If you do not have a Remote Access account, contact the D. Samuel Gottesman Library Reference Department, askref@einsteinmed.org or 718.430.3104. Please note: Your Library record must be up to date. All outstanding fines need to be paid.
How to contact iLab support?
EMAIL: Send an email to the iLab Support Team at ilab-support@agilent.com
What is iLab software?
The iLab Solutions Core Facility Management software (iLab) replaced the Shared Facilities Management System (SFMS) in February 2015. iLab allows researchers to reserve time on devices or submit service requests to Einstein Core Facilities that are setup to use the system. It also provides Einstein with a centralized billing system for core services. This page provides information to assist new and existing users with accessing and navigating the system.
What AD is used for iLab?
Effective immediately, the iLab system uses Montefiore Active Directory (AD) for sign in. Users will no longer use YUAD in front of their user name to log into the system. Users will still access the system by going to https://einstein.ilabsolutions.com but will now use their Montefiore AD credentials to access iLab (see these instructions for more details). Additionally, some users will require a browser fix to access iLab from campus due to the introduction of Bluecoat to verify certificates of secure sites being accessed from Einstein: If you have any difficulties logging in, please email us at ilabadministrator@einstein.yu.edu.