Remote-access Guide

network security for it remote access scholarly articles

by Ms. Mable Kozey MD Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

What is network security and how does it work?

Introduction Network security starts with authorization, commonly with a username and a password. Network security consists of the provisions and policies adopted by a network administrator to prevent and monitor unauthorized access, modification in system, misuse, or denial of a computer network and network-accessible resources.

How is the networking industry responding to the growing remote access challenge?

The networking industry’s initial response to the growing remote access challenge was the virtual private network (VPN).

How can care improve the security of remote access?

With care, it is possible to provide effective, secure network access to remote access deployments, enabling new service models and increasing customer capabilities. Errett Kroeter is director of corporate & channel marketing for Lantronix in Irvine, CA. .

Are more people accessing sensitive data from home computers?

Onkar Birk, senior vice president of product strategy and engineering for Houston-based network security firm Alert Logic, said there has been a significant spike in the number of users connecting to company networks and accessing sensitive data from home computers.


How do you secure remote access to a network?

Use virtual private networks (VPN) - Many remote users will want to connect from insecure Wi-Fi or other untrusted network connections. VPNs can eliminate that risk, however VPN endpoint software must also be kept up-to-date to avoid vulnerabilities that can occur from older versions of the software client.

What security best practices are for connecting to remote systems?

Best Practices For Remote Access SecurityEnable encryption. ... Install antivirus and anti-malware. ... Ensure all operating systems and applications are up to date. ... Enforce a strong password policy. ... Use Mobile Device Management (MDM) ... Use Virtual Private Network (VPN) ... Use two-factor authentication.More items...•

Which is the most secure method of remotely accessing a network device?

Utilise VPNs Any remote connection between a computer and the corporate network should always be secured via a virtual private network (VPN) connection. The private network eliminates the need for a physical connection between integrated devices so that employees can remotely and securely access the office's servers.

What are the security vulnerabilities associated with remote access technologies?

Many remote access security risks abound, but below is a list of the ones that jump out.Lack of information. ... Password sharing. ... Software. ... Personal devices. ... Patching. ... Vulnerable backups. ... Device hygiene. ... Phishing attacks.

What is required for remote access?

Remote computer access requires a reliable internet connection. You'll need to activate or install software on the device you want to access, as well as on the device — or devices — you want to use to get that access.

How do you protect a remote?

Best Tips to Protect Remote Desktop ConnectionUse strong passwords. ... Update your software. ... Limit access using firewalls. ... Enable Network Level Verification. ... Limit users who can log in using remote desktop. ... Use two-factor authentication on highly sensitive systems.

What are potential risks associated with remote access?

Five Remote Access Security Risks And How To Protect Against ThemWeak remote access policies. ... A deluge of new devices to protect. ... Lack of visibility into remote user activity. ... Users mixing home and business passwords. ... Opportunistic phishing attempts.

Why is secure remote access important?

A secure remote access system protects your employees from web-based threats such as phishing attacks, ransomware and malware while they're logged in to your company's network. These cyber incidents can lead to unauthorized access and use of both the company's business data and the employee's personal data.

What are the most common remote work security risks?

Top Security Risks of Remote WorkingGDPR and remote working. Remote work means an employer has less control and visibility over employees' data security. ... Phishing Emails. ... Weak Passwords. ... Unsecured Home Devices. ... Unencrypted File Sharing. ... Open Home WiFi Networks.

What types of attacks are remote access servers vulnerable to?

Other attacks which hackers can facilitate through remote access include email phishing, third-party vendor compromise, insider threats, social engineering, and the use of vulnerable applications to compromise systems. Hackers use Common remote access tools to penetrate third-party access to merchant information ...

What are some security issues related to remote desktop?

These are the most important vulnerabilities in RDP:Weak user sign-in credentials. Most desktop computers are protected by a password, and users can typically make this password whatever they want. ... Unrestricted port access. RDP connections almost always take place at port 3389*.

What practices allow you to be at your best when working remotely?

7 Best Practices for Working Remotely to Follow in 2022Make communication your top priority.Push yourself to experiment and find ways to be more productive.Be ready to work at different times of the day.Schedule in-person meetings every once in a while.Socialize and put efforts to strengthen your bond with the team.More items...

What is a best practice for compliance in the remote access domain?

Instead, a best practice is to adopt the principle of least privilege, which means that access for all users should be blocked by default and enabled only for the specific accounts that require it.

Which protocol would be used to provide security for employees that access systems remotely from home?

Which protocol would be used to provide security for employees that access systems remotely from home? Explanation: Various application layer protocols are used to for communications between systems. A secure protocol provides a secure channel over an unsecured network.

What are the security considerations when deploying a remote access solution?

Security considerations are always a major issue when deploying a remote access solution, and the difficulties are compounded when solutions must include support for embedded systems. Successful implementations must provide effective authentication and access control, and care must also be taken to ensure that data is secured during transport over the network.

