Remote-access Guide

centos how to check open ports for remote access

by Keon Torphy I Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

6 ways to Check a remote port is open in Linux.

  • Use nc command nc -zvw10 22.
  • Use nmap command nmap -p 22.
  • Use telnet command telnet 22.
  • Use python telnet module.
  • Use python socket module.
  • Use curl command.

The following commands can be used to check if a port is open on the remote server in Linux.
  1. Use nc command nc -zvw10 22.
  2. Use nmap command nmap -p 22.
  3. Use telnet command telnet 22.
  4. Use python telnet module.
  5. Use python socket module.
  6. Use curl command.

Full Answer

How to check whether a remote server port is open on Linux?

In this post, we would cover a few methods to check whether a remote server port is open or not on Linux. telnet is the most frequently used command on both Windows and Linux to check port. The simple usage for this command is When the port is open, the output will be like:

How to scan for open ports on a remote machine?

For example to scan for open TCP ports on a remote machine with IP address in the range 20-80 you would use the following command: The -z option tells nc to scan only for open ports, without sending any data and the -v is for more verbose information.

How to determine if ports on a remote host are reachable/open?

In this guide, we will show you how to determine if ports on a remote host are reachable/open using simple netcat (in short nc) command. netcat (or nc in short) is a powerful and easy-to-use utility that can be employed for just about anything in Linux in relation to TCP, UDP, or UNIX-domain sockets.

How to check if port is open or not?

telnet is the most frequently used command on both Windows and Linux to check port. The simple usage for this command is When the port is open, the output will be like: Trying Connected to Escape character is '^]'. When the port is not open or some other issue occurs, the output will be like:


How can I test if a port is open on a remote?

Enter "telnet + IP address or hostname + port number" (e.g., telnet 1723 or telnet 10.17. xxx. xxx 5000) to run the telnet command in Command Prompt and test the TCP port status. If the port is open, only a cursor will show.

How do you check if a port is open in CentOS?

CentOS / RHEL : How to find if a network port is open or not?Using netstat to see the listening processes. To see if a program or process is listening on a port, ready to accept a packet, use the netstat command. ... Using ss to see the listening processes. ... using lsof to find open ports.

How do you check if ports are open in Linux?

To check the listening ports and applications on Linux:Open a terminal application i.e. shell prompt.Run any one of the following command on Linux to see open ports: sudo lsof -i -P -n | grep LISTEN. sudo netstat -tulpn | grep LISTEN. ... For the latest version of Linux use the ss command. For example, ss -tulw.

How do I check if port 443 is open CentOS?

Type the ss command or netstat command to see if a TCP port 443 is in use on Linux? The port 443 is in use and opened by nginx service. Where, -t : Display TCP sockets/port.

How can I check which ports are open?

Answer: Open the Run command and type cmd to open the command prompt. Type: “netstat –na” and hit enter. Find port 445 under the Local Address and check the State. If it says Listening, your port is open.

How do I check if port 8080 is open Linux?

Type “cmd” and click OK in the Run dialog. Verify the Command Prompt opens. Type “netstat -a -n -o | find "8080"". A list of processes using port 8080 is displayed.

How do I open a port on CentOS 7?

How To Open A Port In CentOS / RHEL 7Check Port Status. Check that the port is not open and Apache is not showing that port: ... Check Port Status in iptables. Check that iptables are not showing that port open: ... Add the port. Add the test port in /etc/services file and allow the port to accept packets. ... Open firewall ports.

How check port is open in Linux without telnet?

Here are several different ways to test a TCP port without telnet.BASH (man page) $ cat < /dev/tcp/ SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_5.3 ^C $ cat < /dev/tcp/ bash: connect: Connection refused bash: /dev/tcp/ Connection refused.cURL. ... Python. ... Perl.

How do I open a port on CentOS 8?

How to open ports on RHEL 8 / CentOS 8 Linux stepsStep 1 List already opened Ports. Before opening some port we need to check which port is already opened. ... Step 2 check The Service. ... Step 3 Check the Zones. ... Step 4 Open Port service. ... Step 5 Reload Firewall. ... Step 6 Confirm opened port.

