Remote-access Guide

homelab remote access

by Sadie Pfeffer Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

How do I access my home lab remotely?

Set up Remote Access to Our Home LabRegister for a Free Dynamic DNS Hostname.Setup the Dynamic DNS Client in pfSense.Create an OpenVPN Debian 11 Container. Create the Container. ... Create a Wireguard Debian 11 Container. Open the Proxmox Shell. ... Setup Port Forwarding in Home Router. ... Next Step: Proxmox Troubleshooting.

What is Homelab used for?

In case you have never heard the term, Homelab is the name given to a server (or multiple server setup) that resides locally in your home and where you host several applications and virtualized systems for testing and developing or for home and functional usage.

What is Homelab networking?

0:0410:05What is a HomeLab and How Do I Get Started? - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipTerms it's a sandbox where you can build play and learn about technologies. Without the fear ofMoreTerms it's a sandbox where you can build play and learn about technologies. Without the fear of breaking.

What do you use your Homelab for Reddit?

My homelab was a honeypot for a while....Here's what I'm using mine for:File sharing.Backups/Syncing stuff like calendar, pictures, and passwords. ... Pi-hole.Linux ISO's.More items...•

What is VMWare Homelab?

With VMware, you can create a virtual lab environment in your home. This type of homelab is quite popular among programmers learning to code in the latest languages. It also allows for better organization when testing new software before deploying it to production systems. Every homelab is different.

How do I set up a cyber security lab?

My First Security LabDeploy your hypervisor — the most common are VirtualBox and VMWare.Download the OVA for Kali/Parrot.Download the OVA for a vulnerable machine. ... Import the OVA's one by one into your virtual environment.Configure a host-only network.More items...•

How do I setup a home server rack?

6:0314:59I Built a Home Server Rack! (And How You Can Too) - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipYou use the screwdriver to do it and then you just screw. Through the mounting bracket say you'llMoreYou use the screwdriver to do it and then you just screw. Through the mounting bracket say you'll see how that. Works. Just like that so with the nuts in place you.

Where should a home lab start?

How to: Get started with a home labStep 1: Gather your hardware. ... Step 2: Gather your software. ... Step 3: Choose a firewall. ... Step 4: Set up your multiple network layout. ... Step 5: Make sure your home network is working. ... Step 6: Start playing! ... Step 7: Example: My lab's evolution (part 1).More items...•

How to log in with a password instead of SSH key?

From your workstation run the command ssh -o PreferredAuthentications=password -o PubkeyAuthentication=no username@ip-address, this tells the SSH client on your machine to try to log in with a password instead of your SSH key. You should see the Permission denied (publickey) error, that’s what we want to see, password login is disallowed. Now try ssh root@ip-address, you should see the same error, but also on your lnav window you should see [sshd] Found ip-address... with your workstations IP address. Try to log in as root again from your workstation and you should see [sshd] Ban ip-address in the lnav window, try it a third time and you will find that the connection times out because fail2ban has blocked the request.

How to disconnect ap VM from tmux?

Run the command top to list the running processes on the ap VM, then press ctrl + b which changes focus to the tmux process, then press the d key to disconnect from the tmux session . You’re now back at the main console and should see something like [detached (from session 0)], now type exit to quit the SSH session, you’re back on your workstation’s terminal.

How to run lnav in Proxmox?

We want to make sure everything works, right? Open up a console session to your ap VM in Proxmox, and run the command sudo apt install -y lnav, which is a tool for navigating log files. Once that’s done go ahead and run lnav /var/log/fail2ban.log so we can monitor the file (you may need to tap the right arrow key on your keyboard to scroll the text into view, the date stamps are very long).


In a previous post I shared some example use cases for your homelab. One of the main reasons for having a homelab was to practice your technical skills and learn new things but one of the other reasons was to set up “something cool” such as:

Option 1: Port Forwarding and Dynamic DNS

In this configuration you are going to expose a port on your firewall/modem/router depending on what devices you have in your lab then use destination NAT to forward packets from that port to a specific IP/Port.

Option 2: ZeroTier

In my post about the OpenSOC competition that I recently participated in I talked a little about ZeroTier. Described on their site as a “smart Ethernet switch for planet Earth” what ZeroTier does is build an overlay network or a distributed switch network over the internet with everything encrypted.

Option 3: Tailscale

Tailscale is a service similar to ZeroTier with the aim of being simpler to use. From a technical perspective Tailscale uses Wireguard as a data plane (that being where packets are being sent) with their Tailscale software acting as the control plane (managing IP addresses and access control policies).


In this article I demonstrated four options for you to connect to your homelab remotely. The question you might be asking is: “What is the best option” to which I would say it all depends on your needs.

Remote connecting to my VMware homelab - ZeroTier

I recently decided to move my homelab from my appartment to the building's basement for noise and space purposes. I wanted to access my lab by buidling a simple VPN connection between my home internet router and a 4G router that I installed.

Introducing ZeroTier

ZeroTier one is a "free" software agent that creates secure networks between devices whether these devices are on-premise, cloud, desktop or mobile devices.

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