Remote-access Guide

best remote access app for drobo

by Baby Parker Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

DroboApps are simple to configure and manage, and can be installed within Drobo Dashboard. Applications like Plex, and Elephant Drive provide the ability to remotely access files, back up to the cloud, and serve media from anywhere on any device. DroboApps Online User Guide Drobo Supported Apps: Extend the functionality of your Drobo NAS device.

Full Answer

What is droboaccess and how do I use it?

DroboAccess provides access to files on your Drobo from a web browser, or a mobile device, letting you easily view documents, images and photos and share files and folders with others. It can be used in conjunction with myDrobo to provide access outside to your Drobo remotely; your own secured private cloud.

What can you do with Drobo apps?

Drobo Apps Giving You the Power 1 Your Life, Simplified. ... 2 Cloud and Remote Access: Cloud apps provide tools for backing up data to off-site providers, syncing with other machines, or remote access. 3 Entertainment Apps: DroboApps for entertainment provide tools to stream video that you can watch at home or on the road. More items...

What files can I upload to my Drobo?

You can upload files to your Drobo too. From the mobile apps, you can view PDF files, Word and Excel docs, and view photos. DroboAccess integrates with the existing user accounts and shares on your Drobo – so you can login with your regular username and password, and access the same files you can at home.

What are droboapps and how do they work?

DroboApps are simple to configure and manage, and can be installed within Drobo Dashboard. Applications like Plex, and Elephant Drive provide the ability to remotely access files, back up to the cloud, and serve media from anywhere on any device. DroboApps Online User Guide


How do I access my Drobo remotely?

Once you've opened up your firewall, you can access your Drobo using an IP address. If you wanted to have a nice friendly web address to use, you need to buy a web domain, and associate it with the Drobo.

Did Drobo go out of business?

Longstanding Thunderbolt and network-attached storage company Drobo filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy in late June, and will hold its first creditors meeting on July 17. First formed as Data Robotics in 2005, Drobo manufactured solutions for remote and network storage.

Does Drobo have a web interface?

You can access your DroboAccess files with the DroboAccess web interface and create, preview, edit, delete, share, and re-share files.

How do I access Drobo Dashboard?

On the Files tab, click My Computers. From the list of computers listed, select the hostname of the Drobo 5N. Navigate through the directory tree to the desired location. Locate the file(s) to be recovered and click to select the file.

Is Drobo still alive?

– My Drobo died in November of 2019 just before the pandemic hit. For nearly 2 years now I've been unable to make contact with anyone from Drobo in either email or by phone. The website says “sold out” on all models.

What's happened to Drobo?

Most Drobo products have been Out of Stock since the beginning of 2020 with fans of Drobo wondering about the lack of communication addressing the shortage and the future of the company. The store on still lists all Drobos as 'sold out' as of August 2020.

How do I install Drobo FS app?

DroboFs AppsDownload and unzip the Apache DroboApp (apache. ... Read the Readme file and take any necessary actions. ... Copy the . ... Restart your FS array using Drobo Dashboard: Advanced Controls -> Tools -> Restart.Wait for the Apache DroboApp to install into the DroboApps volume.More items...•

How do I install apps on Drobo?

Click the Drobo Apps link in the left column and then select Plex from the list of Drobo Apps. Click the Install button to begin the installation process. Plex will be automatically downloaded from Drobo and installed on the 5N.

Why can't I see my Drobo?

Mac/Windows: If Drobo Dashboard still does not discover the device, reboot the Drobo. Press the power toggle button on the Drobo once to turn it off. Wait for it to shut down (no lights on.) Press the power button on the Drobo again to turn it back on.

Who makes Drobo?

Data RoboticsDrobo is an external storage hardware device developed by Data Robotics.

Which drobo do I have?

On Drobo Dashboard 2.0 or later, click the Status option on the Navigation menu. The Serial Number and version numbers of your Drobo device are all listed in this window.

How do I find my Drobo MAC address?

 MAC Address – the MAC address for your Drobo 5N on the network....In Drobo Dashboard on the All Drobos page, select the appropriate Drobo 5N.Click the Status option on the Navigation menu. The Status page opens.Select the Network Information option from the Status Information drop-down list.

How do I connect my Drobo?

Your Drobo 5N connects to a network using an Ethernet port.Plug one end of the Ethernet cable into the back of your Drobo 5N.Plug the other end into your router or switch.Connect the power supply to the power connection at the back of your Drobo device.Connect the other end of the power supply to a power source.More items...

How do I find my Drobo IP address?

Click the Drobo Settings option on the Navigation menu, and click Network. The Network Settings page opens. For a DroboPro FS or B800fs, this page displays with two Interface buttons, one for each port. For a Drobo FS, one set of IP addresses displays for the one port.

Does Drobo work with Linux?

Drobo-utils is a set of linux tools to query and manage Data Robotics Drobo storage systems.

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