Remote-access Guide

codeready containers remote access

by Gina Cruickshank Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Accessing CodeReady Containers on a Remote Server

  • Running CRC. The latest version of CRC can be downloaded from Red Hat’s site. ... This blog isn’t going to go into the...
  • Configuring the Host Machine. We’ll use firewalld and HAProxy to route the host’s inbound traffic to the CRC instance. .
  • Configuring DNS for Clients. As I said earlier, your client machines will need...

Full Answer

What is codeready containers?

Rather than try to rephrase what it is, I’ll just copy it directly from their site: “CodeReady Containers brings a minimal, preconfigured OpenShift 4.1 or newer cluster to your local laptop or desktop computer for development and testing purposes.

How do I set up codeready on a remote server?

A remote server is set up for the client to connect to. For more information, see Setting up CodeReady Containers on a remote server. You know the external IP address of the server. You have the latest OpenShift CLI ( oc) in your $PATH on the client. Install the dnsmasq package: Enable the use of dnsmasq for DNS resolution in NetworkManager:

What does codeready containers include with OpenShift?

CodeReady Containers includes the crc command-line interface (CLI) to interact with the CodeReady Containers instance running the OpenShift cluster. 1.2. Differences from a production OpenShift installation

Is codeready containers supported on Red Hat Enterprise Linux?

On Linux, CodeReady Containers is supported only on Red Hat Enterprise Linux/CentOS 7.5 or later (including 8.x versions) and on the latest two stable Fedora releases. When using Red Hat Enterprise Linux, the machine running CodeReady Containers must be registered with the Red Hat Customer Portal.


What is a CRC in OpenShift?

CodeReady Containers (CRC) is a tool to install an OpenShift 4.x single node cluster easily on your local machine to quickly test things out without having to get access to any externally hosted OpenShift instance. – It makes the life of a Developer or a DevOps guy much easier.

Why not use CRC to install Fedora?

So why not simply use CRC to install it on a spare machine with Fedora/CentOS/RHEL? — Because it is not so easy to access it from a remote machine.

How much RAM does CRC use?

I have tested this approach with a spare laptop with an intel core i7 (8 cores, 16 threads), 32GB of RAM and Fedora 33 as a remote host machine and it works quite well if you configure CRC to use 28 – 30 GB of RAM.

Does CRC overwrite the IP?

There is one more point to remember: As soon as you are installing CRC on your client, it overwrites your /etc/resolver/testing file to point to the IP of the virtual machine with OpenShift installed. Which means that you have to change it again if you want to access the remote CRC instance again.

Making open source more inclusive

Red Hat is committed to replacing problematic language in our code, documentation, and web properties. We are beginning with these four terms: master, slave, blacklist, and whitelist. Because of the enormity of this endeavor, these changes will be implemented gradually over several upcoming releases.

Chapter 1. Introducing Red Hat CodeReady Containers

Red Hat CodeReady Containers brings a minimal OpenShift 4 cluster to your local computer. This cluster provides a minimal environment for development and testing purposes. CodeReady Containers is mainly targeted at running on developers' desktops. For other use cases, such as headless or multi-developer setups, use the full OpenShift installer .

Chapter 2. Installation

CodeReady Containers has the following minimum hardware and operating system requirements.

Chapter 3. Using CodeReady Containers

The crc setup command performs operations to set up the environment of your host machine for the CodeReady Containers virtual machine.

Chapter 4. Configuring CodeReady Containers

Use the crc config command to configure both the crc executable and the CodeReady Containers virtual machine. The crc config command requires a subcommand to act on the configuration. The available subcommands are get, set, unset, and view. The get, set, and unset subcommands operate on named configurable properties.

Chapter 6. Administrative tasks

To make sure CodeReady Containers can run on a typical laptop, some resource-heavy services get disabled by default. One of these is Prometheus and the related monitoring, alerting, and telemetry functionality. Telemetry functionality is responsible for listing your cluster in the Red Hat OpenShift Cluster Manager .

Chapter 7. Troubleshooting Red Hat CodeReady Containers

The goal of Red Hat CodeReady Containers is to deliver an OpenShift environment for development and testing purposes. Issues occurring during installation or usage of specific OpenShift applications are outside of the scope of CodeReady Containers. Report such issues to the relevant project. For example, OpenShift tracks issues on GitHub .

Why do CodeReady containers require manual setup?

Newer versions of the CodeReady Containers executable require manual set up to prevent potential incompatibilities with earlier versions.

What is code ready container?

CodeReady Containers is available as a portable executable for Red Hat Enterprise Linux and Microsoft Windows. On macOS, CodeReady Containers is available using a guided installer.

How to configure CRC?

Use the crc config command to configure both the crc executable and the CodeReady Containers virtual machine . The crc config command requires a subcommand to act on the configuration. The available subcommands are get, set, unset, and view . The get, set, and unset subcommands operate on named configurable properties. Run the crc config --help command to list the available properties.

What is OpenShift code ready?

The CodeReady Containers OpenShift cluster reserves IP subnets for internal use which should not collide with your host network. Ensure that the following IP subnets are available for use:

What is the CRC setup command?

The crc setup command performs operations to set up the environment of your host machine for the CodeReady Containers virtual machine.

How long does a CRC expire?

The system bundle in each released crc executable expires 30 days after the release. This expiration is due to certificates embedded in the OpenShift cluster. The crc start command triggers an automatic certificate renewal process when needed. Certificate renewal can add up to five minutes to the start time of the cluster.

How to resolve code ready container issues?

Resolve most issues by restarting CodeReady Containers with a clean state. This involves stopping the virtual machine, deleting it, reverting changes made by the crc setup command, reapplying those changes, and restarting the virtual machine.

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