How do you verify ports 80 and 443 are open?

You can test whether the port is open by attempting to open an HTTPS connection to the computer using its domain name or IP address. To do this, you type in your web browser's URL bar, using the actual domain name of the server, or, using the server's actual numeric IP address.

How do I check firewall rules in Centos 7?

1. Check Firewall setupVerify Firewall running state and settings:Firewall status: (should reply running) $ sudo firewall-cmd --state output. running.Firewall default and active zone: $ firewall-cmd --get-default-zone output. public $ firewall-cmd --get-active-zones output. public. interfaces: eth0.

How do I check if a firewall is blocking a port Linux?

You can check if a process listens on a TCP or UDP port with netstat -tuplen . To check whether some ports are accessible from the outside (this is probably what you want) you can use a port scanner like Nmap from another system.

How do I open a port on Centos 8?

Here is how it goes step by step:First, check for already opened ports or enabled systemd service. ... Check whether the service you are trying to configure your firewall with is available as a preconfigured feature. ... Obtain a list of zones you wish the port to be opened within: # firewall-cmd --get-zones.More items...•

How do I check if port 1521 is open Linux?

Type the command "netstat -an" to obtain a list of all the open ports.

How can I tell if port 7777 is open?

Checking an External Port. Go to in a web browser. You can use it to see if a port on your computer or network is accessible on the internet. The website will automatically detect your IP address and display it in the "Your IP" box.

Which service is responsible for maintaining firewall rules?

On CentOS/RHEL 6 or earlier, the iptables service is responsible for maintaining firewall rules.

Does CentOS have a firewall?

Out of the box, enterprise Linux distributions such as CentOS or RHEL come with a powerful firewall built-in, and their default firewall rules are pretty restrictive. Thus if you install any custom services (e.g., web server, NFS, Samba), chances are their traffic will be blocked by the firewall rules. You need to open up necessary ports on the firewall to allow their traffic.

3. Add the port

Add the test port in /etc/services file and allow the port to accept packets. Test port can be added by editing /etc/services file in below format:

5. Check newly added port status

After adding the port for httpd and reloading httpd services, notice now httpd is also listening to newly added port 55555:

What is an open port?

In general terms, an open port is a network port that accepts incoming packets from remote locations. For example, if you are running a web server that listens on ports 80 and 443 and those ports are open on your firewall, anyone (except blocked ips) will be able to access web sites hosted on your web server using his browser.

Why are open ports important?

Open ports may pose a security risk as each open port can be used by attackers to exploit a vulnerability or perform any other type of attack. You should expose only the ports needed for functionality of your application and close all other ports.

What is a listening port?

A listening port is a network port that an application listens on. You can get a list of the listening ports on your system by querying the network stack with commands such as ss, netstat or lsof. Each listening port can be open or closed (filtered) using a firewall. In general terms, an open port is a network port that accepts incoming packets ...

Can Netcat scan a single port?

With netcat you can scan a single port or a port range. For example to scan for open TCP ports on a remote machine with IP address in the range 20-80 you would use the following command: The -z option tells nc to scan only for open ports, without sending any data and the -v is for more verbose information.


telnet is the most frequently used command on both Windows and Linux to check port. The simple usage for this command is


nmap is an open source utility for network scanning. It can be used to not only scan open port but also can do much more. It can be used to check multiple hosts and ports at once. This utility usually needs explicit installation.

What does it mean when a port is closed?

If you receive “ Could not open connection ” or a blank screen with blinking cursor, this means the port is closed. If you receive “ Connection to host lost “, this means that the port is open but the host is not accepting new connections.

What does 80 mean in telnet?

You can also put an IP address instead of the name. 80 is the port number which you want to probe. You should replace 80 with you desired port number. If you receive “ Press any key to continue ” prompt, this means that the port is open and responding to telnet.

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