Remote-access Guide

how to clean computer after remote access hack

by Norval Mitchell Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

You can effectively remove Remote.Hack from your computer with Exterminate It!. After installing the program, run a scan to display a list of the files associated with Remote.Hack in the Scan Result screen and remove these files. For information about running scans and removing malware files, see the Exterminate It!

Full Answer

What should I do if my computer is hacked?

For the technical part of what you need to do: 1- Disconnect your computer from the internet, so that the intruder can no longer use it. 2- Backup all your personal files - everything that you don't want to lose. Don't forget anything. 3- Low-level format your computer. Now, everything on the hard drive is permanently gone.

How can I prevent hackers from accessing my computer remotely?

This helps prevent hackers from accessing your computer remotely, which prevents them from installing malware on your device remotely. Another option is to check the Windows Event Viewer app to look for any unfamiliar remote access. This app shows a log of application use and system messages, including error messages, with timestamps.

How do I prevent remote access to my PC?

To prevent remote access to your PC: 1 Click on the Windows Start button 2 Type in "Allow Remote Assistance invitations to be sent to this computer" in the search bar 3 Uncheck the box next to "Allow Remote Assistance connections to this computer" 4 Click Apply More ...

How to recover from a hack and prevent future incidents?

No matter how you were hacked, you're feeling vulnerable. Here's how to recover from a hack and secure your network and PC to prevent future incidents. To recover from a hack, isolate your computer so the hacker can't continue to control it or use it to attack other computers.


Should I reset my PC after being hacked?

If you think someone may have compromised your internet router, perform a factory default reset. If you aren't sure, do it anyway. The reset removes any compromised passwords and firewall rules added by the hacker that opened doorways to your systems.

Does wiping your computer get rid of hackers?

Does reset PC remove hackers? No, in general resetting your PC does not remove hackers. Resetting your PC is all about what's on the computer. If the hackers have left malware on your machine, this will be removed.

What should I do after being hacked?

Here are the 5 steps to take after you've been hacked:Step 1: Immediately change your passwords.Step 2: Quickly assess the situation.Step 3: Create fraud alerts for your credit.Step 4: Go back and set up 2-factor authentication.Step 5: Monitor your accounts closely for a while.

What happens when a hacker gets into your computer?

Give a predator access to the Internet — and to your PC — and the threat they pose to your security increases exponentially. Computer hackers are unauthorized users who break into computer systems in order to steal, change or destroy information, often by installing dangerous malware without your knowledge or consent.

Can a hacked computer Be Fixed?

If a computer virus is present on your computer, you have two options when it comes to fixing your computer: using an antivirus application to attempt to remove it, or performing a clean install of Windows.

Who do I call if my computer has been hacked?

Report the scam to the FTC. Every complaint and report matters when trying to stop hackers. Report the issue to the FBI via their Internet Crime Complaint Center. And lastly, contact your State Attorney General's Office.

Does changing your password get rid of hackers?

Hackers won't always change your account passwords. This means you still have access to your account, and you can prevent further or future attacks from happening. To change your password, simply use the “Forgot Password” link at your login page. Do this for all your accounts across all your devices.

What happens if you have been hacked?

This can be really serious, hackers can use your identity details to open bank accounts, get credit cards, order products in your name, take over existing accounts and take out mobile phone contracts. Hackers could even get genuine documents such as passports and driving licenses in your name once they have stolen your ...

Should I delete my email if it was hacked?

If you have been hacked several times and your email provider isn't mitigating the amount of spam you are receiving, then consider starting afresh but don't delete your email address! Many experts do warn against deleting email accounts as most email providers will recycle your old email address.

Can hacker see your screen?

Ang Cui from Red Balloon Security has figured out a way to hack into a popular Dell monitor and manipulate what you see on your screen. Using this type of attack, a user could easily be tricked into revealing personal, private information.

How do you wipe a computer?

WindowsOpen Settings and select Update & Security.Click the Recovery tab, then Get Started.Select Remove everything.

Does disabling WIFI stop hackers?

