Remote-access Guide

jenkins remote access api token

by Dr. Antone Hoppe Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Many objects of Jenkins provide the remote access API. They are available at /…/api/ where “…” portion is the object for which you’d like to access. The simplest way to access Jenkins REST API is to gather the User Token which is available by selecting your User and clicking on Configure.

Get API user and token
Login to jenkins in address. Click your username (mine is admin) on right hand side of the page. Select "Configure" option which will take you to page. In "API Token" section click "Show API token" button.
Mar 15, 2017

Full Answer

How do I get the API key for Jenkins?

How do i get the API key for jenkins? Since Jenkins 2.129 the API token configuration has changed: You can now have multiple tokens and name them. They can be revoked individually. Log in to Jenkins. Click you name (upper-right corner). Click Configure (left-side menu). Use "Add new Token" button to generate a new one then name it.

How to trigger a Jenkins job remotely using API?

Any Jenkins Job can be triggered remotely through an API call. We can extract the API output either in XML (SOAP) or in JSON (REST) format. 2.Under API token Click on the Show Legacy API Token. See images below. API: https://JENKINS_URL/job_path/buildwithParemters?

How to get Jenkins-Crumb API Token?

In "API Token" section click "Show API token" button. Note "User ID" and "API Token" to use in your curl command later on. e.g. admin:85703fb68927f04968630e192e4927cb For more information, visit Remote access API page. This will give you something like Jenkins-Crumb:44e7033af70da95a47403c3bed5c10f8.

Is there a way to bypass matrix-based authentication in Jenkins?

There’s a Jenkins plugin that works with 1.565.3 and newer which can bypass the matrix-based authentication for triggering the build job. I found this in a comment on JENKINS-17764 (which covers this particular issue) by Emil Dragu:


How can I get Jenkins API token?

Your answerLog in to Jenkins.Click your name.Click Configure.Click Show API Token.

What is Jenkins Remote Access API?

Jenkins API Client is an object oriented ruby wrapper project that consumes Jenkins's JSON API and aims at providing access to all remote API Jenkins provides. It is available as a Rubygem and can be useful to interact with the Job, Node, View, BuildQueue, and System related functionalities.

How do I authenticate Jenkins API?

If your Jenkins server requires authentication (and it SHOULD), you'll see a message saying "Authentication Required". The Jenkins API uses HTTP BASIC authentication and requires a username as well as an API token to connect. Then click the box named "Show API Token", and copy the token to your clipboard.

How do I invoke Jenkins job remotely?

Create a remote Jenkins build trigger in three steps Create a Jenkins build job and enable the Trigger builds remotely checkbox. Provide an authentication token; This can be any text string of your choice. Invoke the Jenkins build URL to remotely trigger the build job.

What is Jenkins API token?

Jenkins API tokens are an authentication mechanism that allows a tool (script, application, etc.) to impersonate a user without providing the actual password for use with the Jenkins API or CLI.

How do I find my Jenkins API URL?

1 AnswerIn the bottom right of each page Jenkins has a link to their REST API. ... You can additionally use some wrapper, in Python, using is their website:

How do I access Jenkins remotely?

1:3312:58How to Trigger a remote build + Job chaining In Jenkins - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipSo here first option here is Jenkins URL. So here you can give the IP address of your server forMoreSo here first option here is Jenkins URL. So here you can give the IP address of your server for example right now it's localhost. So I can just write localhost. And then the port is port 8080.

How do I use Jenkins API token in Postman?

Sign in to Jenkins. Select your user name at the upper right, and then select Configure. Select Add new Token. Enter a name for the token and select Generate.

How do I create auth token?

To create a new auth token:In the top-right corner of the Console, open the Profile menu ( ... On the Auth Tokens page, click Generate Token.Enter a friendly description for the auth token. ... Click Generate Token.More items...

How trigger Jenkins job API call?

