Requirements 1) ASA running version 8.4.1 or later 2) Anyconnect Secure Mobility Client 3.0 or later
What is the impact of remote access VPN on Cisco ASA/FTD?
However, as the number of remote access VPN users has rapidly increased, access is concentrated on the remote access VPN servers, Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance (ASA) and Firepower Threat Defense (FTD), which terminate the access, and the performance of ASA and FTD is reduced. There are quite a few cases that suffer from deterioration.
How can I optimize the performance of the Asav virtual firewall?
The best way to maximize the performance of a remote access VPN termination is to make the ASA a dedicated remote access VPN termination. The performance of the ASAv virtual firewall changes depending on the performance of the installed server. For high-end models such as ASA5585 and FPR4100, SSL processing of the engine can be optimized.
What is the maximum number of AnyConnect sessions I can set?
For ASDM, the maximum number of AnyConnect sessions can be set from the menu below. For example, if you want to secure a communication speed of about 10 Mbps per desk on a product with a VPN throughput of 1 Gbps, you can secure the throughput per unit by setting the maximum number of connections to 100.

What version of TLS does Cisco AnyConnect use?
AnyConnect now supports TLS version 1.2 with the following additional cipher suites: DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA256.
How do I find TLS version on Cisco ASA?
You can verify it by accessing the ASA/ASDM. once again check the config using #show ssl command. You can see the connection will now negotiate to TLSv1.
Does AnyConnect use TLS?
Cisco AnyConnect VPNs utilize TLS to authenticate and configure routing, then DTLS to efficiently encrypt and transport the tunneled VPN traffic, and can fall back to TLS-based transport where firewalls block UDP-based traffic.
How do I change TLS version on Cisco ASA?
CHAPTER.9-1.Cisco ASA Series VPN ASDM Configuration Guide.Configuring SSL Settings.SSL Settings.Configuration > Device Management > Advanced > SSL Settings. Configuration > Remote Access VPN > Advanced > SSL Settings. ... • Server SSL Version—Choose to specify the SSL/TLS protocol version the ASA uses to negotiate.More items...
Is TLS and SSL the same?
Transport Layer Security (TLS) is the successor protocol to SSL. TLS is an improved version of SSL. It works in much the same way as the SSL, using encryption to protect the transfer of data and information. The two terms are often used interchangeably in the industry although SSL is still widely used.
How is the TLS version selected between client and server?
In the TLS handshake the client announces the best version it can do to the server. If the server supports protocol versions which are equal or less to the clients version it will reply with the best of these.
Does Cisco AnyConnect use SSL or IPsec?
Anyconnect is the replacement for the old Cisco VPN client and supports SSL and IKEv2 IPsec. When it comes to SSL, the ASA offers two SSL VPN modes: Clientless WebVPN.
What type of encryption does Cisco AnyConnect use?
Various encryption methods supported by AnyConnect VPN are listed below: Strong encryption, including AES-256 and 3DES-168. (The security gateway device must have a strong-crypto license enabled.)
How does Cisco ASA VPN Work?
Remote and mobile users use the Cisco AnyConnect Secure VPN client to establish VPN sessions with the adaptive security appliance. The adaptive security appliance sends web traffic to the Web Security appliance along with information identifying the user by IP address and user name.
What is the difference between TLS and DTLS?
Therefore, DTLS offers as many security guarantees as TLS but reduces the need to use IPsec or design a custom application layer security protocol. The main difference between DTLS and TLS is that DTLS is built on UDP, while TLS uses Transmission Control Protocol (TCP).
How do I enable TLS 1.1 on edge?
Windows Edge TLS default settingsPress Windows key + R to open Run window.Type inetcpl. cpl to open Internet Properties.Click on the Advanced tab.Now under Security please check the box to enable Use SSL 3.0, Use TLS 1.0, 1.2 and 1.3 as per your requirement.
What is DTLS in networking?
TLS and SSL are the standard protocols used for securing stream-based TCP Internet traffic. DTLS is a protocol based on TLS that is capable of securing the datagram transport.
What is the difference between TLS and DTLS?
Therefore, DTLS offers as many security guarantees as TLS but reduces the need to use IPsec or design a custom application layer security protocol. The main difference between DTLS and TLS is that DTLS is built on UDP, while TLS uses Transmission Control Protocol (TCP).
What is SSLv3 protocol?
Secure Socket Layer version 3 (SSLv3) is a security protocol that is used to secure application protocols such as HTTP, FTP, SIP, SMTP, NNTP, and XMPP.
What is DTLS in networking?
TLS and SSL are the standard protocols used for securing stream-based TCP Internet traffic. DTLS is a protocol based on TLS that is capable of securing the datagram transport.
How to log off all VPN sessions?
To log off all VPN sessions, use the vpn-sessiondb logoff command in global configuration mode:
How to see active sessions in VPN?
To view information about active sessions, use the show vpn-sessiondb command:
What does AnyConnect enable do?
anyconnect enable prompts the remote user to download the client or go to the clientless portal page and waits indefinitely for user response.
What is Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client?
The Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client provides secure SSL and IPsec/IKEv2 connections to the ASA for remote users. Without a previously-installed client, remote users enter the IP address in their browser of an interface configured to accept SSL or IPsec/IKEv2 VPN connections. Unless the ASA is configured to redirect http:// requests to https://, users must enter the URL in the form https://< address >.
What does DPD mean in TLS?
In order for DTLS to fall back to a TLS connection, Dead Peer Detection (DPD) must be enabled. If you do not enable DPD, and the DTLS connection experiences a problem, the connection terminates instead of falling back to TLS. For more information on DPD, see Configure Dead Peer Det ection .
Where are Cisco AnyConnect messages located?
All messages displayed on the user interface of the Cisco AnyConnect VPN Client are located in the AnyConnect domain.
Why is compression important for VPN?
Compression increases the communications performance between the ASA and the client by reducing the size of the packets being transferred for low-bandwidth connections . By default, compression for all SSL VPN connections is enabled on the ASA, both at the global level and for specific groups or users.