What is additional consideration when target devices are hosted as guests on remote networks administered by others?

In such cases particular care must be taken to ensure that your systems do not open the hosting network to outside threats.

What is machine to machine remote management?

One commercial offering that addresses these challenges is a machine-to-machine remote management device capable of providing easy yet secure remote Internet access to IP-enabled equipment– even when such equipment is located behind remote firewalls or a VPN. Readily adaptable to a wide range of management tasks, such devices are suited for accessing and managing embedded systems located on remote customer networks. They are also appropriate where support staff do not have administrator privileges on the remote network.

What is network based access control?

Network-based access controls are used to ensure that only authorized hosts are allowed to establish connections to your networked devices. Such access control usually takes the form of Firewalls that may work at Layer 2 (also referred to as the data link layer in the OSI Seven Layer Networking Model) or Layer 3 (the network layer).

What is a VPN?

The networking industry’s initial response to the growing remote access challenge was the virtual private network (VPN). As its name implies, a VPN replaces dedicated leased lines, cellular links or other costly physical connections with a secure mechanism over which traffic from a remote device can be tunneled to the target network using an existing network connection.

Who is Errett Kroeter?

Errett Kroeter is director of corporate & channel marketing for Lantronix in Irvine, CA. . Additional information on the new ManageLinx VIP Access remote access solution, including a security white paper and a remote product services case study, are available at the Lantronix website .

Does firewall technology help with external threats?

The success of firewall technology in addressing external network threats did not come without a price – universal deployment of firewalls has greatly aggravated the difficulty of providing remote access to network devices.

Why is network security important?

Network security is becoming of great importance because of intellectual property that can be easily acquired through ...

What is network security?

Network security consists of the provisions and policies adopted by a network administrator to prevent and monitor unauthorized access, modification in system, misuse, or denial of a computer network and network-accessible resources. Basically network security involves the authorization of access to data in a network, ...

Why is Sybil attack happening?

The Sybil attack can be happen due to malicious node shares its secret key with other malicious nodes. In this way the number of malicious node is increased in the network and the probability of the attack is also increases.

What is mobile ad-hoc network?

In mobile ad-hoc network the nodes are independent. Protecting computer and network security are critical issues. The malicious nodes create a problem in the network. This malicious nodes acts as selfishness, It can use the resources of other nodes and preserve the resources of its own.

Who published the 2015 book The Authors?

Copyright © 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.

Why is the internet important to security?

So, here the requirement is to ensure that the services are supplied to a legitimate user rather than bots to prevent service abuse. The present article provides such a security from bots with the help of a standard security mechanism called CAPTCHA. A new cognition-based design of CAPTCHA is produced overcoming the limitation of presently available CAPTCHA. Also, a new architecture for producing these CAPTCHA codes randomly is presented in this article so that the differentiation among a legitimate user and Bots can be made. Thus, the major objective of the article is to present an optimum security mechanism for differentiating among humans and Bots.

Why is the network important for education?

The key aim of education is to share data and knowledge, making the network important for education. In particular, it is essential to ensure the exchange of information; thus, no one can corrupt it. To safe and trustworthy transfers between users, integrity and reliability are crucial questions in all data transfer problems. Therefore, we have developed a secure campus network (SCN) for sending and receiving information among high-security end-users. We created a topology for a campus of multi networks and virtual local area networks (VLANs') using cisco packet tracer. We also introduced the most critical security configurations, the networking used in our architecture. We used a large number of protocols to protect and accommodate the users of the SCN scheme.

What are the key issues related to information security?

and authenticated access of resources are the key issues related to information security. In this paper

What is network information system?

Enterprise Network Information System is not only the platform for information sharing and information exchanging, but also the platform for Enterprise Production Automation System and Enterprise Management System working together. As a result, the security defense of Enterprise Network Information System does not only include information system network security and data security, but also include the security of network business running on information system network, which is the confidentiality, integrity, continuity and real-time of network business. According to the security defense of Enterprise Network Information System, this paper proposes the "network business security" concept. In this paper, the object of information security is defined in three parts - - data security, network system security and network business security, and the network business security model is described. The proposal of the concept "network business security" provides theoretical basis for security defense of enterprise automatic production system and enterprise management information system.

Why is mobility important in universities?

Mobility becomes a requirement in most universities especially after the enhancement that took place in the new technologies. Besides, the university must be fully linked to the Internet and network facilities available in the campus. The major factor that should be considered is the security of the university network. The current network security in the universities is still weak to be implemented; students still can break through the staff and faculty members' computers trying to hack the confidential information. This paper addresses the internal and the external security challenges in universities that implements wireless networks. Distributed security is designed to provide a more secure data communication among faculty members, staff, and students. A description of the technique used to protect and keep PC's up and running is illustrated with applications

Why is intrusion prevention important?

The most important is to prevent new attacks.