There are three main steps required to configure.Create an authentication token.Configure a job to trigger from remote.Trigger the job from a remote resource.

How can we trigger Jenkins job from outside of Jenkins?

Install Generic Webhook Trigger plugin. Select generic webhook trigger in build trigger actions. Generate a random string and paste in token. Now your job can be triggered with a http request to the following url.

What is remote access API?

The Remote Access APIs enable you to perform activities on Remote Access resources via a REST Web Service interface. Each Remote Access resource has its own URL path that can be accessed using the relevant HTTPS request verb.

How do I access Jenkins remotely?

1:3312:58How to Trigger a remote build + Job chaining In Jenkins - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipSo here first option here is Jenkins URL. So here you can give the IP address of your server forMoreSo here first option here is Jenkins URL. So here you can give the IP address of your server for example right now it's localhost. So I can just write localhost. And then the port is port 8080.

What is RESTful API?

RESTful API is an interface that two computer systems use to exchange information securely over the internet. Most business applications have to communicate with other internal and third-party applications to perform various tasks.

How do I get Jenkins build status with API?

RelatedRetrieve id of Jenkins build started with the API using the "location" information in header (new feature of jenkins 1.529)Jenkins triggering a build using API returns status code 200.Retrieve id of remotely triggered jenkins job.API (curl)Command to Approve a promoted build Job in Jenkins.More items...•

What is Jenkins authentication token?

Jenkins authentication token is used to access Jenkins remotely. In the following steps i will show you how to generate Jenkins authentication token or Jenkins API token.

How to see all users in Jenkins?

go to manage Jenkins=>manage users=> here you can see all the users list. In the image you can see i have devops user in my jenkins server. Now i will generate Jenkins authentication token for devops user.

Can you generate a token in Jenkins?

we can generate Jenkins Authentication Token Using Rest Api. In the following steps i will show you how to Jenkins Authentication Token Using Rest Api.

How to add tokens to Jenkins?

Log in to Jenkins. Click you name (upper-right corner). Click Configure (left-side menu). Use "Add new Token" button to generate a new one then name it. You must copy the token when you generate it as you cannot view the token afterwards. Revoke old tokens when no longer needed.

What is API token?

Api Token is used instead of CSFR token. However, what happens if you want to make authentication from any other client (POSTMAN, CLI. curl, etc). First you need to get a CSFR token and save the information in a cookie with --cookie-jar. REQUEST.

How to change API token?

You can change the token by clicking the Change API Token button.

Do you copy a token when you generate it?

You must copy the token when you generate it as you cannot view the token afterwards.

How to add token to API?

In the configuration page, Go to the API Token Section and Add New Token

What is Jenkins Build Trigger?

Jenkins Build Trigger using remote access API is a key element when it comes to automating the Deployment process and implementing the CI/CD pipelines with Jenkins.

What happens if you try the same URL in incognito browser mode?

If you try the same URL in incognito browser mode, you would see the login page of Jenkins

What is the URL for remote API build?

as given in the helper text, the Remote API build trigger URL has to be formed as JENKINS_URL /job/TomcatMavenApp-Build/build?token= TOKEN_NAME

What is build token root?

In this method we use a plugin named build-token-root it offers an alternate URI pattern which is not subject to the usual job permissions, this URI is accessible to anonymous users as well. Anyone can initiate the build as long as the build token is valid. it supports various URI Patterns like buildWithParameters and buildByToken and polling and accept both GET and POST methods

How to install a build authorization token?

Go to Manage Plugins -> Manage Plugins -> Available tab and search for Build Authorization Token Root plugin and install it.

What is delay in Jenkins?

Either you are using the first method or the second one with the plugin, both of them accepts a query string named delay where you can define, how long Jenkins should wait before initiating the build

STEP 3: Get the Build Number

Pass the Location URL from the previous API output header to get the Build Number.

STEP 4: Get the Build Status

Pass the Build URL from the previous API output to get the Build Status.

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