Remote-access Guide

jones day remote access region selection

by Prof. Joy Legros Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

What is the Jones Day Help Desk?

The Help Desk is the Firm's technical support team and the gateway to all Jones Day related technology needs, wherever you are. The Help Desk is available to you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. If you have a question that does not require an immediate response, send an email to

How many locations does Jones Day have?

Our 42 locations are in major centers of business and finance throughout the world. As a fully-integrated firm, Jones Day has no headquarters, and no "branch" or "satellite" offices.

Who are the new lawyers at Jones Day's global Disputes practice?

The global law firm Jones Day has announced the arrival of four lawyers in its Global Disputes Practice, based in the Firm's Perth Office. The group of new arrivals includes: The team joins following the arrival of Michael Lundberg in May as a partner in Jones Day's Global Disputes Practice, also based in Perth.

Who is Jones Day?

Jones Day is a global law firm with more than 2,500 lawyers in 42 offices across five continents.


What is Jones Day Atlanta?

Jones Day's Atlanta Office empowers lawyers to make an immediate contribution. Because we operate as a team, every lawyer, whether a partner, associate, or summer associate, has an opportunity to provide meaningful input on cases, deals, and matters. As a result, each person's work responsibilities derive from his or her abilities—not title—and proven performance leads to greater opportunity.#N#On a daily basis, our lawyers are handling securities, product liability, and IP cases in state and federal courts; advising clients on deals that cross international borders; and helping clients on tax, environmental, employment, and antitrust matters.#N#Because Jones Day Atlanta is part of an integrated global law firm where the primary responsibility is delivering exceptional legal services to our clients, new lawyers have the opportunity to work with lawyers not just in Atlanta, but elsewhere in the nation and the world. On any given day, lawyers in Atlanta are working with lawyers in Dallas, New York, London, Shanghai, or any of Jones Day's other locations. We operate as one team, with the goal of providing outstanding service to our clients. As a result, at Jones Day Atlanta, new lawyers become part of one of the best legal practices in Atlanta − and the world.#N#Recruiting Contacts:#N#Emily Baker, Hiring Partner#N#Tanisia Charles, Recruiting Manager#N#Jones Day#N#1221 Peachtree Street, N.E., Suite 400#N#Atlanta, GA 30361

How does Jones Day invest in lawyers?

Jones Day attorneys prioritize the stewardship and future of our institution, and therefore the development of each new generation of lawyers. We invest in our people through formal and informal mentoring programs. Through the New Lawyers Group, our newest legal talent can explore their interests across our practice areas which provides them with mentoring relationships with leaders in each field. We are looking for bright legal minds who see their role not only as those seeking mentoring, but also those who will soon become mentors themselves.

What is Jones Day?

Jones Day recognizes that an associate's development into an exceptional lawyer is a journey that starts the first day and continues throughout a lawyer's career. The Firm provides ongoing professional development and training opportunities to lawyers at every level of practice.

What is the best training for a lawyer?

Despite the merits of formalized CLE and other training programs, for most of our lawyers, the best and most effective training comes from daily interactions with their peers. Whether drafting a deal document, taking a deposition, or trying a case, the opportunity to do your best work and receive constructive feedback from a more experienced colleague will teach you to write more concisely, ask questions more clearly, organize a brief more effectively, and make more persuasive arguments.

How much is reimbursed for meals at a hotel?

You will be reimbursed for meals associated with each night spent in the hotel, not to exceed $70 total per 24-hour period. Please submit the credit card receipt and itemized bill (unless these expenses are included in the hotel bill).

What do you need to apply for Jones Day?

Applications must include a diversity statement, a resume, and a transcript. Applications will be evaluated by a panel of Jones Day lawyers. The following criteria will be considered:

How many Fortune 500 companies are there in Houston?

Houston is home to more than 25 Fortune 500 companies, world-class arts organizations, four professional sports teams, a thriving restaurant scene, and some of the most affordable housing in the nation.

What is Jones Day?

Jones Day seeks to provide institutional solutions to our clients' institutional needs. All clients are clients of the Firm. All clients can call upon any and all of the resources of the Firm in seeking to meet their challenges—including across jurisdictions and disciplines.

What is Jones Day lawyers?

Our lawyers work across offices, practices, and continents, and are devoted to serving their clients, improving the legal profession, and promoting the rule of law.

How many lawyers are there at Jones Day?

With more than 2,500 lawyers, Jones Day is dedicated to providing exceptional service to our clients and offers each of its lawyers the opportunity to join a collaborative team that works across borders and practices.

Why is Jones Day one firm worldwide?