When in doubt, simply disable your Wi-Fi radio when you're not using it, as this will prevent most Wi-Fi-based attacks. By taking the steps above, it's easy to reduce the risk of your Wi-Fi device joining a malicious network automatically, being tracked between locations, or leaking personal information.

Will resetting PC remove malware?

In most cases, a factory reset will remove viruses. But how exactly do some manage to survive it? Wherever your backup data is stored, make sure you scan it for malware before moving any of it back to your device. The recovery partition is part of the hard drive where your device's factory settings are stored.

Does factory reset remove virus?

On an Android device, a factory reset will generally remove a virus. The Android operating system uses an app on its recovery partition during a hard reset to restore factory settings. Malicious apps on mobile devices are less prevalent than desktop systems where antivirus software is crucial.

How do you know if your IP address has been hacked?

Here Are Signs You Might Have Been HackedSomeone used one of your credit accounts. Online identity theft is common. ... You start receiving odd email messages. ... New programs suddenly appear. ... A trusty password doesn't work. ... You notice strange browser activity. ... You start losing control.

What to do if someone hacks your router?

If you think someone may have compromised your internet router, perform a factory default reset. If you aren't sure, do it anyway. The reset removes any compromised passwords and firewall rules added by the hacker that opened doorways to your systems.

How to protect your network from future threats?

You should also activate antivirus software to protect your system from virus, worms, and other threats.

Is anti-malware software good?

Your anti-malware software is only as good as its last update. Make sure your protection software is set to update automatically. By doing this, your protection software always has the latest defenses against new hacks and malware without you having to remember to run a manual update routinely.

Do you need to disinfect multiple computers?

Follow the instructions in the article to help you protect your important files and cleanse the infected computer. If you have multiple computers on your home network, you need to disinfect them all, as malware may have propagated throughout your network, infecting other systems that are connected to it.

How to check if someone accessed my PC?

Another option is to check the Windows Event Viewer app to look for any unfamiliar remote access. This app shows a log of application use and system messages, including error messages, with timestamps. If you don’t recognize a particular action at a time that you were on your device, then it is likely that someone accessed your PC. You can find this app in the Windows search bar by searching for "Event Viewer."

How to stay ahead of hackers?

You can stay ahead of hackers by keeping an eye on your online accounts to see if there are any recent changes. It’s easy to overlook this step, especially if you don’t use a particular account often or you don’t look at your own page frequently, in Facebook for example.

How often do hackers attack people?

There is no doubt that hacking and cybercrime are on the rise. In fact, it is estimated that hackers attack someone online every 32 seconds. While many of them target companies and organizations, others go after private individuals in an attempt to steal personal information from computers, cell phones, and tablets.

How to prevent identity theft?

Also, disconnect any credit cards or other financial information tied to your account settings. This will help prevent further identity theft and ensure that your sensitive data does not fall into the wrong hands.

How to know if someone logged into my account?

Most major online accounts will allow you to see when someone has logged into your account and from what location or IP address (click here to learn how to find your IP address). If you do not recognize the login attempt, then you should immediately change your password and notify the company that your account was compromised.

What to do if you fall victim to a Trojan attack?

If you fall victim to a Trojan attack, there are steps you can take to mitigate it. First, you need to format your hard drive, which may be painful if you haven’t backed up your important data. For those who may not be up to date with this critical maintenance task, check out our list of the best Windows backup softwareto be prepared.

How to avoid DoS attacks?

The easiest way to avoid DoS attacks is to follow basic security protocols. These include using a strong, unique password on every site or using a secure password manager, setting up an internet firewall, and avoiding any email phishing attempts.

What to do if you have been hacked?

This means disconnect your computer from any internet source and from all networks and computers. Remember that the hacker needs the internet to siphon sensitive data from your computer. Disconnecting your computer blocks that access even if it doesn’t remove the malicious code from your system.

How to stop a hacker from thinking you are offline?

Instead, turn off your router or remove the network cable. Make sure your computer is no longer connected to any company or house network in order to prevent any contagion.

Can a new computer boot from an infected drive?

By setting it to slave, the new computer will not try to boot from this infected drive. There are different ways of connecting your drive; one is by opening up the PC to remove the drive, the other is via a USB caddy.

