is phpMyAdmin conf?

The configuration files are located in the /etc/phpmyadmin directory. The main configuration file is /etc/phpmyadmin/config. inc. php, which contains the configuration options that apply globally to phpMyAdmin.

What is the difference between 401 and 403 error?

401 Unauthorized is the status code to return when the client provides no credentials or invalid credentials. 403 Forbidden is the status code to return when a client has valid credentials but not enough privileges to perform an action on a resource.

How do I get rid of 403 Forbidden on Chrome?

0:002:08How To FIX 403 FORBIDDEN ERROR on Google Chrome - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipProblem first refresh the web page press f5 or click the refresh. Button often an error like this isMoreProblem first refresh the web page press f5 or click the refresh. Button often an error like this is just a small glitch that's gone by the time you refresh the page.

How do I fix a 403 postman error?

The simple answer is; “You need to be given the correct access”. Without being given the correct access you'd technically be hacking the server, as it is specifically set up to restrict said access.

How do I get rid of 403 Forbidden on Chrome?

0:002:08How To FIX 403 FORBIDDEN ERROR on Google Chrome - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipProblem first refresh the web page press f5 or click the refresh. Button often an error like this isMoreProblem first refresh the web page press f5 or click the refresh. Button often an error like this is just a small glitch that's gone by the time you refresh the page.

How do I fix error 403 on android?

Android: Error 403 in Google Play StoreOpen your device Settings.Tap Apps.Tap the 3 dots icon (at the upper right)Tap Show system apps to display preinstalled apps.Find and tap Google Play Store.Tap Storage.Tap Clear cache.Tap OK.More items...

Could not get received status code 403 from server forbidden?

Received status code 403 from server: Forbidden Error To solve this error just Upgrade Gradle to the latest version. Follow this step to Upgrade Gradle to the latest version. Open Your Build. gradle You can Find at this path android/build.

What does Forbidden mean on website?

It simply means that for some predetermined reason, the website's content you're trying to access is being blocked. The reason might be within your control – but it's more likely caused by something on the content-owner or server side.

phpMyAdmin.conf and remote access

I created a MySQL user with a wildcard host and can successfully log in to MySQL from a shell session.

Re: phpMyAdmin.conf and remote access

You're looking at the wrong config file. The one you posted is for apache httpd but the one you need to configure is the one that tells phpmyadmin where the mysql server is and what user/password to use.

Re: phpMyAdmin.conf and remote access

Which should be /etc/phpMyAdmin/ - there should be a sample config file in /etc/phpMyAdmin which you can copy and modify to your needs.

Re: phpMyAdmin.conf and remote access

MySQL is v8.0.14 and while SELinux is enabled, the setsebool command didn't help...

Re: phpMyAdmin.conf and remote access

Now we are making progress! Thank you! After changing the Authentication Plugin for root as described, the root MySQL user (and only root) can now connect via phpMyAdmin. I will try altering other users as well, including the phpMyAdmin control user.

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