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What is Gundersen Health System?
Gundersen Health System is one of the largest health systems in the United States. For more than five generations, it has been providing primary care and specialty care to over half a million residents of Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa, and Northern Illinois.
Where is Gundersen Medical Center?
Our tertiary care medical center is in La Crosse, Wis., with numerous affiliates throughout a regional radius of about 150 miles. Gundersen is the western clinical campus for the University of Wisconsin College of Medicine.
What is the educational culture of Gundersen Health System?
The educational culture that is present at Gundersen Health System offers an exceptional opportunity for learning. The hospital and clinics serve as clinical training sites for medical, pharmacy, nursing and other allied health professional students and residents. We view teaching as a responsibility; the responsibility to teach and learn best patient care practices, to teach and learn best patient care experiences, and to teach and learn professionalism. We take pride in educating students looking for careers in the health care field. We recognize teaching as an opportunity to influence the next generation of practitioners and to constantly improve the quality of patient care.
How many doctors are there at Gundersen?
Gundersen is a complete medical center with more than 400 staff physicians, each of whom have been carefully selected for their clinical expertise as well as commitment to teaching. All patient care providers are expected to contribute to teaching at GHS.
Does Gundersen Health System accept alternate placements?
It is recommended that applicants pursue alternate place ment opportunities in the event Gundersen Health System cannot accommodate. Completion of an application does not guarantee clinical placement for any students.
How many digits are needed to register for Gundersen?
You will need your student ID number to register. Your student ID must contain 9 digits, no letters. Once you register, you will receive two emails. The first email will come after you are approved by the responsible individual at Gundersen confirming that you have been approved in the system.
How often is mandatory education required at Gundersen?
Mandatory Education is required once per calendar year. EPIC education is required if you will need to access electronic medical records. If you have been at Gundersen in the past and have viewed the EPIC eLearning modules, we recommend you view the eLearning modules again as a refresher.
How to contact Gundu?
For Mandatory Education or EPIC training module questions, please email the GundU team or call (608) 775-6789.
Does Gundersen Health System require EPIC?
Welcome to Gundersen Health System! As a student, visiting resident or faculty rotating through our organization, you must complete Mandatory Education and, as needed, EPIC education prior to starting your experience.