Remote-access Guide

best remote access trojans

by Joyce Mante Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Top 6 Remote Access Trojans (RATs)

  • 1) CERBERUS. Interesting or distinctive features.
  • 4) ORCUS RAT.
  • 5) NJRAT.

10 Best Remote Access Software (Remote Control Software) In 2022
  • Comparison of Top Remote Access Tools.
  • #1) NinjaOne (Formerly NinjaRMM)
  • #2) SolarWinds Dameware Remote Support.
  • #3) Atera.
  • #4) Supremo.
  • #5) ManageEngine Remote Access Plus.
  • #6) RemotePC.
  • #7) TeamViewer.
Jul 15, 2022

Full Answer

What are some examples of remote access trojan?

Remote Access Trojan Examples 1 Back Orifice. Back Orifice (BO) rootkit is one of the best-known examples of a RAT. ... 2 Sakula. Sakula, also known as Sakurel and VIPER, is another remote access trojan that first surfaced in November 2012. 3 Sub7. Sub7, also known as SubSeven or Sub7Server, is a RAT botnet. ... 4 PoisonIvy. ... 5 DarkComet. ...

Which is the Best Antivirus for remote access trojan detection?

Remote Access Trojan Detection 1 Avast 2 AVG 3 Avira 4 Bitdefender 5 Kaspersky 6 Malwarebytes 7 McAfee 8 Microsoft Windows Defender 9 Norton 10 PC Matic 11 Sophos 12 Trend Micro More ...

How to remove remote access trojans (rat)?

While formatting a computer or server is a drastic move and can be inconvenient, especially if the malware has spread to multiple devices, it’s a surefire way to eliminate Remote Access Trojans. The best option, especially for larger organizations, is to employ an intrusion detection system, which can be host-based or network-based.

Is there a remote administration tool for Windows?

Windows Remote Administration Tool via Telegram. Written in Python A repository full of malware samples. TechNowHorse is a RAT (Remote Administrator Trojan) Generator for Windows/Linux systems written in Python 3. RAT-el is an open source penetration test tool that allows you to take control of a windows machine.


Are remote access Trojans illegal?

Law enforcement officials say that simply possessing a remote-access tool isn't illegal. In fact, remote-access tools are often used for IT support purposes in corporate environments.

What are the variants of Remote Access Trojan?

Common Remote Access TrojansSakula. Sakula is a seemingly benign software with a legitimate digital signature, yet it allows attackers complete remote administration capabilities over a machine. ... KjW0rm. ... Havex. ... Agent. ... Dark Comet. ... AlienSpy. ... Heseber BOT. ... Sub7.More items...

What are remote access Trojans used for?

Remote access trojans (RATs) are malware designed to allow an attacker to remotely control an infected computer. Once the RAT is running on a compromised system, the attacker can send commands to it and receive data back in response.

Can Remotepc be hacked?

Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) has been known since 2016 as a way to attack some computers and networks. Malicious cyber actors, hackers, have developed methods of identifying and exploiting vulnerable RDP sessions via the Internet to steal identities, login credentials and install and launch ransomeware attacks.

What are the common backdoor?

7 most common application backdoorsShadowPad. ... Back Orifice. ... Android APK backdoor. ... Borland/Inprise InterBase backdoor. ... Malicious chrome and Edge extension backdoor. ... Backdoors in outdated WordPress plugins. ... Bootstrap-Sass Ruby library backdoor.

Can Norton detect RATs?

Antivirus software like Bitdefender, Kaspersky, Webroot, or Norton, can detect RATs and other types of malware if they infect your devices.

Is TeamViewer a RAT?

The JS script then launches the malware, which installs a version of TeamViewer, a remote administration tool (RAT), modified by the attackers. As in earlier attacks, the attackers use a malicious DLL library to hide the graphical user interface in order to control the infected system without the user's knowledge.

Can you get a RAT on your phone?

RAT infected Android devices can be remotely zombified by the perpetrator, allowing virtually unlimited access to photos, data and messages on the device. The Dendroid RAT provides full access to infected devices' camera and microphone, and can place calls or listen in on a user's phone conversations or text messages.

How can I find a hidden virus on my computer?

You can also head to Settings > Update & Security > Windows Security > Open Windows Security on Windows 10, or Settings > Privacy and Security > Windows Security > Open Windows Security on Windows 11. To perform an anti-malware scan, click “Virus & threat protection.” Click “Quick Scan” to scan your system for malware.

Is Ultraviewer used by hackers?

They mostly use social engineering to make victims send money to them, they don't even have knowledge to hack anything. Ultraviewer is a remote acess program they use, it's like TeamViewer. It'll ask you if the other peer can connect to your machine.

What remote software do hackers use?

Hackers use RDP to gain access to the host computer or network and then install ransomware on the system. Once installed, regular users lose access to their devices, data, and the larger network until payment is made.

