Does CCNY have access to Adobe Creative Cloud?
The University-wide free student, faculty, and staff access to Adobe Creative Cloud ended on October 30, 2020. To accommodate currently enrolled CCNY students and faculty and staff, some computer labs on campus have been configured for remote access to licensed software, including Adobe Creative Suite, SPSS, ArcGIS, SAS, Rhino, and R+.
How do I access the CUNY virtual desktop?
You can access the CUNY Virtual Desktop at www.cuny.edu/virtualdesktop. Login requires the CUNYfirst username followed by @login.cuny.edu and your CUNYfirst password. Sessions can last up to 8 hours.
How do I log in to cunyfirst?
Access using your CUNYfirst ID followed by @login.cuny.edu, and your CUNYfirst password. Install it onto your computer, tablet or smartphone. Access your applications by clicking on one of the icons above. Log in using your CUNYfirst ID followed by @login.cuny.edu, and your CUNYfirst password.
What is the data retention policy for the CUNY virtual desktop?
No user data is retained in the CUNY Virtual Desktop. Any unsaved data in the environment will be lost after 20 minutes of inactivity or disconnect time. Use of the CUNY Virtual desktop is limited to 8 hours per session and is for academic purposes only. By using the CUNY Virtual Desktop, you agree to comply with the CUNY Computer Use Policy

What software does CUNY offer?
All students and faculty on CUNYfirst can now access certain high end software through the CUNY Virtual Desktop. The CUNY Virtual Desktop currently offers SAS, SPSS, Mathematica, Maplesoft and Matlab, with additional applications to be added in the future.
What is CUNY Virtual Desktop?
The CUNY Virtual Desktop enables students and faculty to access these applications from their home or library computer, a laptop, or any mobile device at any time.
What is secure remote access?
Secure Remote Access provides two general remote access methods: Web Access and Network Connect. Your Secure Remote Access account will provide you with either or both of these access methods depending upon your requirements.
How to use Network Connect?
When using Network Connect, VPN software downloaded to your computer establishes a virtual network “tunnel” with Se cure Remote Access, providing secure, transparent network access to authorized hosts, subnets and protocols. Because Network Connect establishes a direct path between your computer and CUNY’s internal network (intranet), additional restrictions and validations can be expected.
What does it mean to choose the network connect realm?
Choose the Network Connect realm if you are authorized for Network Connect and wish to use it. Choosing the Network Connect realm initiates Host Checker validation as required for Network Connect. See Network Connect and Host Checker below for further detail.
Where is the sign out button on a remote access?
You can find it located in the upper-right hand corner of the home page or on the floating toolbar.
How to access web resources?
Using the Web Access method, resources can be accessed remotely through a web- based interface using a computer with a compatible web browser. After logging into Secure Remote Access successfully, resources appear as clickable hyperlinks (bookmarks) on your Secure Remote Access home page. Your home page is tailored to contain bookmarks to only those resources that you are authorized to access. Through this method, you can remotely access web-based applications, file shares, remote desktops (Windows Only) and servers using Telnet/SSH. Additionally, client/server applications can be secured for remote access using the Secure Application Manager feature.
How to access CUNYfirst?
Access using your CUNYfirst ID followed by @login.cuny.edu, and your CUNYfirst password.
How many hours per session is CUNY Virtual Desktop?
Use of the CUNY Virtual desktop is limited to 8 hours per session and is for academic purposes only. By using the CUNY Virtual Desktop, you agree to comply with the CUNY Computer Use Policy.
How long does it take for CUNY Virtual Desktop to lose data?
No user data is retained in the CUNY Virtual Desktop. Any unsaved data in the environment will be lost after 20 minutes of inactivity or disconnect time.