Remote-access Guide

home assistant remote access not working

by Candice Macejkovic Published 1 year ago Updated 1 year ago

If you cannot access your Home Assistant installation remotely, remember to check if your ISP provides you with a dedicated IP, instead of one shared with other users via a CG-NAT. This is becoming fairly common nowadays due to the shortage of IPv4 addresses.

If you cannot access your Home Assistant installation remotely, remember to check if your ISP provides you with a dedicated IP, instead of one shared with other users via a CG-NAT. This is becoming fairly common nowadays due to the shortage of IPv4 addresses.

Full Answer

Why is my home assistant remote not working on local network?

Like previously mentioned, on a local network, the remote host cannot be secured. It needs to be unsecured in order for home-assistant-remote to work. This is the problem.

How to remotely access your home assistant?

There are also two other ways for Home Assistant remote access. The first one is to use the Home Assistant cloud service called Nabu Casa. This a secure and easy way, but it will cost you 5 dollars monthly to have it. You can try the service for free for 31 days. The other method is to use a VPN.

Why can’t I See my remote url in home assistant?

By default Home Assistant will maintain a connection when remote connections are allowed. When not connected, the remote URL will not be accessible. You may find yourself in a situation where you are away from home and want to access your instance, but it is not connected to your remote UI server.

Why can't I make a port accessible to home assistant?

A problem with making a port accessible is that some Internet Service Providers only offer dynamic IPs. This can cause you to lose access to Home Assistant while away. You can solve this by using a free Dynamic DNS service like DuckDNS. If you cannot access your Home Assistant installation remotely, remember to check if your ISP provides you ...


How do I access my Home Assistant remote?

To get started, open Home Assistant, go to the cloud page in the configuration panel. Find the remote box and enable the toggle. The first time you enable it, Home Assistant Cloud will have to generate and validate the certificate. This can take up to 60 seconds.

How do I connect to my Home Assistant externally?

2:1917:57Home Assistant 101: Setting up Remote Access - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipAccess let's get started adding remote access to home assistant is as simple as opening a port onMoreAccess let's get started adding remote access to home assistant is as simple as opening a port on your network router to allow the outside world to get to your home assistant instance.

Can you expose Home Assistant on the internet?

There's always some risk. Having said that the last known exploit was patched very quickly by home assistant. So the risk is pretty small if you keep Home Assistant up to date and keep up to date with Home Assistant news.

How do I access my Home Assistant locally?

If you use Home Assistant OS and haven't changed any of the defaults, Home Assistant will also be reachable at http://homeassistant.local:8123. This is all fine and will work perfectly well as long as you never take your phone or tablet outside your home, but what if you do?

What ports need to be open for Home Assistant?

The most common approach is to set up port forwarding (for any port) from your router to port 8123 on the computer that is hosting Home Assistant.

Can Home Assistant work without internet?

is there anyway to use home assistant os without an internet connection?! i didn't find anything recent. As long as your local network stays up and your integrations don't depend on an external service you should be able to continue to use it.

How do I enable SSH on Home Assistant?

InstallationSearch for the “SSH & Web Terminal” add-on in the add-on store and install it.Configure the username and password / authorized_keys options.Start the “SSH & Web Terminal” add-on.Check the logs of the “SSH & Web Terminal” add-on to see if everything. went well.

Is Nabu Casa worth it?

Nabu Casa provides good value for money with features like access to smart home from everyone, text to speech technology and one click connection to voice assistants (Alexa, Google). All of this can be achieved without Nabu Casa by the technically inclined with some degree of work.

How do I connect to Home Assistant app?

1:4710:13Getting Started with Home Assistant - Part 8.1 - Android Mobile AppYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipAnd it's going to ask us to select the instance you would like to connect to now normally. You wouldMoreAnd it's going to ask us to select the instance you would like to connect to now normally. You would probably be able to see your home assistant instance here if you are on the same.

How do I setup a static IP for Home Assistant?

0:241:47Assign Static IP to Home Assistant - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipThen on the top of the screen i click on system tab in host section you can find the current ipMoreThen on the top of the screen i click on system tab in host section you can find the current ip address of your device by clicking on change this window pops up i select ipv4.

