Remote-access Guide

how to get remote access for cassandra docker images

by Maureen Ernser Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

If you are exposing the port and want to access it via the host IP of the system running docker, you should configure the broadcast_rpc_address in cassandra.yaml to be that of your ubuntu server ( If you are using the official cassandra image you can pass in -e CASSANDRA_BROADCAST_ADDRESS= as documented.

Full Answer

How do I connect to Cassandra from a different machine?

To connect to Cassandra from a different machine, you must open ports 9042, 9160, 7000, 7001 and 7199 for remote access. Refer to the FAQ for more information on this.

Why can't I access the Cassandra ports over a public IP?

For security reasons, the Cassandra ports in this solution cannot be accessed over a public IP address. To connect to Cassandra from a different machine, you must open ports 9042, 9160, 7000, 7001 and 7199 for remote access. Refer to the FAQ for more information on this.

Can I run Docker CLI on a remote host?

The docker CLI program is independent of the Docker daemon which runs your containers. Although both components usually run on your local machine, you can run docker commands against a remote Docker host. Using a remote host can be helpful in a few scenarios. You might set up a shared Docker Engine installation for a small development team.

What is Docker remote access and how it works?

With docker remote access, whenever you run a docker command on your local host, the effects take place on the remote server. Let me explain that in detail. What is Docker remote access? Before you dive into the setup, let me recall how docker works. Docker works in something called a client-server architecture.


How do I connect to Docker Cassandra?

Connecting to other containersStep 1: Create a network. $ docker network create app-tier --driver bridge.Step 2: Launch the Apache Cassandra server instance. ... Step 3: Launch your Apache Cassandra client instance.

How do I access Docker container remotely?

Connect to remote Docker over SSHUse ssh-keygen or similar to get and configure a public/private key pair for SSH authentication. ... Configure ssh-agent on the local system with the private key file produced above. ... Verify that your identity is available to the agent with ssh-add -l .More items...

How do I access Docker images?

Accessing the Docker containersObtain the container ID by running the following command: docker ps. An output similar to the following one is returned: CONTAINER ID IMAGE NAMES ........ ....... ... Access the Docker container by running the following command: docker exec -it /bin/bash. Where container_id.

How do I know if Cassandra is running in Docker container?

All ports are TCP. You can verify cassandra status or connectivity from the inside container or you need to install the client on the host to check connectivity. run docker ps and copy cassandra container name, then run below command.

How do I access Docker from outside?

To make a port available to services outside of Docker, or to Docker containers which are not connected to the container's network, use the --publish or -p flag. This creates a firewall rule which maps a container port to a port on the Docker host to the outside world.

How do I run a remote image in Docker?

To use the remote host as your Docker host instead of your local machine, set the DOCKER_HOST environment variable to point to the remote host. This variable will instruct the Docker CLI client to connect to the remote server. Now any Docker command you run will be run on the Droplet.

How do I push a docker image to a remote repository?

Method #1= Pushing your image through the command line (cli) docker commit / ... docker run -it chaung/gene_commited_image. docker login --username= --password= ... docker push chuangg/gene_commited_image.

How do I ssh from one docker container to another?

To SSH into a running Docker container with docker exec :Open a terminal on your local machine.Next, run the docker run command to start the container. ... Now, run the docker ps command to verify the container is running. ... Finally, run docker exec , as shown below, to SSH into the running container called nginx-testing .

How do I pull a private image in docker?

Make sure the repository is public then this is the set of instructions I followed in command line: Once logout from docker hub and login again. docker logout. docker login --username=YOURUSERNAME Enter password when asked. docker pull "repositoryName"/"imageName"[:tag]

How do I edit Cassandra Yaml in Docker?

To edit cassandra.yaml : Copy your file from your Docker container to your system. ... Open it and make the changes you want. Copy your file back into your Docker container docker cp C:\Users\your_destination\cassandra.yaml your_container_id:\etc\cassandra. Restart your container for the changes to be effective.

How do I start a Cassandra container?

We will simply show the basic procedure here for the latter option above:Create a data directory on a suitable volume on your host system, e.g. /my/own/datadir .Start your cassandra container like this: $ docker run --name some-cassandra -v /my/own/datadir:/var/lib/cassandra -d cassandra:tag.

What is default username and password for Cassandra?

The default user is cassandra. The default password is cassandra. If you changed the password previously, use the current password.

How can I call one docker container from another?