Can hackers hack without Internet?

Can an Offline Computer be Hacked? Technically — as of right now — the answer is no. If you never connect your computer, you are 100 percent safe from hackers on the internet. There is no way someone can hack and retrieve, alter or monitor information without physical access.

Which of the following is a remote Trojan?

Troya is a remote Trojan that works remotely for its creator.

Are PUPs malware?

Type and source of infection. Detections categorized as PUPs are not considered as malicious as other forms of malware, and may even be regarded by some as useful. Malwarebytes detects potentially unwanted programs for several reasons, including: They may have been installed without the user's consent.

What is a backdoor in cyber security?

Definition(s): An undocumented way of gaining access to computer system. A backdoor is a potential security risk.

What are remote administration tools?

A remote administration tool (RAT) is a software program that gives you the ability to control another device remotely. You then have access to the device's system as if you had physical access to the device itself.

Can a Remote Access Trojan be installed to BIOS?

Access to the BIOS has been known to the world’s hackers since 2015. Many believe that the NSA was planting RATs and trackers on BIOS even earlier.

How is a Remote Access Trojan RAT different from a regular Trojan horse?

A Trojan is a virus that gets onto a victim computer by passing itself off as a legitimate piece of software. A RAT is a Trojan that the hacker can...

What is the Sakula Remote Access Trojan RAT?

Sakula is a RAT that is used to intrude on IT systems serving government departments and agencies, healthcare facilities, and other large organizat...

Why are remote access Trojans important?

Remote Access Trojans fulfill an important function for hackers. Most attack vectors, like phishing, are ideal for delivering a payload to a machine but don’t provide the hacker with the ability to explore and interact with the target environment. RATs are designed to create a foothold on the target machine that provides the hacker with the necessary level of control over their target machine.

What is the next step in a phishing attack?

Once a hacker has gained initial access to a target machine, expanding and solidifying that foothold is the next logical step. In the case of a phishing attack, this involves using malware to take advantage of the access provided by the email.

What is PhoneSpector?

PhoneSpector offers the hacker the ability to monitor a wide variety of activities on the device. This includes monitoring phone calls and SMS messages (even those that were deleted) as well as app activity. PhoneSpector even provides a customer service helpline in case a hacker gets in a bind. 4.

How does PhoneSpector work?

One of these is PhoneSpector, which bills itself as being designed to help parents and employers but acts like malware. The software can be installed by getting the device owner to click on a link and enter a product key on their device. It then monitors the device while remaining undetectable to the user.

Is Androrat still used?

Despite the age of the source code (last update in 2014), AndroRAT continues to be used by hackers. It includes the ability to inject its malicious code into legitimate applications, making it easy for a hacker to release a new malicious app carrying the RAT.

Do remote access Trojans exist?

Many different Remote Access Trojans exist, and some hackers will modify existing ones or develop their own to be better suited to their preferences. Different RATs are also designed for different purposes, especially with RATs geared specifically to each potential target (desktop versus mobile, Windows versus Apple and so on).

What is remote access trojan?

Like most other forms of malware, Remote Access Trojans are often attached to files appearing to be legitimate, like emails or software bundles. However, what makes Remote Access Trojans particularly insidious is they can often mimic above-board remote access programs.

What happens if you install remote access Trojans?

If hackers manage to install Remote Access Trojans in important infrastructural areas—such as power stations, traffic control systems, or telephone networks—they can wreak havoc across neighborhoods, cities, and even entire nations.

What Is RAT Software?

One malicious example of remote access technology is a Remote Access Trojan (RAT), a form of malware allowing a hacker to control your device remotely. Once a RAT program is connected to your computer, the hacker can examine the local files, acquire login credentials and other personal information, or use the connection to download viruses you could unwittingly spread along to others.

How does Snort intrusion detection work?

The intrusion detection mode operates by applying threat intelligence policies to the data it collects, and Snort has predefined rules available on their website, where you can also download policies generated by the Snort user community. You can also create your own policies or tweak the ones Snort provides. These include both anomaly- and signature-based policies, making the application’s scope fairly broad and inclusive. Snort’s base policies can flag several potential security threats, including OS fingerprinting, SMB probes, and stealth port scanning.

What is the best way to detect malware?

The best option, especially for larger organizations, is to employ an intrusion detection system, which can be host-based or network-based. Host-based intrusion detection systems (HIDSs), which are installed on a specific device, monitor log files and application data for signs of malicious activity; network-based intrusion detection systems (NIDSs), on the other hand, track network traffic in real time, on the lookout for suspicious behavior. When used together, HIDSs and NIDSs create a security information and event management (SIEM) system. SIEM is an incredibly beneficial part of a strong security regimen and can help to block software intrusions which have slipped past firewalls, antivirus software, and other security countermeasures.