What are the problems of remote labs?

Problems related to data security issues, information and access credibility are the main points encountered today for remote laboratories. Because of the use of an Internet connection, there is a need for an efficient mechanism to ensure secure and authenticated access to resources provided by the laboratories. The purpose of the research is to find solutions for the primary forms of attacks on remote labs since they are a much more efficient way in terms of accessibility and availability when compared to conventional labs. Defining which methods are adopted nowadays is the main objective that must be reached at the end of the work. Initially, a research of the current security methods of remote laboratories was carried out, which are the most frequent forms of attacks that occur today. As a result, there should be a new implementation of security-related issues. Thus, network security devices consist of one or more security functions, so that there is protection in any kind of attack. As a result, it is also expected the definition of which security methods can be adopted by remote laboratories, showing where security improvements should occur so that major attacks are avoided. Based on this context, this work intends to provide an advance in security practices to be adopted as well as ensure that the main attacks that currently occur will not affect the integrity of laboratories.

Why do organizations require employees who are working remotely to use VPNs?

Experts recommend that organizations require employees who are working remotely to use VPNs to help maintain end-to-end data encryption.

Why is access to the organization's internal network allowed only on employer-provided devices?

Anscombe said that ideally, access to the organization's internal network would be allowed only on employer-provided devices because the devices would be under the management of the IT team. He also advised employers to ask their remote workforce to audit their home environment for vulnerabilities.

What should remote employees do?

"Remote workers need to have clear communication protocols for IT support and for crisis management if they encounter unusual or suspect issues that could be the result of a breach," Anscombe said.

What is the importance of having the right access to the right applications?

For remote workers, having the right access to the right applications is critical for success, said Joseph Carson, chief security scientist at Thycotic, a cybersecurity firm in Washington, D.C. "A strong identity and access management solution will help automate the ability to switch or provision remote workers to the appropriate access methods and technologies," he said. "Implementing 'least privilege' means granting only the minimum permissions required by an end user, application, service task or system to perform the jobs they have been assigned … to help reduce the risk of exploitation without impacting productivity or involving IT."

Who advised employers to first determine who on the staff needs access to the organization's entire internal network?

Anscombe advised employers to first determine who on the staff needs access to the organization's entire internal network, and who may just need access to cloud-based services and e-mail.

Who said employers can try to ban the use of popular but not approved communication methods?

David Creelman, HR thought leader and the CEO of Creelman Research in Toronto, said that employers can try to ban the use of popular but not approved communication methods, "but we need to accept that humans will inevitably circumvent the policy. That means we need a second layer of defense: education. HR professionals need to be educated and reminded which data is so sensitive that they must never take a risk with it. If employees' compensation data or medical data or psychometric assessment data is revealed, that's very serious."

Can you use personal devices for cybersecurity?

Many workers will have no choice but to use personal devices and home networks to get their job done. "One of the biggest cybersecurity risks is the personal device," Glass, of law firm Stark & Stark, said. "Whether smartphone or laptop, there are serious problems posed by using personal technology in a work setting involving sensitive information. Employees might save documents to their desktops or send document drafts to their personal e-mail. They may not have up-to-date antivirus software, or they may use outdated personal password protection."

What is the biggest threat to network security?

Your employees who work remotely can become the biggest threat to your network’s security. By unknowingly following cybersecurity worst practices, employees can actually be the ones giving threat actors access to your network and your company’s private information.

What are the tools that both regular and remote employees should have installed on their devices?

Here are the fundamental tools that both your regular and remote employees should have installed on their devices: 1. Multi-factor authentication. This type of authentication will act as an additional layer of security on top of your remote employees’ accounts.

What is the first step in remote work?

The first step is to create a security policy specifically designed for remote workers. 93% of the IT professional interviewed in the OpenVPN study already have a formalized remote work policy in place and this is quite impressive and reassuring.

Why do I need a VPN?

VPN. VPN connections are crucial when your employees connect to unsecured networks, such as Wi-Fi hotspots, even when they work from home. It’s recommended for your employees to be using your company’s VPN. What this tool does is route the traffic through the internet from your organization’s private network, ensuring even more security.

Why do cybercriminals crack passwords?

Cybercriminals are aware that human error is easier to exploit than trying to get past an advanced security solution, which is why they will attempt to crack account passwords in order to access private company data.

Why is a firewall important?

A firewall will prevent unauthorized access to and from the network, further strengthening the security of your employees’ devices. What firewalls do is monitor network traffic, at the same time finding and blocking unwanted traffic. So, firewalls are important tools that will protect your remote endpoints against various cyber threats.

What are the essential security clauses that should be included in your remote work policy?

Below are the essential security clauses that should be included in your remote work policy: Clearly define which positions are eligible for remote work. Be transparent towards your employees. Everyone should be aware which job functions are allowed to work remotely are which are not due to security reasons.

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