Remote-access Guide

firebird security remote access

by Dr. Korey Dicki Published 1 year ago Updated 1 year ago

How do I connect to my Firebird database remotely?

SQL> CONNECT "/databases/firebird/MY_EMPLOYEE.FDB" If connecting remotely (using TCP/IP), use the CONNECT statement with the server name and complete file path of the database or, an alias. When using the full path, remember to ensure that the server name is separated from the database path with a colon.

What is Firebird database used for?

Firebird is a relational database offering many ANSI SQL standard features that runs on Linux, Windows, and a variety of Unix platforms. Firebird offers excellent concurrency, high performance, and powerful language support for stored procedures and triggers.

Is Firebird secure?

Firebird itself takes no precautions to provide external security. Once a person has physical access to a database file there is no effective way to prevent that user from reading all data (and metadata) within that file.

How do I connect Firebird database to Isql?

Invoking Isql If the bin is on your path, you may start it by typing isql regardless of your operating system. Example: $ isql Use CONNECT or CREATE DATABASE to specify a database SQL> CONNECT "C:\DATABASES\FIREBIRD\MY_EMPLOYEE. FDB" CON> user 'SYSDBA' password 'secret';

Why is Firebird on my computer?

Firebird is a company that works alongside QuikStor's programs to maintain a facilities database. This includes keeping track of all tenants along with private information, key code, and much more. If this program is deleted, QuikStor's software will give you errors because you deleted the link to your database.

Who Uses Firebird?

We have data on 227 companies that use Firebird. The companies using Firebird are most often found in United States and in the Computer Software industry. Firebird is most often used by companies with 10-50 employees and 1M-10M dollars in revenue....Who uses Firebird?CompanyPremier Group LtdCompany Size>1000022 more rows

How do I open a Firebird database?

Database . NETDownload and extract the 32-bit Free and Plus edition of Database .NET.Download the Firebird embedded zip file from Firebird downloads.Extract the file and place your data file in this directory.Download and install Firebird Superserver.More items...•

What is Isql command?

DESCRIPTION. isql is a command line tool which allows the user to execute SQL in batch or interactively. It has some interesting options such as an option to generate output wrapped in an HTML table. iusql is the same tool with built-in Unicode support.

How do I know if Firebird is running?

To check that the Firebird Server is running in Windows just go to Services applet and check for Firebird Server and Firebird Guardian services. Alternatively, if you used the installer Firebird will have installed a Server Control Applet in the Control Panel.

Is Firebird a good database?

Firebird is an open source and relational database that provides excellent performance and scales impressively by use of embedded and single user model that provides many SQL and ANSI features.

What type of database is Firebird?

SQL relational database management systemFirebird is an open-source SQL relational database management system that support Linux, Microsoft Windows, macOS and other Unix platforms. The database forked from Borland's open source edition of InterBase in 2000 but the code has been largely rewritten since Firebird 1.5.

Where are Firebird databases stored?

Typical locations on 32-bit systems are: for Windows 95/98/ME: C:\Windows\System. for Windows NT/2000: C:\WINNT\System32. for Windows XP: C:\Windows\System32.

Is Firebird a RDBMS?

Firebird is a free, open-source, SQL relational database management system based on the open source edition of InterBase released by Borland Software Corp, formerly known as Inprise Corp.

What is the password for Firebird?

Passwords to firebird are local to the server (in its security2.fdb). If you copy the database to your local machine (this indicates lax security BTW), and access it through a local Firebird server, it will use the security2.fdb of that local machine. The sysdba password you have is valid on your local machine (it is the Firebird default).

Can Firebird databases be shared?

As to your comment on the other answer that the database is in a shared folder: do not do this. Firebird databases should be accessed by one (or more) server processes on the same machine. Clients etc should connect through the server, and not open a shared file.

How does Firebird authentication work?

For an application (user) to access a Firebird database it must connect to the Firebird server process. On receiving a connect request the server process will authenticate the user credentials against the server users defined in the security database. If authentication is successful the server will allow the application access to any database that it requests and then use the roles and privileges defined in that database to provide fine-grained access control to objects in that database.

What is an embedded Firebird server?

It is the server that restricts or allows access to the logged-in user, according to the permissions defined for that user in that database. The “embedded” variation of Firebird server works differently and would not be appropriate for secure installations.

What is a sysdba user?

Every Firebird server installation has a “SYSDBA” user, this user has unrestricted access to any database available to that server. Database specific privileges are effectively ignored when the database is accessed using SYSDBA. When you first copy a database onto a server you can use SYSDBA to customise the privileges according to the users and requirements of the server. However, it also means that, if I have direct access to a database file, I can copy that file from a server where I may not know the SYSDBA password onto a different server where I do know the SYSDBA password and so gain unrestricted access to the database.

Why do people request encryption of data?

Some people request encryption of the database data so that they can try and limit the dissemination of data. They are happy for the particular authorised user to see the data, but they wish to limit that user’s ability to distribute the data to other people.

Why is a server computer stored in a secure location?

For the security to be effective it is also preferred that the server computer is stored in a secure location to prevent physical tampering that could permit unauthorised users to access the hard disk from beyond the strictures of the operating system.

Does Firebird have to run as a user?

In most cases this means that the Firebird server process should run as its own specific operating system user and only that user (and probably the administrator/root user) should have direct operating system access to the database files.

Does a user need to connect to a database to access the database?

At no time does the user connecting to the database require direct access to the database file itself. All access goes through the server process, which accesses the database file as needed to fulfil requests. It is the server that restricts or allows access to the logged-in user, according to the permissions defined for that user in that database.

Easysoft ODBC-Firebird Driver

In the DSN configuration include machine_name: (that's a colon) in the database path. For example: server_name:c:\path\to\server\database.fdb Some TCP/IP stacks may allow the use of a type number, this however is down to the TCP/IP stack and not the driver or Firebird.

How do I connect to an remote Firebird Server via TCP?

In the DSN configuration include machine_name: (that's a colon) in the database path. For example: server_name:c:\path\to\server\database.fdb Some TCP/IP stacks may allow the use of a type number, this however is down to the TCP/IP stack and not the driver or Firebird.

What is the server name of Firebird?

a firebird server name and port, which will be referred to servername:serverport below (eg:

What is the best client for Firebird?

a FireBird client, we recommend FireBird Maestro, or the FireBird command line client ISQL, which comes with FireBird

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