Remote-access Guide

antsle remote access

by Mina Feeney DVM Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

How to set up an antsle?

Setup is easy! Actually, it’s super easy. Here’s our famous five minute installation process: 1. Unpack your Antsle. We hope your like your packaging! 2. Connect Power and Network . Important: Make sure you connect your LAN cable to the correct LAN port on the backside of the Antsle, as depicted.

What does it mean when Antsle is on?

When your Antsle is on, it will periodically send a "heartbeat" signal to our servers so that you can see it in antHill. (You can turn this feature off in antMan Services once the Antsle is activated, if you so choose).

What is Anthill used for?

antHill is a central account, hosted on Antsle which is used to link ownership of your physical servers to a single profile. antHill allows you to restore backups between servers and also is where you manage your subscriptions, or can get support.

Where is the IPMI password on Antsle?

Some Antsle one D models have a custom IPMI password that you can find on a sticker above the IPMI port on the back of your Antsle. Out of the box, the IPMI shares the 'br0' interface (bottom left port in the group of four) and will obtain its own IP address from DHCP. This address is not seen in antMan.

How long does it take to boot an antsle?

Power on your Antsle and allow a few minutes for the boot process.

Do you need to activate an antsle?

Activation is not a strict requirement to use your Antsle. If you have trouble activating, you still have full access and use of your Antsle.

How to log in to Antsle?

Login to your Antsle via ssh root@antsle_name.local.

What ports does Antsle forward to?

The port forwarding in your router will send it onwards to your Antsle - forward ports 80 and 443 to the private IP address of the Antsle (displayed in antMan).

Does Antlet need a bridged NIC?

The first option requires the antlet to have a bridged NIC and be addressed directly. The traffic for each antlet/webserver would require a unique public IP address or use a unique port number for the router to direct the traffic to the correct antlet IP address. Here the certificate files are installed and handled by the antlet

Can nginx forward to antlet?

The second option allows nginx to connect to the proper antlet based on the URL in the header of the request. This is desireable because you can forward traffic ( at the router) for multiple sites to one IP address, the private IP address of the Antsle. The certificate files are installed and handled by nginx on the edgeLinux OS.

What IP address does Antsle use?

If working on the same local network as the antsle, the domain name must resolve to the private IP of the antsle. If accessing remotely from the public internet, the domain name must resolve to your gateway/router public IP address and the router must forward port 443 to the antsle's private IP address.

What port does Antlet use?

You can add as many '-L' mappings as you like. The first kvm antlet started will use port 6900 for its console. The second kvm antlet started will use port 6901... and so on.

What port is AntMan listening to?

The command maps a local port (3333 in this case) to the remote port (3000) via an ssh tunnel - antMan is listening on port 3000. Now you can enter the following url in your browser to open the remote antMan

How to use upstream block?

In the 'upstream' block replace the word 'example' with your domain name and enter the server IP address. For example if the domain name is '' and the antlet address is and listening on port 8080, then the upstream block would look like this:

Does Antlet need a bridged NIC?

The first option requires the antlet to have a bridged NIC and be addressed directly. The traffic for each antlet/webserver would require a unique public IP address or use a unique port number for the router to direct the traffic to the correct antlet IP address. Here the certificate files are installed and handled by the antlet

Can you use SSH to tunnel AntMan?

SSH can be used to create a 'reverse tunnel' to antMan. The nice thing about this is the only configuration required is to create the port forwarding rule in the router. No additional nginx configuration or ssl certificates are required.

Can you access Antlet with InstantSSL?

With InstantSSL configured, you can now securely access your antlets--just like antMan--via https. You can reach an https server on an antlet with the antlet name and subdomain.

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