Jones Day is One Firm Worldwide® because that's the best way to meet a client's needs, and the best way to develop and retain exceptional legal talent. Jones Day seeks to provide institutional solutions to our clients' institutional needs.

What does all this mean for a new lawyer?

What does all this mean for a new lawyer? It guarantees exposure to a wide variety of lawyers, different styles of practice, and the experience of practicing within our culture of collaboration and mutual support.

Does Jones Day have origination credits?

Jones Day does not record origination credits or employ an "eat-what-you-kill" compensation arrangement. Jones Day seeks lawyers who are concerned with delivering the best service possible to our clients, with colleagues whom they value and respect.

Is Jones Day a partner?

Jones Day clients don't "belong" to individual partners, or even particular offices or practices. Instead, every client is a client of the Firm, and we draw on the legal resources, wherever they are located in the Firm, best suited to address the client’s problems.

What is a seizure order?

The seizure order that Rebecca mentioned is a little bit different in the United States, and it's a remedy that's available under the Defense of Trade Secrets Act, the federal cause of action for trade secret misappropriation. There's only been a handful of claims involving seizure orders so far in the United States, it's relatively new legislation, but it's the heightened standard even above the heightened standard that you would seek an injunctive relief, because an injunction speaks to use of the trade secret. And so you're enjoined from using the trade secret. The seizure goes a step further, and it goes to the actual device, and it might be a weapon that employers will use in this remote working environment where they will go to the court and say, judge, it's not enough that we enjoin former employee from using our trade secret information. That's not enough. We have reason to believe that that's not going to be good enough.

How long can trade secrets be protected?

Now it sounds like quite a lot to do, and quite a hard test to satisfy, but if you get it right, the bonus is that you can get perpetual protection of the information for as long as it's kept secret. And that's different from say patent protection, or some other IP rights protection, where it tends to be for a finite number of years. And that longevity of protection of trade secrets can really give a business an edge. The one that we always use as an example is the Coca-Cola recipe, but equally it could apply to algorithms for other valuable information.

What is remote working?

And remote working is inevitably going to mean the other members of the household, or other people present wherever the employee happens to be working, may have access to their confidential information , particularly if documents are not being stored and disposed of carefully. And then you have issues such as the use of non-work devices, laptops, mobile phones, or employees using public, or unsecured networks, all of which will increase the risk of a trade secrets breach. And then coupled with all these remote working issues, you've got the current economic downturn resulting from COVID-19, which is just going to exacerbate the risk.

What are the similarities between trade secret and federal law?

There are a lot of similarities in the United States to those that Rebecca mentioned. There's an added nuance in the US which is that trade secret claims are the product of both state law and federal law. And sometimes there are strategic reasons not to bring your claim under the federal law. Sometimes there are strategic claims not to bring it under state law. And so the facts and circumstances of any particular issue will govern your strategy there, and at some level could impact the remedy that's available to you as a trade secret owner. Rebecca is spot on. Usually the first thing you want to do is stop the dissemination of the trade secret. You need that injunctive relief, and injunctive relief is available in the United States. And you have some severe burdens that you have to demonstrate to be able to get it. But that is the number one remedy that you want to see.

How to prove a trade secret?

Sure. So basically there are three things you need to do to prove that you have a trade secret to be able to protect it in the UK and the EU. First , the information you are seeking to protect must be secret. Sounds obvious, but it's amazing how many businesses fail at this first hurdle. Basically you need to show that the information is not generally known within the industry, and not generally accessible to people outside of your organization. So it's got to be confidential in nature. And secondly, the information must have commercial value due to its secrecy. So it could be that it gives the business a competitive advantage over other businesses. For instance, it could be some improves efficiency in a manufacturing process, or a higher quality product, or a product or service offering that is unique in the market. And then last but not least, you need to show that you've taken reasonable steps to retain the confidentiality of the information. So to keep it secret.

What does it mean to let staff go remotely?

So I think generally there's less engagement with the workforce, and letting go of staff remotely means that the usual debriefs, or security checks that would normally take place in-person at the business's premises are just not happening. And on top of that, you've got some disgruntled employees who may be desperate to find new jobs, and may unfortunately be tempted to take know-how from their employer.

What to do when a trade secret is breached?

I think the really key thing when a breach occurs is to move quickly to address it. The immediate concern should be to identify how the breach happens, so that you can try and contain the risk as much as you can, and prevent further disclosure of your information because obviously once a trade secret has been widely disclosed it risks losing its value completely, and just being worthless. So you've got to stem the flow of information, and you've got to do it quickly. And then depending on the nature of the breach, it may be necessary to call in forensic experts, such as IT specialists to investigate how the breach occurred, and to make sure that the right security measures are implemented to, again, prevent it happening again.

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