The security element located beneath the elmah element provides a single attribute named allowRemoteAccess: As default, remote access to /elmah.axd isn't allowed meaning that requesting that URL on everything else than localhost, returns af HTTP status code 403.
Full Answer
How do I implement an IP safelist in ASP NET Core?
Client IP safelist for ASP.NET Core. This article shows three ways to implement an IP safelist (also known as a whitelist) in an ASP.NET Core app. You can use: Middleware to check the remote IP address of every request. Action filters to check the remote IP address of requests for specific controllers or action methods.
What is authorization in ASP NET Core?
Authorization is the process of determining whether a user has access to a resource. In ASP.NET Core, authentication is handled by the IAuthenticationService, which is used by authentication middleware.
How do you authenticate in ASP NET Core?
In ASP.NET Core, authentication is handled by the IAuthenticationService, which is used by authentication middleware. The authentication service uses registered authentication handlers to complete authentication-related actions. Examples of authentication-related actions include: Authenticating a user.
How do I enable Cors in ASP NET Core?
When the CORS policy is applied either: Globally by calling app.UseCors in Startup.Configure. Using the [EnableCors] attribute. ASP.NET Core responds to the preflight OPTIONS request. Enabling CORS on a per-endpoint basis using RequireCors currently does not support automatic preflight requests.
When deploying to IIS, does CORS have to run before Windows authentication?
When deploying to IIS, CORS has to run before Windows Authentication if the server isn't configured to allow anonymous access. To support this scenario, the IIS CORS module needs to be installed and configured for the app.
What is AllowAnyOrigin and AllowCredentials?
Specifying AllowAnyOrigin and AllowCredentials is an insecure configuration and can result in cross-site request forgery. For a secure app, specify an exact list of origins if the client must authorize itself to access server resources.
What is enablecors?
The [EnableCors] attribute provides an alternative to applying CORS globally. The [EnableCors] attribute enables CORS for selected endpoints , rather than all endpoints:
How to allow specific headers to be sent in a CORS request?
To allow specific headers to be sent in a CORS request, called author request headers, call WithHeaders and specify the allowed headers :
Why is AllowAnyOrigin insecure?
AllowAnyOrigin is insecure because any website can make cross-origin requests to the app. Note. Specifying AllowAnyOrigin and AllowCredentials is an insecure configuration and can result in cross-site request forgery. The CORS service returns an invalid CORS response when an app is configured with both methods.
How many ways can you enable CORS?
There are three ways to enable CORS:
Can CORS be enabled per endpoint?
With endpoint routing, CORS can be enabled on a per-endpoint basis using the RequireCors set of extension methods:
What is authentication in ASP.NET?
Authentication is the process of determining a user's identity. Authorization is the process of determining whether a user has access to a resource. In ASP.NET Core, authentication is handled by the IAuthenticationService, which is used by authentication middleware. The authentication service uses registered authentication handlers to complete authentication-related actions. Examples of authentication-related actions include:
What is remote authentication handler?
RemoteAuthenticationHandler<TOptions> is the class for authentication that requires a remote authentication step. When the remote authentication step is finished, the handler calls back to the CallbackPath set by the handler. The handler finishes the authentication step using the information passed to the HandleRemoteAuthenticateAsync callback path. OAuth 2.0 and OIDC both use this pattern. JWT and cookies do not since they can just directly use the bearer header and cookie to authenticate. The remotely hosted provider in this case:
What are registered authentication handlers and their configuration options called?
The registered authentication handlers and their configuration options are called "schemes".
What should a challenge action let the user know?
A challenge action should let the user know what authentication mechanism to use to access the requested resource.
What is the role of authentication?
Authentication is responsible for providing the ClaimsPrincipal for authorization to make permission decisions against. There are multiple authentication scheme approaches to select which authentication handler is responsible for generating the correct set of claims: Authentication scheme.
Does ASP.NET Core have multi tenant authentication?
ASP.NET Core framework does not have a built-in solution for multi-tenant authentication. While it's certainly possible for customers to write one, using the built-in features, we recommend customers to look into Orchard Core for this purpose.
Can authorization policies be used with multiple schemes?
If multiple schemes are used, authorization policies (or authorization attributes) can specify the authentication scheme (or schemes) they depend on to authenticate the user. In the example above, the cookie authentication scheme could be used by specifying its name ( CookieAuthenticationDefaults.AuthenticationScheme by default, though a different name could be provided when calling AddCookie ).
What can you use to check the remote IP address of every request?
You can use: Middleware to check the remote IP address of every request. MVC action filters to check the remote IP address of requests for specific controllers or action methods. Razor Pages filters to check the remote IP address of requests for Razor pages. In each case, a string containing approved client IP addresses is stored in an app setting.
What is HTTP GET request?
An HTTP GET request, the [ServiceFilter] attribute validates the client IP address. If access is allowed to the Get action method, a variation of the following console output is produced by the action filter and action method:
What is MVC action filter?
MVC action filters to check the remote IP address of requests for specific controllers or action methods.
Is access allowed if the array contains the IP address?
Access is allowed if the array contains the IP address. Otherwise, an HTTP 403 Forbidden status code is returned.

Network Sharing Options and Windows Firewall
Update Windows Firewall Settings
- In this example, the locally running web app uses the port number of 7314. Therefore, we need to register a new inbound firewall rule to allow access through the port number. Open “Windows Firewall with Advanced Security” through Control Panel and create a new rule with options below: 1. Rule Type: Port 2. Protocol: TCP 3. Port Number: 7314 4. Acti...
Updating IIS Express Configurations Directly
- When we install VS, IIS Express is also installed at the same time. Its default configuration file is located at somewhere but each solution that VS 2015 creates has its own settings that overwriting the default one and it’s stored to the .vs folder like: Open applicationhost.configfor update. Add another bindingwith my local IP address like: We can easily find our local IP addres…
Conveyor – Visual Studio Extension
- Conveyor can sort out this hassle. At the time of this writing, its version is 1.3.2. After installing this extension, run the debugging mode by typing the F5 key again and we will be able to see a new window like: The Remote URL is what we’re going to use. In general, the IP address would look like 192.168.xxx.xxx, if we’re in a small network (home, for example), or something differen…