How do remote access Trojans evade live data analysis?

One way in which Remote Access Trojans can evade the live data analysis NIDSs provide is by dividing the command messaging sent through the malware across multiple data packets. NIDSs like Zeek, which focus more on application layers, are better able to detect split command messaging by running analyses across multiple data packets. This is one advantage Zeek has over Snort.

What is APT in computer security?

The practice of stealthy, ongoing hacking seeking to accumulate data over time, as opposed to causing damage to information or systems, is known as an advanced persistent threat (APT ). Remote Access Trojans are a powerful tool in this type of attack, because they do not slow down a computer’s performance or automatically begin deleting files once installed—and because they’re so adaptable.

How do remote access Trojans work?

The Remote Access Trojans get themselves downloaded on a device if the victims click on any attachment in an email or from a game. It enables the attacker to get control over the device and monitor the activities or gaining remote access. This RAT makes itself undetected on the device, and they remain in the device for a longer period of time for getting data that may be confidential.

What is the most powerful Trojan?

One of the most powerful Trojans that are popularly used by the attacker or hacker is Remote Access Trojan. This is mostly used for malicious purposes. This Trojan ensures the stealthy way of accumulating data by making itself undetected. Now, these Trojans have the capacity to perform various functions that damages the victim.

What is the advantage of remote access?

Advantage of Remote Access Trojans : It can be used to capture screenshots. The attacker can activate the webcam, or they can record video. The RAT can be used to delete the files or alter files in the system. It can also be used to capture screenshots.

Can an attacker record video?

The attacker can activate the webcam, or they can record video.

How are Remote Access Trojans Useful to Hackers?

Attackers using remote control malware cut power to 80,000 people by remotely accessing a computer authenticated into SCADA (supervisor y control and data acquisition) machines that controlled the country’s utility infrastructure. RAT software made it possible for the attacker to access sensitive resources through bypassing the authenticated user's elevated privileges on the network. Having access to critical machines that control city resources and infrastructure is one of the biggest dangers of RAT malware.

Why do attackers use remote devices?

Instead of storing the content on their own servers and cloud devices, attackers use targeted stolen devices so that they can avoid having accounts and servers shut down for illegal content.

What is remote control software?

Legitimate remote-control software exists to enable an administrator to control a device remotely. For example, administrators use Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) configured on a Windows server to remotely manage a system physically located at another site such as a data center. Physical access to the data center isn’t available to administrators, so RDP gives them access to configure the server and manage it for corporate productivity.

How to install a RAT?

An attacker must convince the user to install a RAT either by downloading malicious software from the web or running an executable from a malicious email attachment or message. RATs can also be installed using macros in Microsoft Word or Excel documents. When a user allows the macro to run on a device, the macro silently downloads RAT malware and installs it. With the RAT installed, an attacker can now remotely control the desktop, including mouse movement, mouse clicks, camera controls, keyboard actions, and any configured peripherals.

How to protect yourself from remote access trojans?

Just like protecting yourself from other network malware threats, for remote access trojan protection, in general, you need to avoid downloading unknown items; keep antimalware and firewall up to date, change your usernames and passwords regularly; (for administrative perspective) block unused ports, turn off unused services, and monitor outgoing traffic.

What is a RAT trojan?

RAT trojan is typically installed on a computer without its owner’s knowledge and often as a trojan horse or payload. For example, it is usually downloaded invisibly with an email attachment, torrent files, weblinks, or a user-desired program like a game. While targeted attacks by a motivated attacker may deceive desired targets into installing RAT ...

How does RAT malware work?

Once get into the victim’s machine, RAT malware will hide its harmful operations from either the victim or the antivirus or firewall and use the infected host to spread itself to other vulnerable computers to build a botnet.

Why is Darkcomet no longer available?

The reason is due to its usage in the Syrian civil war to monitor activists as well as its author’s fear of being arrested for unnamed reasons.

Why do RATs use a randomized filename?

It is kind of difficult. RATs are covert by nature and may make use of a randomized filename or file path structure to try to prevent identification of itself. Commonly, a RAT worm virus does not show up in the lists of running programs or tasks and its actions are similar to those of legal programs.

How to check if my computer is safe?

Open the command prompt better as administrator, type “ system.ini ”, and press Enter. Then, a notepad will pop up showing you a few details of your system. Take a look at the drivers section, if it looks brief as what the below picture shows, you are safe. if there are some other odd characters, there may be some remote devices accessing your system via some of your network ports.

Is Sub 7 a trojan horse?

Typically, Sub 7 allows undetected and unauthorized access. So, it is usually regarded as a trojan horse by the security industry. Sub7 worked on the Windows 9x and Windows NT family of OSes, up to and including Windows 8.1. Sub7 has not been maintained since 2014. 4.

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