To allow two Docker containers on the same host to communicate with each other by name:Create a user-defined bridge network: Create your own custom bridge network first using docker network create . ... Start a container and connect it to the bridge: Start your container as normal.More items...•

How do I connect to a running Docker container?

To connect to a container using plain docker commands, you can use docker exec and docker attach . docker exec is a lot more popular because you can run a new command that allows you to spawn a new shell. You can check processes, files and operate like in your local environment.

How do I find the IP address of a docker container?

You can easily get the IP address of any container if you have the name or ID of the container. You can get the container names using the "Docker ps -a" command. This will list all the existing containers.

How do I ssh from one docker container to another?

To SSH into a running Docker container with docker exec :Open a terminal on your local machine.Next, run the docker run command to start the container. ... Now, run the docker ps command to verify the container is running. ... Finally, run docker exec , as shown below, to SSH into the running container called nginx-testing .

What is a docker command?

The docker command is nothing but the client application. The client and the daemon communicate via the docker API over a traditional Unix socket that you can find at /run/docker.sock or /var/run/docker.sock. The client asks the daemon to do something, or retrieve information, and the daemon does just that.

How to confirm a docker command?

To confirm the above statement, run any docker command at the end of this section (while testing) with the -l debug flag. This will print the exact command being executed on your local machine.

Why do I need to use Portainer?

Many monitoring tools, like Portainer, need access to the Docker API endpoint to monitor details like networks, running containers, etc. Normally to add a server to the endpoint list, you'd have to deploy a Portainer agent on the server first and bind some port from the container to the host. Instead, you could just let it access the docker daemon directly, this would save a lot of your resources.

What does SSH do to a remote host?

When using the SSH protocol for remote docker access what happens is that the docker client actually runs an ssh command on the local host, with a hidden docker command (docker system dial-stdio) on the remote host, that establishes a connection to the remote's dockerd endpoint which is almost always /var/run/docker.sock, and forward the connection to the commands stdio.

What flag do you use to run a docker?

Alternatively, you can also use the -H flag like I've done here with the docker command

What is genrsa in OpenSSL?

genrsa: This option tells openssl to generate a private key based on the RSA algorithm.

How to copy a public key to a remote server?

Use ssh-copy-id user@ip command to copy over the public key to the remote server.

In this article

Even in the absence of docker-machine one can still create a remotely accessible Docker Host on a Windows Server 2016 VM.

Try connecting without TLS to determine your NSG firewall settings are correct

error during connect: Get dial tcp connectex: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond.

Cert problems

Accessing the Docker Host with a cert not created for the IP Address or DNS name will result in an error:


What Is Docker Remote Access?

Method 1: Setup Remote Docker Access Using Ssh

  • One of the best thing about using SSHhere is that it requires a lot less work than the other method. If you already have SSH keys set up, it's literally a one-step process. Before moving forward I want you to have this mental picture in place, for understanding how this SSH method works, and why it's configured the way it's configured. To confirm t...
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Method 2: Using A Public TCP Port with TLS Authentication

  • This method is more complicate than the previous one, but has it's advantages like not having to use the dockergroup at all. The idea here is simple, you're going to create your own certificates and private keys, and then use a TCP port to access the dockerdaemon through not plain HTTP, but a secure HTTPS channel. It is analogous to a website. In case of a website, you configure it …
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Preparing The Certificates and Keys

  • In the following steps, you'll be generating certificates and private keys for your server and client. Certificate Authority To make the transactions simple, I'll be using my client machine to generate all the files. You can use a separate machine for that if necessary. A CA certificate is nothing but a self-signed certificate. But first, you need to generate your CA's private key. Use the following co…
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Setting Up The Environment

  • Once the certificates and private keys are ready, you need to tell your docker engine and client about them, along with exposing the engine API to a public TCP port and letting the client use the docker engine that's not sitting at the local machine. The following steps go through exactly that. The docker host First, copy over three files from the administrator's machine, the CA certificate (…
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Test The Setup

  • Now that everything is done, you can test it by running docker info, or run any random container, whichever comes to your mind. You can also use curl to test it (Remember? These are simple HTTP requests). Use the following as an alternative to docker info This will output a JSON object that you can parse using something like jq. You can also try and run an Nginx server with docker…
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Which Method to use? TCP Or Ssh?

  • Both methods has their own merits. The SSH method is easier if you don't want to go through many hoops. But some applications like Portainer won't work with the SSH method for remote daemon access. Using the TCP method also eliminates the issues of "using or not using the docker group" by default. Choose whichever method satisfies your purpose. I hope this tutorial …
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