What is ESPHome?

ESPHome is a system to control your ESP8266/ESP32 by simple yet powerful configuration files and control them remotely through Home Automation systems.

What is home assistant Io?

Home Assistant is a free and open-source software for home automation designed to be a central control system for smart home devices with a focus on local control and privacy.

Where is my username on Home Assistant?

Log in your Home Assistant and click on your username in the lower left corner of the screen.

What port is Home Assistant on?

You just have to open port 443 in your router and forward it to your local Home Assistant IP on port 8123 . You also have to assign a static IP address for the server where your Home Assistant is installed. If you don’t know how to do that just ask in the comments section below or search in Google.

What IP address to forward to Home Assistant?

This is what you aim! Just replace the Forward IP – with your Home Assistant local address and you are good to go.

Does Home Assistant have a warning?

That means – you will receive warnings from your browser when you access the https version of your local Home Assistant. Depending of the browser that you are using you may add your local Home Assistant https address as exclusion once and you will not receive any warnings after that.

Why is it important to have your home available anywhere?

Having your Home available anywhere and everywhere you go is important, whether you forgot to turn off the stove or you want to check the camera views because of an alert.

What to do if your ISP doesn't give you a public IPv4 address?

If your ISP doesn't give you a public IPv4 address you're down to basically only two solutions: You can call your ISP and ask if they can give you a real address or if there is an upgrade for your connection available (oddly enough, asking nicely will work with many ISPs out there) or use Nabu Casa Cloud.

Does Home Assistant have wifi access?

In iOS settings, set location access permissoin for Home Assistant to Always. This is required because starting with iOS 13, Apple will only let apps with such permission have access to the wifi SSID which is used by the app to determine whether to use internal or external URLs.

Is Nabu Casa Cloud a smart proxy?

Nabu Casa Cloud acts as a "smart" proxy on the internet, tunnelling your frontend in an encrypted manner from your home to your phone, regardless where you are and without requiring opening your home network to inbound traffic from the internet.

How to get started with Home Assistant?

To get started, open Home Assistant, go to the cloud page in the configuration panel. Find the remote box and enable the toggle. The first time you enable it, Home Assistant Cloud will have to generate and validate the certificate. This can take up to 60 seconds. This feature requires Home Assistant 0.90 or later.

What is remote UI?

The remote UI encrypts all communication between your browser and your local instance. Encryption is provided by a Let’s Encrypt certificate. Under the hood, your local Home Assistant instance is connected to one of our custom built UI proxy servers. Our UI proxy servers operate at the TCP level and will forward all encrypted data to the local instance.

How to check if there is no MITM?

You can validate that there is no MITM happening by making sure that the certificate fingerprints matches with the local instance certificate fingerprint. You can find the fingerprint by looking at the certificate info in the cloud configuration page inside Home Assistant.

Does Amazon Alexa work during a security block?

Amazon Alexa, Google Assistant, TTS and Webhooks will continue to work during a security block.

Can you impersonate a Home Assistant?

These credentials are only stored locally and cannot be impersonated by anyone. Before we talk about weaknesses, know that we will never abuse any weakness unless forced by a government entity.

Can you connect to Home Assistant remotely?

With our Remote UI feature you are able to connect remotely to your Home Assistant instance. As a user, the only configuration step that you need is to enable it from the cloud configuration panel. Once enabled, Home Assistant will generate a security certificate for secure communication and provide you with a url that is accessible while away from home.

What to do if you have incorrect configuration files?

If you have incorrect entries in your configuration files you can use the configuration check command (below) to assist in identifying them.

Does Home Assistant generate errors?

If you create an entity with other characters then Home Assistant may not generate an error for that entity. However you will find that attempts to use that entity will generate errors (or possibly fail silently).

Can you run into trouble with Home Assistant?

It can happen that you run into trouble while configuring Home Assistant. Perhaps an integration is not showing up or is acting strangely. This page will discuss a few of the most common problems.

Does Home Assistant have external dependencies?

Almost all integrations have external dependencies to communicate with your devices and services. Sometimes Home Assistant is unable to install the necessary dependencies. If this is the case, it should show up in home-assistant.log.

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