Remote-access Guide

holidex remote access

by Florian Huel Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

What version of Holidex is used for hotel export?

This is the export used when hotel is at least on OPERA, Holidex OXI 2-Way version TW45.13 and the Holidex CRS is PLUS. 25 All Download, messages external to OPERA

How to reprocess failed Oxi messages in Holidex?

Check that the OXI conversion table was activated for membership type and that the type in question is properly mapped. The failed messages then can be reprocessed afterwards. 19 Holidex Download, messages external to OPERA Reservation messages are taking very long time to go from Holidex to the PMS. Return message for downloaded messages-

What is the DCO_export setting for Holidex CRS?

When OPERA PMS is on or higher and the Holidex CRS version Holidex Plus, what is the setting for the DCO_EXPORT? The Choice of export is DCO_EXPORT_SCC. This is the export used when hotel is at least on OPERA, Holidex OXI 2-Way version TW45.13 and the Holidex CRS is PLUS.

What is the delay time for Holidex download?

19 Holidex Download, messages external to OPERA Reservation messages are taking very long time to go from Holidex to the PMS. Return message for downloaded messages- “Post_hx message returning error ORA- 29532 : terminated by uncaught java exception java.lang.OutofmemeoryError. The delay time is either 6-14 minutes.”


What happens if OXI is set to ‘Active’?

If the External System for OXI in OPERA was set to ‘Active’ before Live Cutover, OPERA users may have triggered business events and they have created messages in the Queues for Upload.

How to open FTP in OXI?

Go to OXI>Interface Configuration> Communication Methods and open the page for FTP. Leave this page open.

How to access import/export directories?

Once connected to the FTP server, check that you can access the import/export directories. Type cd <import directory name as visible in your OXI configuration>.

Does OXI show messages from external system?

Messages from external system are not showing in the OXI Message Status screen.

Do you need to restart OXI?

Under normal circumstance, in the case of a database outage, OXI services and servlets will reconnect to the restarted database automatically and there is no need to restart any services or servers.

Do reservations go back to external system?

All reservations from external system are duplicated again in external system after they have been sent to OPERA.

Does OXI process older messages?

OXI does not process messages that are older than the current business date. IF manual intervention is needed for cleaning out the Business Events queue: The OXI upload processor must be stopped in OXI. As there is no business event processor in V4.0 any longer, to see if the queues are populated.

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