What to do if your computer is compromised?

If your computer is compromised you need to shut it down to prevent further damage to your files. After you have powered it down, you will need to pull the hard drive out and connect it to another computer as a secondary non-bootable drive. Make sure the other computer has up-to-date anti-virus and anti-spyware.

How to wipe a hard drive completely?

After you have backed up all your data and put the hard drive back in your computer, use a secure disk erase utility to completely wipe the drive. There are many free and commercial disk erase utilities available. The disk wipe utilities may take several hours to completely wipe a drive because they overwrite every sector of the hard drive, even the empty ones, and they often make several passes to ensure they didn't miss anything. It may seem time-consuming but it ensures that no stone is left unturned and it's the only way to be sure that you have eliminated the threat.

How to stop a hacker from pulling strings?

In order to cut the connection that the hacker is using to "pull the strings" on your computer, you need to isolate it so it can't communicate on a network. Isolation will prevent it from being used to attack other computers as well as preventing the hacker from continuing to be able to obtain files and other information. Pull the network cable out of your PC and turn off the Wi-Fi connection. If you have a laptop, there is often a switch to turn the Wi-Fi off. Don't rely on doing this through software, as the hacker's malware may tell you something is turned off when it is really still connected.

What happens if you don't use a USB caddy?

If you don't use a USB caddy and opt to connect the drive internally instead, make sure the dip switches on the back of your drive are set as a secondary drive. If it is set to primary drive it may try to boot the other PC to your operating system and all hell could break loose again.

Do I need to patch my antivirus before loading?

Before loading any other applications, you should load and patch all your security related software. You need to ensure your anti-virus software is up-to-date prior to loading other applications in case those apps are harboring malware that might go undetected if your virus signatures aren't current.

Is my PC malware free?

Even if virus and spy ware scanning reveals the threat is gone, you should still not trust that your PC is malware free. The only way to ensure that the drive is completely clean is to use a hard drive wipe utility to completely blank the drive and then reload your operating system from trusted media.

What to do if your antivirus is not working?

Another alternative is to call an antivirus company and see if they can troubleshoot your issue to make sure there is no lingering malware and also to get the security software operating again .

What to do if your internet browser opens a strange page?

If opening your internet browser shows a strange page (a bad sign!), then check the browser’s settings to see what website opens at startup. offers the how-to steps to change start pages for several browsers at

What to do if your computer is compromised?

Change all of your passwords . If your computer was compromised, then there’s a possibility that all of your passwords have been recorded with a keylogger. If you’re sure the infection is gone, change the passwords for all of your various accounts. You should avoid using the same password for multiple services.

How to stop someone from accessing my computer?

This includes removing any Ethernet cables and turning off your Wi-Fi connections.

How to know if malware has been removed?

Monitor your computer after removing any malware. If your antivirus and/or Anti-Malware found malicious programs, you may have successfully removed the infection, but you'll need to keep a close eye on your computer to ensure that the infection hasn't remained hidden.

How to install antivirus on another computer?

If you don't have an antivirus, download an installer on another computer and transfer it to your computer via USB. Install the antivirus and then run a scan with it.

Why does Windows Defender automatically deactivate?

Windows Defender will automatically deactivate if you install another antivirus program. 2. Make sure your firewall is properly configured. If you're not running a web server or running some other program that requires remote access to your computer, there is no reason to have any ports open.

How to scan for malware on Windows 10?

If you're using Windows 10, you can use the built-in scanning tools in Settings > Update & Security > Windows Security to check for rogue applications. If you're using a Mac, check out How to Scan a Mac for Malware to learn how to use Mac-based scanning tools.

Why is public Wi-Fi so dangerous?

Try to avoid public Wi-Fi spots. Public Wi-Fi spots are risky because you have zero control over the network. You can't know if someone else using the spot is monitoring traffic to and from your computer. By doing this, they could gain access to your open browser session or worse. You can mitigate this risk by using a VPN whenever you are connected to a public Wi-Fi spot, which will encrypt your transfers.

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